Posts Tagged Christmas

5 BIG Things for this Week: 12/13

Jesus commands us to make disciples by: going, baptizing, and teaching to obey. Our strategy for making disciples with Jesus is to have Gospel Conversations to be GOING to our neighbors and nations, and to be a part of a GROUP that grows, cares, and equips.

  • Gospel Conversations: Dedicate a group meeting to allow for each group member to practice sharing their testimony in five minutes. There are three phases of sharing your testimony:
    • 1. What was your life like before Christ?
    • 2. How did you come to know Christ?
    • 3. What is your life like after putting your faith in Christ? Provide any constructive feedback after each group member shares their story.
  • Going: Volunteer to engage the community by serving at the Parking Lot Christmas on 12/13. Email Amy-Jo for details: [email protected].
  • Grow: Ring in the New Year by picking a reading plan to go through together or use the YouVersion app.
  • Care: Since Group Christmas parties can’t be in-person festive as in past years, why not spice up Christmas spirit by creating “My Small Group Playlist” on Spotify and have members add their favorite Christmas and worship songs to listen to during workouts, drives, or chores around the house.
  • Equip: A unique way to celebrate Christmas and get to know more about each other in your Group is to share how the birth of Jesus has changed your life. Discuss who is and isn’t baptized in your group. Have those who have been baptized share their experience and discuss how to help facilitate the baptisms of those who haven’t yet. Contact Todd Bishop [email protected] to find out how to get baptized.

5 BIG Things for this Week: December 6

**Special Opportunity**

We are hosting a parking lot event for our community at the Brentwood Campus on December 13; we pray many lost and searching show up to hear the Gospel of Jesus. Here’s how we as the Adult Groups Ministry can partner:

  1. Donate/fund a fire pit for smores.
  2. Work the Watch Party Booth
    1. The Watch Party Kits are to encourage lost and searching families to watch the Christmas Concert and respond to the Gospel. Here’s what’s in them that you can donate, help put together (12/9), or distribute the night of (12/13):
      Inside the kits we will have these items:

 + A recipe card complete with the ingredients needed to make Christmas Popcorn. (A bag of popcorn and peppermint Hershey kisses)                                                                                     +Hot chocolate packets for families.
+ A conversation card with prompts created by The Worship team to allow small groups or families   to have follow up conversations and next steps
+ A interactive activity sheet for Children as they watch the Christmas Concert
+ Working with Missions to determine an insert from them.
+Social Media Challenge for families/Small groups to use as they are watching the concert

Jesus commands us to make disciples by: going, baptizing, and teaching to obey. Our strategy for making disciples with Jesus is to have Gospel Conversations to be GOING to our neighbors and nations, and to be a part of a GROUP that grows, cares, and equips.

  • Gospel Conversations: We plan to use 3 Circles as our base training and then to equip contextually from there. Check out Jimmy Scroggins presentation HERE.
  • Going: Remember that part of Going is staying, that is, serving on-campus. Ushers, Greeters, Welcome Desk, Teachers, Childcare, and many other needs can be served each Sunday. Consider with your group how you might support your local church family through service. See some opportunities HERE.
  • Grow: The number one predictor of spiritual growth is daily engagement with the Bible. How are you helping your group engage the Bible day-by-day?
  • Care: Reach out to those enrolled in your group but who haven’t participated in a month, especially those who have refused to join by Zoom. Call, text, or email them to let them know the group misses them and prays for them.
  • Equip: Part of making a disciple is learning our own testimony and helping others share theirs. Have someone in group (ask this person a few days before meeting time) share their testimony.