Session Titles: Jesus Washed the Disciples Feet

Life Point:
Jesus taught people to serve others

Unit Bible Verse:
“The Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

Weekly Bible Verses: “
Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10

Bible Passage
: John 13:1-7, 14-15

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Serving Trays
Kids design serving trays as they learn how Jesus showed his disciples how to serve others.

What Kids Will Need: aluminum pans, white paint, paintbrush, tempera paint, paper plates, rubber craft stamps, rickrack, craft glue, marker, snacks.

Preparation: A few days before this activity, paint each aluminum pan white. On the day of the craft, squeeze a little paint onto several paper plates, and place these within children’s reach.

What Kids Will Do: Give each child a white aluminum pan. Write each child’s name on the bottom of his or her pan. Guide children in lightly dipping rubber stamps in paint and then pressing the stamp once or twice on a paper plate to remove excess paint. Let children stamp designs on the white pans. To trim pan edges, children may glue rickrack around the perimeter. As children work, let them brainstorm ideas for using their trays.

While trays dry, ask children to assist you in cleaning up and putting away craft supplies. Open your Bible to John 13:1-17, and tell the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.

Then ask: What does it mean to serve someone? Why do you think Jesus washed the disciples’ feet? What do you think Jesus hoped the disciples would learn about serving?

Say: Jesus washed the disciples’ feet to show them how much he loved them. He wanted his disciples to learn to serve and love others too. Jesus wants us to serve and love people, just like his disciples did. We can show love by serving and helping others.

Let the children serve each other snacks, using the trays they just made.

Craft: Feet Washing Bowl
Use Styrofoam bowls and paint the inside bottom of the bowl with blue tempera paint. Then have the children make footprints with brown paint. Cut them out and add the verse and saying to the feet. Then glue to the edge of the bowl

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