Session Titles: Daniel’s Choice

Life Point: The truths in the Bible never change

Unit Bible Verse: “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

Weekly Bible Verses: “The entirety of your word is true, each of your righteous judgments endures forever.” Psalm 119:160

Bible Passage: Daniel 1:1-20

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Game: Scavenger Hunt
Hide vegetables (real or plastic) in small batches around the room; hide at least one vegetable per kid. Allow the group to move around the room together, searching for the vegetables. Give instructions such as “look higher,” “look lower,” “move to the left,” “turn around,” and so on.

When kids find vegetables, they may each claim one and bring it to you. Allow kids to hunt until each kid has claimed a vegetable.

Game: Mystery Bags
Place a variety of different vegetables and fruits into opaque plastic bags, one kind of food per bag. Invite a child to reach into the bag and feel the mystery food. She will then describe what she feels, and the other kids will guess what the food is. If they are correct, select a new volunteer, allowing him to reach into a new bag and describe the next food. If they are incorrect, allow the kid feeling the food to guess what it is. If she is incorrect, open the bag and show everyone the food. For more of a challenge, consider prepping the foods in different ways before placing them into the bags. You can try slicing, peeling, or chopping different foods to make them harder to guess.

Game: Toss the Fruit
Form two teams of kids. At one end of the room, place two baskets. Instruct the kids to line up at the other end of the room. Provide toy fruits and vegetables for each team, one per kid. Kids will take turns tossing their vegetables or fruits into their team’s basket. If a kid misses, he must toss again until his fruit or vegetable lands in the basket and stays in. Then that child will move to the end of the line, and the next kid will toss her fruit or vegetable.

Game: Tossed Salad
If you are using chairs, place them in a circle. As kids arrive, give each one the name of a vegetable (carrot, zucchini, lettuce, onion, celery). Tell kids to stand (or sit) in a circle. Choose one kid to stand in the middle of the circle. Call out a vegetable; kids with that name will switch places. The one in the middle tries to get one of the vacated places. Whoever ends up without a place stands in the middle. After a few turns, call out two vegetables to switch. Call out: “Tossed salad!” Everyone switches places. Comment that vegetables will be a part of the Bible story.

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