Posts Tagged foster

LIFE Groups on Mission: Gracewalk LIFE Group

Eddie received a call from a Rutherford County Foster Care Ministry asking whether there’s any group who could help a family who just welcomed into their home 3 foster kids a week before Christmas. The family was overwhelmed to provide a joyous Christmas experience at the last minute. Eddie reached out to the Gracewalk group, and here’s what happened:
Paul, Steve and I wanted to reply to you regarding the testimony requested. I’m not sure it’s much of a story. Due to the urgency and the very short time frame that we had to respond (people going out of town, etc.) three of us kicked in the money and then John Matlock went shopping with her at Target getting presents the kids wanted along with things the kids needed. They got tons of presents.  I think it meant a lot to this foster Mom. John really did the lion’s share, meeting her after work and going shopping with her. We were made aware of the need on the Wednesday before Christmas I think. The money (about $500) got pulled together on Thursday and the gifts were bought on Friday night with John’s sweet help.  It was a blessing to the four of us who participated. I am sure our class would have responded in a big way if we had had the time to do it that way. Our class loves getting to minister to orphans and foster kids. It is a primary focus of our class and we are blessed to be able to participate in loving on these young ones in name of Jesus! 😀
Blessings, Karen and Steve
We find it stunning how Karen naturally plays down what has become the Christian normal for Brentwood Baptist LIFE Groups. This story is incredible and Jesus’ name was made known for this family, the new foster kids, and all of the friends, neighbors, and co-workers with whom they interact. Thank you Gracewalk, thank you Steve and Karen for your leadership, thank you John for shopping with the foster mom, and thank you Holy Spirit for opportunity, power, and response. What a privilege it is to serve and partner with Brentwood Campus LIFE Groups!!
Please send us your stories so that we can celebrate together and encourage one another.