Unit: Following God’s Plan

Session Title: Paul Preached to an Angry Crowd

Life Point: Sometimes people have to hear a message from God they do not like.

Unit Verse: “Come and listen, all who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me.” Psalm 66:16

Weekly Bible Verse: “Speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into him who is the head – Christ.” Ephesians 4:15

Bible Passage: Acts 21:27-22:29

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Cards for Missionaries
Find out the names of some of the missionaries that our church supports and share facts about their work with the students. You might write notes or send a picture of your class to the missionaries.
Click here for more info

Craft: Mission Flags
This would be a good way to remind the students of the different places to pray for. You don’t have to do just countries but could use state flags as well.
Click here for more info

Game: Telephone
A classic game that is about how a story changes as it is retold over and over. This would be a great game to help drive the point about telling people about Jesus but also making sure your message is clear so it does not get messed up between people.

Craft: Jesus Loves You Doorknob Hanger
Children can share the messages of Jesus love with others by making them doorknob hangers. Cut a piece of card stock to be 2 feet long and 6 inches wide. Cut a hole out of the top big enough to fit over a doorknob. Color the words “Jesus Loves Me” on a piece of colored construction paper. Cut it out and staple, or glue it just under the hole for the doorknob. Next, cut four hearts out of construction paper and write one letter on each heart so that you spell out “LOVE.” Staple or glue the hearts single file from top to bottom on the doorknob hanger. Share the weekly verse John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” with the person you give the doorknob hanger to.

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