October 20

Unit: God Formed a Nation

Session Titles: Abraham and Isaac

Story Point: Abraham trusted God even when he did not understand God’s plan.

Big Picture Question: Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful and does everything for His glory and our good.

Unit Bible Verse: And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:29

Bible Passage: Genesis 22

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Craft: Sharing Bracelets

Make bracelets for the students to wear and share the truth. Remind the kids to be bold and share the truths with others. You can do this with the letter beads. Some examples of acronyms are:

FROG – Fully Rely on Jesus

GAP – God Answers Prayers

LIFE – Living in Faith Everyday

WWJD – Walking with Jesus Daily


Game: Helium Stick

This game will help children to have to work together and teach them to trust each other. To lead children in Helium Stick, instruct them to stand in a circle, hold their arms parallel to the ground and stick out their pointer fingers. Place a light-weight but large object on their outstretched fingers, such as a hula hoop or stick. Tell them they must lower it to the ground without their fingers losing contact. You will find that children are usually surprised when the stick seems to float upwards although they are trying to will it down–hence the name “helium” stick. Help the children develop a sound strategy for moving the “stick” down, such as counting and moving it inch-by-inch or dropping one side at a time.


Game: Snake Game

This is another game where children will have to learn how to work together and trust each other. If you watch the video, it will show you how to play and they explain it as well.


Campus(es): ,

October 13

Unit: God Created Everything

Session Titles: God’s Covenant with Abraham

Story Point: God made a covenant to bless all the world through Abraham

Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King

Unit Bible Verse: “All things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16b-17

Bible Passage: Genesis 12; 15; 17

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Craft: Promises to Abraham

Cute craft to show the promise God made to Abraham. Look at picture below.


Craft: Popsicle Stick Star

Look at the website below to find out how to make popsicle stick stars. After you make the star you could bring out the life verse or weekly bible verse and glue to the top.


Game: God’s Loving Plans

In this game students will follow the leaders plans and find missing envelopes. It is a lot like a scavenger hunt and could be a lot of fun for the students. If you have a smaller class you could hide some of the envelopes in other places in children’s ministry but I would try to keep the majority of it in your room. The attached PDF will give you all the details of the game and how to set it up.

Source: The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry

gods-loving-plans pdf

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October 6

Unit: God Created Everything

Session Titles: The Suffering of Job

Story Point: Job learned that God is good, even in suffering.

Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King

Unit Bible Verse: “All things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16b-17

Bible Passage: Job

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Craft: Job’s Patience

Materials needed:   6″ x 12″ piece of construction paper (any light color), marker, crayons.

  1. Hand out paper.
  2. Fold paper in thirds, so that the two edges meet in the middle. See picture.
  3. On the outside, folded paper, write “Bad Things Happen To Good People Like Job”, writing the word “JOB” is beautiful letters.
  4. Write “Job 1-42” on the outside of the folded paper.
  5. Open up paper completely.
  6. Draw two lines down the folds of the paper.
  7. In the middle section, write “We need to be patient like Job and never blame God.”
  8. On right section, write “BEFORE” at the top and then list what Job possessed, for example, write “Rich,” “7,000 (draw a sheep)”, “3,000 (draw a camel)”, “500 yoke of (draw an ox)”, “500 (draw a donkey)”, and many servants.
  9. On left side, write “AFTER” at the top and then list what Job possessed, for example, “very rich”, “14,00 sheep”, “6,000 camels”, “1,000 yoke of oxen”, “1,000 donkeys”, “many servants”, “10 children”, “lived 140 more years”.
  10. Color pictures of animal and decorate the middle section without covering up the words.


Game: Strength Test (3rd and 5th)

Have the kids do little activities like run from one end to the other 3 times, have them do 5 push ups, carrying a book to one end to the other, how far they can throw a stuffed animal etc. to show how strong they are. Then talk about and relate how God gives us physical strength and the strength we need even in tough times.


Activity: Whose Strength?


  • Bibles
  • 2 Medium Sized Ball
  • Masking Tape

Place a long strip of masking tape on the floor to mark a starting line

Guide the children to find Philippians 4:13 in their bibles. Ask the children who gives strength?

