Unit: Worship in the Wilderness

Session Titles: The Tabernacle Was Built

Story Point: God told His people how to build the tabernacle where He would dwell with them.

Big Picture Question: What is worship? Worship is celebrating the greatness of God

Unit Bible Verse: “The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. This is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” Exodus 15:2

Bible Passage: Exodus 35-40

Craft: Our Gifts to God Class Collage

“In our Bible Verse today, the people brought what they had and gave it to God. We are going to make a class project of things we could give to God.”

  • Lay the large piece of paper on the table or floor
  • Let the children look through the magazines for things they could give to God
  • When they find something, they can rip it out of the magazine and glue it to the large piece of paper

Evaluation: Have the children talk with their neighbors about what special gifts they could give to God.

Great website for Information about Tabernacle
This website is great for information about the Tabernacle also has a template to make a lap book that focuses on the Tabernacle.

Craft: Build a Tabernacle in an Hour
This pdf has great instructions to build a tabernacle in a short time.

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