Session Titles: Priscilla and Aquila Learned about Jesus

Life Point: Jesus wants people to love Him

Unit Bible Verse: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “Let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7

Bible Passage: Acts 18:1-4;18-28

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Make a Tent
Make a tent with Priscilla and Aquila

Craft: Love Banner
Make a banner using 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Look at the website below to see how to make. You may to prepare these ahead of time for the younger classes and then have them decorate them.

Game: Timed Tents
Divide the kids into teams of five or less and challenge them to make a tent. Provide chairs, a single sheet, pillows and a few decorations. Be clear they have a time limit of five minutes, use a visible timer. Let the children sit in their tents for the story or continue to improve them in the activity time.

Game: Professions Charades
A simplified charades game. Cut up the profession cards provided and place them into a bag. Have the children pull out a card and act out the profession. Sounds and words are allowed for younger groups.

Craft: Thank You Cards
List as many careers as possible. Let children describe how they can do each of these jobs in a way that pleases God. Guide them in thinking of ways they could share about Jesus while they are doing that job.  Example: Doctor- treat patients kindly, give free service to poor people, tell other doctors about Jesus.   Scientist- help show ways that God created the earth. Then have the kids write thank you notes to some people they know who have these professions.

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