Posts Tagged guests

3 Easy Ways to Create a Welcoming Environment in Your LIFE Group

Part 1:  Placing a Greeter at the Door

by Susan Hill 

All of us would agree that we want our LIFE Group to be hospitable and inviting for
first-time guests. But the truth is, the longer a LIFE Group has been together, the greater the risk that the group will focus inward and lose sight of hospitality and the needs of newcomers. The shift is never intentional, but it sometimes happens. The great news is there are simple steps that group members and leaders can take to be proactive in creating and maintaining a welcoming environment for visitors.
One of the simplest things that will create a great impact is to place a greeter at the door. People who attend a LIFE Group want to connect to biblical community. They are eager to get to know others in a friendly atmosphere.  A greeter adds a personal touch that creates a welcoming environment that puts visitors at ease.
Placing a greeter at the door of your LIFE Group sends the message that visitors are anticipated and welcomed. Also, it provides the newcomer a contact person who can introduce them to other members of the class and help them get connected.
Remember, first-time guests often feel awkward attending a group where they may not know anyone. A friendly face at the door who is willing to answer questions, tell the visitor what to expect, and introduce them to group members will go a long way in making the newcomer feel welcome.
When Paul describes the characteristics of true Christians in Romans 12:13 he writes, “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” As church leaders, we have been given the astounding privilege and responsibility to teach people about the good news of Jesus Christ. As we consider how to minister to those who have been entrusted to our care, let’s be intentional about creating a warm and welcoming environment in our LIFE Groups.