Unit: Celebrate Jesus’ Birth
Session Title: Mary Visited Elizabeth
Life Point: People were excited that Jesus would be born.
Unit Verse: “Today in the city of David a Savior was born for you, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11
Weekly Bible Verse: “The whole earth will worship you and sing praise to you. They will sing praise to your name.” Psalm 66:4
Bible Passage: Luke 1:39-56
Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here
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Craft: Keeping Mum (2nd-5th)
The phrase ‘keeping mum’ means: to not say, to keep the secret. In this game, you need to try to describe a bible character without mentioning their name (if you want to make it harder: you can’t refer directly to them when you describe them) For example, Peter – those people who hung out with Jesus all the time, a crow crowing 3 times, prisoner released by an angel…
Click here for more info
Craft: Praise Shakers
Children will make shakers so they can praise the Lord with joyful noise. You can make the shakers with cups or plates and then put beans inside. Sing Joy to World or other Christmas carols while they make music with their shakers.
Children’s Christmas Prayer
Give children a copy of this prayer or have them make cards with it.
Gentle Jesus born this day
In a manger filled with hay.
We your Christmas children be
Help us now your love to see.
Gentle Jesus, come today
Be our shepherd, Lord we pray.
Gentle Jesus, come this hour
Fill us with your love and power.
You fell asleep in Mary’s arm
God kept you safe from all alarm.
Gentle Jesus, come today
Be our Shepherd now we pray.
Click here for more info
Craft: Praise Parade Acrostic
The children will complete an acrostic of the word PARADE with a word representing something that we should praise God for. (For example: P=parents; A=adults; R=rain; A=animals; D=doctors; E=electricity.
Click here for more info
Craft: Christmas Praise Poster
Make posters that have a phrase that praises Jesus during this season.
Examples are:
Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
Joy to World! The Lord Has Come!
A Savior is Born!
Oh Come Let us Adore Him!
Glory to God in the Highest!
Click here for more info
Craft: Paper Bag Manger
The website gives the instructions for this cute craft.
Click here for more info
Craft: Jesus in a Manger Fingerprint Craft
The website gives a good description as well as a picture for how to do this craft.
Click here for more info
Craft: A Present for Jesus
Instructions for a cute craft on what you would give baby Jesus on his birthday. This would be great for younger kids.
Click here for more info
Game: Put the Baby in the Manger
A lot like pin the tail on the donkey. The website has all the printouts you need for this fun game that your kids will love to play.
Click here for more info
Craft: Nativity Sun Catcher
This craft may be better for 2nd grade and older. It is a little complicated and would need some prep work behind it but is very cool and something they can hang in their house for years to come.
Click here for more info
Game: Search for the Star
Hide stars around the room and have the students search for the stars. Talk about how a star led the wise men to see Jesus.
Craft: Crown
Make a crown like the wise men wore. Write the saying “Wise Men Still Seek Him” on it.
Crown PDF
Craft: Gifts Ornaments
The template for these ornaments are on the site below. Print the black and white and let the kids color them. You could do them at the beginning of class and laminate them as well.
Click here for more info
Craft: Paint Stick Wise Men
A cute activity for kids to make to display in their house next Christmas. We do not have a large supply of paint sticks so you will need to go to a paint store and see if they will donate.
Click here for more info

Food: Baby Jesus Cupcakes
A simple cute cupcake that you can make for your kids or the older kids could do the top part.
Click here for more info
Food: Baby Jesus in a Blanket
Another cute snack for this lesson.
Click here for more info