Unit: God Changes People

Session Title: Saul

Life Point: God loves and forgives people when they ask for forgiveness.

Life Verse: “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31

Weekly Bible Verses: “Immediately he began proclaiming Jesus in the synagogues: ‘He is the Son of God.’” Acts 9:20

Bible Passage: Acts 8-9

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

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Craft: Saul to Paul Mask
Easy craft to do with younger children. All instructions and template on website.
Click here for more info

Activity: Name Transformer
To start this activity – let children first be silly and transform their own names, using ONLY the letters that are in their names but switching the letters around to make a silly name. Then tell children about Saul’s name being changed to Paul after he met Jesus and let children make a banner that will hang over their shoulder with a name that might describe a child of God — such as Faithful, Christian, Believer, or ideas from our lesson today.
Click here for more info

Activity: Blindfold Drawing
Have the kids put on a blindfold and then ask them to draw different things. Some can be hard and some easier. The kids will have a great laugh looking at what they drew but will also understand what its like to be blind.
Click here for more info

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