Session Title: The Church Prayed for Peter

Life Point: God wants His followers to pray for people

Life Verse: “Pray constantly.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Weekly Bible Verses: “Pray for one another.” James 5:16b

Bible Passage: Acts 12:5-19

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Pray for Others Bucket
Decorate a bucket with words, stickers, and pictures that have to do with prayer. On popsicle sticks (the bigger ones would probably work better) have students write the names of people they can pray for. They can then take the bucket home and pull different sticks on the different days to help them pray for people. Also give them some blank sticks to they can add to their buckets.
Click here for more info

Five Finger Prayer
The site below does a great job of explaining how to teach the five finger prayer to children. This kind of prayer will help them to know who and what to pray about in their prayers.
Click here for more info

Game: Prayer Balloons
Come up with a list of names to write on a card. These names could be people you know of that need prayer, or groups of needy people throughout the world. Place the names separately on small cards or pieces of paper that can be rolled up and placed within the balloon before blow-ing up the balloons. Have the kids toss the balloon into the air and have them try to keep the balloon up in the air for at least 30 seconds. When this is complete, ring a bell or call time. The child who catches the balloon pops it and the name on the paper is read out loud. The class then says a simple one or two sentence prayer for the name on the list.
Click here for more info

Game: Musical Chair Prayers
Write out cards that have the names of people and tribes that might not get to hear about Je-sus. Tape three of these to each chair in various places. Start the music and have the kids walk around the chairs. When the music stops have them kneel in front of a chair and find one of the hidden cards. Have them pray for a minute for the name on the card. Pick up the cards and re-peat the activity until the cards are all gone. Then show the children how many different groups they have prayed for.
Click here for more info

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