Unit: Wandering in the Wilderness

Session Titles: The Bronze Snake

Story Point: God told His people to look at the bronze snake to be healed.

Big Picture Question: What does it mean to sin? To sin is to think, speak or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands

Unit Bible Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; In all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Bible Passage: Numbers 20-21

Craft: Bronze Snake/Cross

The picture linked below give an example of this simple craft how the bronze snake on the pole connects to the cross. Also attached is a picture of a snake to cut out.



Craft: Paper Plate Snake

The picture linked below is pretty self explanatory for this craft. Color a paper plate green or bronze. Draw snake head and spiral. Add eyes and tongue to head and add pom pom to tail. Write John 3:14 on the sprial. Cut on the spiral.


Craft: Bead Snake


  • Beads
  • Pipe Cleaner
  • Googley Eyes

String beads onto pipe cleaner in pattern for snake. Fold end (tail) to secure the beads. Make a circle with the other end of the pipe cleaner to make a head. Add google eyes to head with glue


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