Unit: Toward the Promise Land

Session Titles: Jethro Helped Moses

Story Point: Moses needed help to lead God’s people

Big Picture Question: What is God like? God is holy, good, and loving

Unit Bible Verse: “He said to Him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.”” Matthew 22:37-39

Bible Passage: Exodus 18

Game: 1000’s – 100’s – 50’s – 10’s

Materials needed:  On 9″ x 12″ piece of construction paper, five other smaller different colors of construction paper, stencils of different sized nestled circles, a pencil, scissors, and crayons.

  1. Pass out the piece of 9″ x 12″ paper. This is the background.
  2. Turning the background portrait-style, leave a margin of 3 or 4 inches at the top of the paper before gluing the circles down. This will be where the title is written.
  3. The students will trace five different sized circles that fit into each other. I went through my kitchen, found bowls and lids and traced each circle with a pencil on a different color of paper.
  4. Cut out the circles.
  5. Glue the circles onto the background, beginning with the largest circle.
  6. Write “1000” around the largest circle. (I used orange.)
  7. Write “100” around the next smallest circle. (I used blue.)
  8. Write “50” around the next smallest circle. (I used green.)
  9. Write “10” around the next smallest circle. (I used green.)
  10. Write “Moses” on the smallest circle. (I used purple.)
  11. Write “Jethro’s Great Idea How Moses should Judge The People” and “Exodus 18:1-27” at the top of the paper.
  12. The circles represent the number of people that were judged by a capable man. Moses was in the center because he judged the more difficult problems of the people.


Puzzle: Mount Sinai Puzzle

The website below does a great job explaining this puzzle and outline for the kids to follow along and learn more around this lesson. This would be better for the older kids.


Object Lesson: Tent and Tasting

Make a tent using a bed sheet and string. Tie the four corner to chairs. Bring dates and almonds or other dried fruits and nuts. Remind the children that not too many things grow in the desert.


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