Unit: The Nation Grew

Session Titles: Jacob and Rachel

Story Point: Laban tricked Jacob into marrying Leah and Rachel

Big Picture Question: Does God keep His promises?  God always keeps His promises because He is faithful

Unit Bible Verse: “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go and will bring you back to this land.” Genesis 28:15

Bible Passage: Genesis 29-31

Craft: Folded Rachel and Jacob Picture


White Typing Paper



  • The Bible teacher or the student can fold a paper lengthwise and cut along the folded edge to create papers for two students.
  • Folding carefully, make edges meet in the middle and fold.  (See picture above.)
  • Open the paper flat.
  • Draw Jacob on one side near the edge pointing outside.  Draw Rachel the same way. (See picture website.)
  • Draw the well in the middle and the sheep all around, completing with green hills. (See picture on website).
  • Turn paper over and draw “14 years” in the middle of the paper. (See picture on website)
  • Fold the paper so that Jacob and Rachel meet in the middle (See picture on website)


Game: Circle Trickery

Children can join in a large circle. Send one person out of the room and several children can put face veils (bandanas) over their faces and bring the child back into the room to try and be “tricked” with who is behind the veil. Let each child try to guess 3 people and then send another person out of the room and continue to play as time allows. Children can try to trick the one guessing by not speaking or speaking in a different voice, etc.


Game: Word Scrambling

Scramble words from today’s lesson, such as Laban, Jacob, Leah, Rachel, promises, faithful, trust, etc and let children put the letters in the correct order on a poster that is labeled PROMISES. This scrambling can either be done with letters for each word in an envelope to be glued in the correct order on the poster board, or written on a slip of paper for children to write the letters in the right order.


Craft: Promise Acrostics

The teacher can write PROMISES down the left side of a piece of paper for each student. Tell children to write a word next to each letter that starts with that letter, for ideas of how to keep promises.


Craft: Thankful Sunflower

I did this craft last year and it was a hit!!! Basically what I did was have the petals drawn on pieces of yellow paper, give each child two and have them write things or people they are thankful for. Then they will cut out the petals. They will glue them on to a paper plate. Then you can have circles for the middle and they can glue sunflower seeds down. And then last is the green Popsicle stick for the stem. You will want to do this at the beginning of class so they have time to dry before the end of class.


Game: Thankful Scattegories Game (3rd-5th)

Play a game of Thankful Scattegories.

Step #1 – Take a sheet of paper, list the alphabet in two rows as seen in the picture to the left of this. Make enough copies for each guest to have one

Step #2 – Ask each student to fill in the sheet using each  letter to describe something they are thankful for.

Step #3 – Go around the room or table and share what each person wrote for each letter. If anyone has the same answer as another person , cross it off, and the person with the highest number of NOT crossed off items WINS .  Add a little more fun with prizes for the winners.  We found this fun game idea  on


Game: Thanksgiving Minute to Win It Games

The website below has a lot of minute to win it games that are Thanksgiving themed. They are also low on the supply side of things as well.


Gratitude Project a Day

Come up with the students something they can do every day the week of Thanksgiving. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1- Today write a letter letting your teachers know how much you appreciate them.

2- Don’t take things for granted, find something today that you can give to someone who needs it more.

3-Today, find a way to serve your neighbor.

4-Do something nice and totally unexpected for another member of your family

5-Write a letter to someone who has had a big influence in your life.

6- Say “thank you” at least 10 times today.

7- Write 5 Thank You notes today, and MAIL THEM (email does NOT count!)

8- Bake a special treat for someone in your life who you truly appreciate.

9- Give someone a HUG!

10- Do a chore today without being asked.

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