Unit: God Loves the World!

Session Title: Paul Wrote a Letter to Timothy

Life Point: The Bible helps people understand God loves them
Unit Verse: “Give thanks to the God of heaven! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 136:26
Weekly Bible Verse: “Give thanks to the God of heaven! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 136:26
Bible Passage: 2 Timothy 1:1-15; 3:14-17

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Game: Books of the Bible Basketball Toss
Say: “We learned in our Bible story that Timothy’s mother and grandmother taught him about God. Who are some people who teach us about God?”

  • Continue: “Our Bible verse, 2 Timothy 3:15 says, ‘Since you were a child, you have learned from the Bible.’ God likes it when we learn about Him. We can learn about God by reading the Bible. Let’s play a game using the names of the Bible books.”
  • Say: “I will show you a book name. Tell me if the book is in the Old or New Testament. If you are correct, you may attempt a one-, two-, or three-point shot. If you make a basket, your team will receive the points.”
  • Form two teams. Select a team to begin.
  • Display a “Flash Card.”
  • Allow the child to state the Old Testament or New Testament. • Invite the child to shoot the basketball into the goal. Award points.
  • Continue playing as time permits, alternating teams.
  • Say: “Our parents teach us many things. They teach us to play sports, toride our bikes, and how to read and write. God wants our parents to teach us about Him. God wants families to worship together. We can worship with our families as we read and learn from the Bible.”
  • Pray, thanking God for people, especially parents, who teach about God.
    Click here for more information.

Craft: Bible Scroll
Using brown construction paper and two crafts sticks, rods, or pencils make a scroll. Have children write 1 Timothy 3:16 and draw a picture of the story on the scroll. They could also draw the people they learn about God from on their scroll. Roll it up and tie with yarn. Talk about how the bible used to be on scrolls and how it was read to children on scrolls.
Click here for more information.

Craft: Make something for a Younger Class
This is a great idea for 3rd, 4th and 5th to for either the first grade classes or even the kindergarten. They could make them cards, posters or something to tell the younger ones what they have learned about God. Explain that as they get older they become models for the younger kids and can teach them about God. If you did this at the beginning of the class you could then take it at the end. You will want to coordinate with the younger class’s teacher or the wing coordinators to make sure you have enough for everyone in the class. For the first graders this could also be their welcome into children’s ministry.
Click here for more information.

Craft: Scroll Memory Verses
Just like the bible was written on scrolls back in Paul’s time have students write the memory verse on a scroll. You would need to get tan or brown paper and then maybe tear and wrinkle it some. You can use dowel rods or any other kind of rod to help roll the scroll up. You will also want something to tie the two ends together.

Craft: Bookmark
Make a bookmark to help students mark special places in their bibles. Students could also make a bookmark to give to another person. The students could write the memory verse on their bookmark or other things to help them remember important things about the bible.

Game: Bible Tag
Group kids into 2 teams. Invite the students to play “bible tag” and explain that the game is similar to “freeze tag”. When a player is tagged by someone from the other team, the player must freeze in place. Kids must tag their frozen teammate to free him, he must say “The Bible is God’s Word”. Tell the students that the team with the fewest frozen players when you call time is the winner for that round. You can play many rounds.

Source: Super, Duper Fun and Exciting Absolutely Thought Igniting Bible Activities for Kids

Game: God Preserves His Word!
We will learn in our lesson today that God’s Word can never be destroyed. People over the years have tried to get rid of God’s Word, but they will never succeed. Play this fun game to remember that God will always preserve His Word. The only supply needed is a Bible.

Have children stand in a large circle, holding their hands behind their backs. Choose someone to stand in the center of the circle. Explain to the children that you will be giving one of the persons in the circle the Bible. The object is for the chosen child to pass the Bible to the child next to them and that child onto the next, etc., all behind their backs. After 30 seconds, the child in the middle will have to guess which child is holding the Bible. Make sure to let the children know in the circle that they all can pretend to be receiving the Bible to try to throw off the child in the middle.

The children should continue passing the Bible for 30 seconds. Say, “stop” and allow the child in the middle to guess who has the Bible. If the guess is correct, the person holding the Bible becomes the next center person. If the guess is incorrect, have the kids continue passing the Bible. Play a few rounds to give other children opportunity to play. As you begin your lesson time you can share about how that in some countries it is illegal to have a Bible and many people try to get rid of God’s Word. But God’s Word will always stand. And just like it was hard for the person in the middle of the circle to find the Bible, the enemies of God will never be able to completely rid the world of God’s Word.
Click here for more information.

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