Form two teams. Explain to the children that the first child on each team will run to the opposite end of the room and place the ball between her lower and upper arm, similar to the motion of flexing an arm muscle. Show the children how to do this. Tell the child to squeeze the ball with their arm and say the bible verse loud enough for their team to hear. Instruct them to run with the ball squeezed in their arm to the next child in line. Tell that child to place the ball in their arm, run to the other end of the room and say the bible verse loud enough for their team to hear. Explain that they will continue to squeeze the ball as they run to the next child in line. This continues until each child has had a chance to play.

Source: Brilliant Bible Skills Activities, Lifeway Resources

Object Lesson: God Uses Difficulties for Good


  • Jenga Set

Set up the stacking blocks tower. Raise your hand if you would like to take a turn to remove a block and add it to the top of the stack without knocking it over. Lets see how tall we can build it. Let kids take turns removing a block and placing it on the top of the tower. Stop playing when you run out of time or the tower falls.

Sometimes, it is really difficult to find a block and remove it without knocking over the tower. Playing this game is certainly challenging and might even seem impossible at times. Sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations that seems impossible. These situations can be the result of wrong decisions made, and sometimes they are not.

Even though Job went through very difficult times, God was in control.

God can use difficulties in our lives for good. God loves you. He is with you in hard times, just like He was with Job.

Source: Outstanding Object Lessons for Kids, Lifeway Resources

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September 29

Unit: God Created Everything

Session Titles: Tower of Babel

Story Point: People tried to build a tower to glorify themselves instead of God

Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King

Unit Bible Verse: “All things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16b-17

Bible Passage: Genesis 11

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Craft: Tower of Babel

This will be a craft for older children because it involves some more advanced cutting but I think the students would enjoy doing it. You could also add cotton balls stretched out to the top if you want to add clouds. If you would like to do this craft, the pdf attached has the spiral verse as well as the brick pattern paper. If you would like this paper printed in color please email kpiwko@brentwoodbaptist with how many sheets you need by Thursday the 26th.


Tower of Babel pdf

Object Lesson: Tower

Grab a set of large cardboard blocks. If the children are old enough to write, give each child a sticky note and a pencil. If they do not know how to write, you can let them come up with the ideas while you write. Writing one idea per sticky note, have the kids write one thing that separates us daily from God OR a way that we attempt to make a name for ourselves. As they write an idea on the sticky note, have them stick it to one block. As they finish writing one idea per block, let each child add the block to build a tower.


Activity: Marshmallow Tower

Have the children use mini marshmallows and toothpicks to see who can build the biggest tower.


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September 22

Unit: God Created Everything

Session Titles: Noah and the Ark

Story Point: God punished sin but chose to rescue Noah and his family.

Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King

Unit Bible Verse: “All things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16b-17

Bible Passage: Genesis 6-9

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Science Experiment: Rainbow in A Jar

This looks like a fun thing to do with the children and something they would enjoy watching you do. You maybe could do it with 2 groups if you have a larger class so everyone could see. All the instructions are on the website.


Craft: God’s Promises Rainbow Craft

As your class reads and learns about Noah’s ark, you can make this simple craft to help your children make some of their own covenants.  They can be promises between them and God, or between them and their parents.


Craft: Ark Paper Plate Basket

Don’t miss the boat on this amazing idea for learning about an essential part of the Bible. The Noah’s Ark Paper Plate Craft is the perfect way to learn about Noah, his ark, the animals, and the lessons behind the story. Paper plate crafts are inexpensive ways to get creative, and this frugal find is beneficial in more than one way. Stay interested in this important lesson by designing your ark as you listen to the key plot points. You can even fill your craft project with animal crackers to make this a deliciously educational experience.


Craft: Rainbow Ribbon Dancer

A fun craft for kids and they will love playing with it. All the instructions are on the website. (Disclaimer: Ideas is from a catholic website)


Campus(es): ,

September 15

Unit: God Created Everything

Session Titles: Sin Entered the World

Story Point: Adam and Eve broke God’s law, and their sin separated them from God.

Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King

Unit Bible Verse: “All things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16b-17

Bible Passage: Genesis 3

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Object Lesson: Temptation

I have done this in a class before and it seems to really make the students think about temptation. Bring in cookies, candy, any food item the students would be tempted and want to take. Set it on the table at the beginning of class and put a do not touch sign by it. Students will ask about it and you just tell them they can’t touch it. You can even play with them a little bit and find a reason to leave the room (don’t leave the children alone though) and see if any of them touch them. Talk to them at the end of the lesson about if they were tempted or if it drove them crazy that they could not touch the item.

