Unit: Toward the Promise Land

Session Titles: Ten Commandments

Story Point: God gave rules to show how to love Him and others

Big Picture Question: What is God like? God is holy, good, and loving

Unit Bible Verse: “He said to Him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.”” Matthew 22:37-39

Bible Passage: Exodus 19-20

Craft: Ten Commandment Sticks

The website below gives great directions for this craft. I would do this with Grades 2nd and higher. I believe we have lots and lots of crafts sticks if you are interested in doing this craft, so that should not be a problem.


Game: Ten Commandments Bowling

This is a lot like the plague bowling idea I gave you all a couple weeks ago. This one you make the pins though which it explains how to do. I think it would be fun for the children to play.


Craft: Ten Commandments Lap Book

This would be great for the lower grades. We do have file folders in the resource room if you are interested in this craft. This will require some preparation on the front end.


Song/Video: Ten Commandment Boogie

This video is a really cute song and dance for the Ten Commandments. I know we sometimes have issues with the internet in the classrooms come talk to Jamie on Sunday morning and she can help you with this. This is geared more towards grades 1-3.


Game: 10 Commandment Matching

The site below has the cards you can print out and either have each kid make a set or make a couple sets for them to play with in class. If they make their own set they can color them as well.


Game: 10 Commandment Toss

All I have as a resource for this is the picture below. Basically it is cups with the numbers 1-10 in them and the children would throw a ping pong ball and try to get it in the cup. When they do they have to tell you the commandment that goes with that number.


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