Leadership Training

Why is training important?

Jesus equipped His disciples. At the end of Matthew 9, Jesus draws attention to the vast need for more workers… “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” In Matthew 10, Jesus sends his disciples out to the lost sheep of Israel and gives them specific instructions of what to do and what not to do. He teaches them to see the need around them; to understand their task; to face the realities of their task in light of expected challenges; and value commitment to their task.
As Life Group leaders, you have the important task of leading people spiritually. You’re given the responsibility to reach people where they are, and through teaching God’s Word, help lead them to where they need to be on their journey with Christ. It’s a noble calling that must not be taken lightly. In order to remain competent and relevant, ongoing training must be valued so that you can best carry out the ministry that God has called you.
This portion of the website is dedicated to training Life Group leaders at Brentwood Baptist Church.

What is the Transformational LIFE Strategy?

The goal of our LIFE Groups is to see transformation occur in the lives of people. In LIFE Groups, we seek to LOVE one another, INVOLVE ourselves in community, FOCUS on God’s Word, and ENGAGE the world. We want to build communities where the personality and deeds of Jesus flow naturally through us whenever and wherever we live, work and play. For more information on the Transformational LIFE Strategy and its importance, click here.

Important Documents for LIFE Groups

Baptist Faith & Message (1963/1998) LIFE Group Leader Covenant Questionnaire LIFE Leader Job Descriptions