Craft: Snake

Have students make a snake that they can hang and remind them to walk away from temptation. The website gives pretty good instructions. This is a good short and easy craft if you don’t have much time left. You could make this out of construction paper or foam and could use a number of things to decorate it. You could even have them write the verse on the snake.

There is also a picture of a paper chain snake if you think that would be easier for your children.


Craft: A Cord of Three (Older Kids craft)

Have the children make a bracelet to remind them that through Jesus we are in communion with God. Make three different colored 12” pieces of yarn for each child. Tie a knot about one inch from the end and braid the pieces together. Explain that one represents God the Father; the second, God the Son; and the third, God the Holy Spirit. When there is about one inch left after braiding, tie another knot.

Explain to the children that as they wear their bracelets, they can remember that we have a free relationship with God because of the price paid by Jesus.


Game: Tree of Right and Wrong (written originally for teens but could be used for 3-5)

Adam and Eve thought they had good reasons for eating from the forbidden tree, but they failed at discerning right from wrong. To help students learn how to make correct discernments, draw or paint a tree on plywood or paper and designate one half of it as “Right” and the other half as “Wrong.” Cut apples from construction paper and label each one with a behavior that needs to be defined as right or wrong. Have the students take turns picking the apples from a basket and deciding which half of the tree they should be placed on. Some of the behaviors can be an obvious, such as cheating. Also include behaviors where the correct response might not be clear to young people, or where they may think they have a good reason for doing something questionable, such as covering for a best friend instead of getting them in trouble. Encourage students to discuss these tricky situations and guide them in searching the scriptures for guidance in discerning the correct response.


Object Lesson: A Bite of Truth

Give each student an apple and tell them to enjoy a few bites then set it aside. Have them check the apple 15 minutes later and they will see that the inside has already started to turn brown. Present this as an analogy to Adam and Eve biting into the fruit and exposing the world to deterioration. Also compare it to our personal lives and how quickly they change and suffer when we open ourselves up to negative influences. Though simple, this analogy can make a memorable point.


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September 8

Unit: God Created Everything

Session Titles: God People

Story Point: God created people in His own image, and He loves us.

Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King

Unit Bible Verse: “All things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16b-17

Bible Passage: Genesis 1-2

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Craft: Patterned Paper Self Portrait

Using different patterns of scrapbook paper in similar colors children will create a collage self-portrait. You are going to need to cut the pieces in to smaller pieces before class for the younger students but the older grades can do it themselves. I would also have maybe a template of a boy and girl for the younger students so they don’t get intimidated by drawing a picture of themselves.


Game: In God’s Image

I am adapting this game from the PDF. Basically pick a token out of the bag, it will either say hands, mouth, feet, or ears. When you pull it out you will have children act out and tell you ways they can praise God using that body part. Example would be, you pull out hands and the students could say clap while singing, helping someone pick up something they dropped, making a card for someone who is sick, etc. It helps the student’s to think about how God made them and what they can do with what God has given them. (The link does not work but the PDF is attached)

Created in His Image

Craft: God made me special

This is a pretty easy craft. The details are on the website below. We have boy and girl cutouts for the die cut which is located in the Preschool Resource Room.


Campus(es): ,

September 1

Unit: God Created Everything

Session Titles: God Created the World

Story Point: God created everything, and everything He created was good.

Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King

Unit Bible Verse: “All things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16b-17

Bible Passage: Genesis 1

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Craft: Creator Acrostic
Write the word CREATOR down the side of the paper. For younger kids you can have this already done and for the older kids they could do it themselves. Then have them list something for each letter that God created. They could also draw a picture of that thing next to the word.

Craft: Creation Numbers (All grades)
Using the template attached create numbers that look like what was created on each day. You can use the same materials they suggest or come up with your own idea. May want to get a ziplock bag for kids to keep their numbers in. This will require lots of copies and cutting


Craft: Creation Book (all grades)

You will need the bigger pieces of construction paper and you may need to play with how to get 8 pages (7 days and a cover) from one piece. My suggestion would be to cut the paper in half lengthwise and glue them together then do an accordion fold to make 8 pages. You can either do the numbers and words for them (younger grades) or have them write them. I like the circle for the drawing on the pages but you don’t have to do that.

