Unit: God Changes People

Session Title: Miriam

Life Point: People’s thoughts and attitudes should honor God.

Life Verse: “If you love Me, you will keep My commands.” John 14:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “Love the Lord your God, obey Him, and remain faithful to Him. For He is your life, and He will prolong your life.” Deuteronomy 30:20

Bible Passage: Numbers 12

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Beattitudes Board
This week is not about the beattitudes but it is about having a good attitude. Below I have attached a picture of a jumping off point for a craft you could do with your kids. You could do it on construction paper or anything else you could think of!
Click here for more info
beattitudes craft

Craft: Attitude Wheel
You will have to adapt this idea since it is done on a lazy susan and hung on a wall in their home. But you could make something like this to help remind kids to have a good attitude each day. They had some fun ways of describing good attitudes but you could come up with you own as well.
Click here for more info

Craft: Keys to Obedience
This is a cute idea for the younger grades. All the instructions are on the website below. I would change the verse to either the key verse or weekly verse for this week.
Click here for more info

Craft: Trusting God Footprints
All the instructions are on the pdf below. With this craft you will want to talk about how when Aaron and Miriam did not obey God, they also were not trusting God.
Trusting God Footprints PDF
From: Super Duper Fun & Exciting Absolutely Thought Igniting Bible Activities for Kids

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