Unit: Telling Others About Jesus

Session Title: Peter and Cornelius

Life Point: God wants people to be involved in his work around the world.

Unit Verse: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31

Weekly Bible Verse: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations… And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Bible Passage: Acts 10

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

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Activity: Animal Sort
You can use this activity after you tell the story. Have two signs, one that says yes and one that says no. Have a variety of stuffed animals or plastic animals and have the students classify the animals based on the story.
Click here for more info

Way to Introduce Story
Before class prepare small pieces of paper–one for each child. Write the letter “J” on a few of the cards and the letter “G” on the rest. Tape the pieces of paper underneath each chair in your classroom. When you are ready to begin class tell the children that you have something wonderful to tell them. It is the best news in the whole world. Ask them to look underneath their chairs. “All of you who have the letter “J” may come up and here the good news.” Whisper “Jesus loves you” in the ears of those who have the letter “J.”

How does it feel when you only get to hear the good news if you have the letter “J?” In the days when our bible story took place the Jewish people thought that only Jews should hear the good news about Jesus. That means that they would have to be born into a Jewish family. If you weren’t born into a Jewish family then you were a gentile. The only way you could hear about Jesus was to first study and learn about God and then promise to follow the Jewish religion. Let’s see what God had to say about that.
Click here for more info

Memory Verse Game: Love Run
Before class time, the teacher will hide paper hearts around the room with LOVE quotes them. The quotes should be sayings such as, JESUS LOVES ME, LOVE ONE ANOTHER, JESUS LOVES THE LITTLE CHILDREN, LOVE AS I HAVE LOVED YOU. To begin the game, the teacher will say some-thing like “All children wearing something RED, run and find a heart and bring it back to your circle” or “Children who have shoe strings, run and find a heart.” The game continues until all the hearts have been found. Let children tape their hearts to a large poster and begin discussing today’s lesson and what each heart says and how it applies to each child with examples from the children!
Click here for more info

Craft: Heart Bookmark
Let each child draw and cut out a medium size heart out of construction paper. Write today’s Bible verse or words from today’s lesson and decorate with stickers and a ribbon at the top. Stick in their Bibles after finding today’s Bible verse in their own Bibles.
Click here for more info

Activity: Love Others or Love Self
Respond either by saying, “Loving others” or “Loving self.” The teacher’s answer key is in parentheses.
(LO) 1. Meagan carries her brother’s backpack because he is too tired.
(LO) 2. Jerry cooks dinner for his parents while they are working.
(LS) 3. Clarence takes his brother’s toy without asking because he wants it.
(LS) 4. Monique decides she wants to go watch a movie instead of help with the church fundraiser.
(LS) 5. Robby shoves into line at the potluck because he is hungry.
(LO) 6. Jonathan gives up his seat on the bus to an elderly woman.
(LO) 7. Sarah helps her neighborhood friend with her homework every week.
(LO) 8. Jeremy helps an old man load groceries into his vehicle.
(LS) 9. Mason sees someone waiting for a parking space, but he hurries up and takes it before the other person can.
(LS) 10. Erica wants to watch her favorite TV show, so she ignores her mother’s instructions.
(LO) 11. You spend time volunteering at an orphanage every weekend.
(LO) 12. You see someone who doesn’t appear to have much money, so you pay for his lunch.
(LS) 13. Devon sees that someone left their wallet at the pool. He takes it, hoping there is some money in it so that he can buy a video game.
(LS) 14. Bonita sits down next to a person on the bus who is crying but just turns her music up louder, planning to drown out the sound.
(LO) 15. Levi just got an ice cream cone when he sees a smaller child is crying because he dropped his. Levi offers the boy his ice cream.
(LS) 16. Martin sees someone walking behind him, but when he goes through the door he doesn’t bother to hold it open for them. He figures they can open it themselves.
(LS) 17. Loretta is driving home from work and sees someone who is having car trouble. Instead of stopping to help, she just continues home because she wants to have time to soak in the tub.
(LO) 18. Although Reagan is still hungry, she gives the rest of her food to her baby sister who did not get enough to eat and is crying.
(LO) 19. Josh wants to play a different video game than his brother, but he lets his brother choose.
(LO) 20. Even though this little kid in the neighborhood really irritates you, you still agree to play with him for a while.
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