 Game: Creation Bean Bag Toss (All grades)
You will need 7 things to throw bean bags into (hula hoops or buckets) and then many beanbags. Attached is a bunch of pictures to tape to the bean bags and they are trying to throw the beanbag into the correctly numbered bucket. I don’t know how many beanbags we have but you may need to be creative with things you could put the pictures on and throw into the buckets. I think this would be a very fun and interactive game at the beginning as kids are coming in and something that is easy to join in on.

Game: Rhyme matching game (1st and 2nd)

Watch the YouTube video from the website below and she explains the game and the rhyme. I am pretty sure you could find die cuts for all the different days if needed.

Creation Snack Mix

You could do this as an in class snack or as a snack for the kids to take a share with someone after class. The labels are below and it has all the ingredients on it. If you choose to do this make sure you have the allergy alert sign up with all the ingredients. This is something I think children will really enjoy!

Campus(es): ,

August 25

Session Titles: Paul Taught in Rome

Life Point: People can tell others about Jesus

Unit Bible Verse: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “Go therefor, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20

Bible Passage: Acts 27-28

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Craft: Paul’s Boat

Make a boat out of a paper plate. The picture shows what the craft would look like.

Food: Shipwrecked
Make blue jelly (jello) in a clear plastic cup before class. Make enough so each child can have one. As you review the story distribute the cups to the children. Give them each a small piece of chocolate (or another appropriate food item) to represent the boat. In the review, when you get to the part about the storm clouds building up before the storm, dollop whipped cream on the top of the “water”. When it is time for the storm have the children stir it all together.

Experiment: Surface Tension: Power a Boat with Soap
large plastic bin filled with water
something to use as a boat: shaped boat with aluminum foil, scrap of foam, etc.
dishwashing detergent

Have a child place her boat in the water.

Ask:  How can we make this thing go?  (Pushing it, blowing on it)

Remind the children how the ships in Paul’s day had no motors and relied a lot on the wind and the act of rowing against the wind.

Ask:  Is there anything else we might use to power our boat? What about this detergent?

Place a drop of detergent on the end of a toothpick. Carefully place the toothpick at the end, or stern, of the boat. Suddenly it will go!

Ask:  How did this happen? (You will get a variety of answers.)

Say:  This demonstrates the property of “surface tension”. Water molecules are strongly attracted to each other and stick close together. This creates a strong but flexible “skin” on the water’s surface called surface tension.

Surface tension allows the boat to float on top of the water.

Adding soap disrupts the arrangement of the water molecules. The water molecules near the detergent are attracted to the detergent as well as to other water molecules, so the surface tension of the water behind the boat decreases. Water molecules move from areas of low surface tension to areas of high surface tension. The boat is pulled towards areas of high surface tension by the water in front of the boat.

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August 18

Session Titles: Priscilla and Aquila Learned about Jesus

Life Point: Jesus wants people to love Him

Unit Bible Verse: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “Let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7

Bible Passage: Acts 18:1-4;18-28

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Craft: Make a Tent
Make a tent with Priscilla and Aquila

Craft: Love Banner
Make a banner using 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Look at the website below to see how to make. You may to prepare these ahead of time for the younger classes and then have them decorate them.

Game: Timed Tents
Divide the kids into teams of five or less and challenge them to make a tent. Provide chairs, a single sheet, pillows and a few decorations. Be clear they have a time limit of five minutes, use a visible timer. Let the children sit in their tents for the story or continue to improve them in the activity time.

Game: Professions Charades
A simplified charades game. Cut up the profession cards provided and place them into a bag. Have the children pull out a card and act out the profession. Sounds and words are allowed for younger groups.

Craft: Thank You Cards
List as many careers as possible. Let children describe how they can do each of these jobs in a way that pleases God. Guide them in thinking of ways they could share about Jesus while they are doing that job.  Example: Doctor- treat patients kindly, give free service to poor people, tell other doctors about Jesus.   Scientist- help show ways that God created the earth. Then have the kids write thank you notes to some people they know who have these professions.

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