Unit: God’s Amazing Power

Session Title: Samson

Life Point: God can use people, even when they make mistakes.

Unit Verse: “His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness.” 2 Peter 1:3a

Weekly Bible Verse: “His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness.” 2 Peter 1:3a

Bible Passage: Judges 13-16

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Samson’s Hair
A fun hat to make with the story of Samson. Instructions on the below website.
Click here for more info

Craft: Giant Paper Chain
You could use this to tell the Bible story but I would not suggest each child making one. Instructions are on the website.
Click here for more info

Activity: Strength’s List
• Split the class into 2 groups.
• Give each group a piece of paper and marker.

“In our Bible Story today, we talked about Samson. What was special about Samson? (allow for responses) Right, Samson was very strong. God gave Samson physical strength. Samson didn’t always use it for God and in the way God wanted him to. But, in the end, Samson leaned on God’s strength. God has given us all strengths. Strengths are things that we are good at. Some people are good at drawing, singing, speaking, etc. Every gift comes from God and should be used for God.

In your groups, make a list of things that the people of your group are good at. Then, write how those strengths can be used for God. When time is up, you’re going to share your lists with the rest of the class.”

Let the children make and share their lists.
Click here for more info

Game: Weight Lifting
Children can be divided into teams for weight lifting. The teacher can have various objects for each team to come up to the line and LIFT the weight (box, toy, rock, ball, shoes, bar bells, food box, etc). Go from lighter objects to heavier.
Click here for more info

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