March 24

Session Titles: Jesus and Zacchaeus

Life Point:
People can follow Jesus’ example by obeying God

Unit Bible Verse:
“May the Lord direct your hearts to God’s love.” 2 Thessalonians 3:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “
Don’t neglect to do what is good and to share, for God is pleased with such sacrifices.” Hebrews 13:16

Bible Passage
: Luke 19:1-10

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Finger Print Tree
You can print off a trunk or have the students draw a trunk and branches. Then have students finish the tree off with fingerprints. Then you can either have the verse printed out or have them write it at the bottom of the page. The tree will remind them of Zaccheus and remember to love people who are even hard to love at times.

Craft and Book: What if Jesus came to my house?
Ask the children to draw pictures about what they would do with Jesus if he came to visit their house, just like he went to Zacchaeus’ house.  Share and discuss the drawings.  If time allows, you may want to share the book If Jesus Came To My House by Joan Gale Thomas.  The story ends with the little boy realizing that Jesus probably won’t come to his house in human form, but that he can serve others in honor of Jesus. –

Object Lesson: Magnets
Bring two magnets that repel on one side and attract on the other side. Have the magnets face the repelling side. Try to slide the magnets together. As they repel, share how most people feel like this towards people who are unlovable. Now turn the magnets so that they attract. Explain that Jesus wants us to love the unlovable and pray for those who want to hurt us. Show the kids how the magnets stick together.

Game: Heart Run
You can illustrate the need to love others, including enemies, by placing hearts, cut from construction paper, on one end of the room. Members of each team take turns running to the hearts, taping one on to their shirts and running back. The team that completes this relay first wins. You can use this race to discuss how the students may not like everyone on their team but they had to work together to win.

Craft: The One Who Unites Hearts
The site has the pattern for the craft as well as how to do it. You could print the memory verse on the hearts or on the cross.

Campus(es): ,

March 17

Session Titles: Mary and Martha
Life Point: People can honor God by making good choices
Unit Bible Verse: “May the Lord direct your hearts to God’s love.” 2 Thessalonians 3:15
Weekly Bible Verses: “Many plans are in a person’s heart, but the Lord’s decree will prevail.” Proverbs 19:21
Bible Passage: Luke 10:38-42

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Way to Introduce the Story
Ask the children to imagine this: You are home one night, asleep in your bed. You awaken because you smell smoke. You call out to your Dad and Mum and they tell you to hurry and get out of the house. Dad says, “You have time to grab two things out of your room.” Of course this is an imaginary story. In real life you wouldn’t stop to get anything. You would just want to get away from danger as fast as you could. But let’s imagine you get to choose two things and everything else is going to burn up. What would you choose? (Let the children share their answers.)

A lot of things would be good to choose. But if you were only allowed to choose two things you would probably choose the two things that are most important to you. In today’s story we are going to learn about two sisters. One chose to do a good thing and the other chose to do something more important.

Activity/Object Lesson: What Can Fit
Provide each child with a small container with a lid, like a glass baby food jar or small plastic container.  Help each child to put three objects inside the container, like three rocks or three marbles.  Then, fill the remaining space in the container with something smaller, like sand or rice, and then put on the top.  Now, have the children empty the contents of their container into an extra bowl.  Ask them to put the sand or rice in first and then the larger three objects (marbles/rocks) and place the lid back on.  They won’t be able to do it!  Now try putting the larger three objects in first and then the smaller material again.  Everything should fit just fine!  Discuss how the three large objects are like God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  If we put those things “first” in our life and then add everything else (family, toys, school, tv, sports, etc.) everything seems to fit a whole lot better than if we try to do it the other way around.  Ask the children if they have any idea about what they can do to try to put Jesus first in their life.

Craft: Pie Chart of our Lives (Older Kid Activity)
Provide each child with a paper circle (or help them to make their own).  Work together to make a pie chart/illustration that shows how they spend their time.  For example, if most of their time is at school, color that in as the largest piece.  Use other colors and pieces to show how much time is spent on sleeping, eating, sports, homework, family, tv/video games, friends, etc.  Ask the children how the amount of time they spend focused on Jesus compares to the time they spend doing everything else.  Brainstorm some ideas about how to spend more time with God.  Make a list on the other side of the circle of the most important things in life.  Challenge the children to “put those things first” as much as possible.

Game: Important Things Hunt
Place many items around a designated area – such as toys, books, Bible, Bible verses, Christian plaques, magazine pics, etc. Send children out to the designated area, two by two, to find something IMPORTANT (just one item per child to begin with) and bring their item back to the classroom table. Send 2 or 3 more children out to find something IMPORTANT until everyone has brought an IMPORTANT item back to the table. Gather around the table and talk about the IMPORTANT ITEMS and why. Discuss today’s lesson!

Story Review: M and M’s
Give out M & M’s for “Mary” and “Martha” and as children can answer questions about today’s Bible lesson, they can be given M & M’s to remind them of the story.

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March 10th

Session Titles: Good Samaritan
Life Point: People can take deliberate actions to grown in Christlikeness
Unit Bible Verse: “May the Lord direct your hearts to God’s love.” 2 Thessalonians 3:15
Weekly Bible Verses: “May the Lord direct your hearts to God’s love.” 2 Thessalonians 3:15
Bible Passage: Luke 10:25-37

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Who is Your Neighbor
This is a very fun and informative craft. Have kids take index cards and write the letters of the word NEIGHBOR on the cards (one letter per card) then have the kids look through magazines to find pictures of different people. Encourage them to get all different kinds of people. Have them cut out the pictures and glue the pictures to the back of the letter cards. After they have finished explain that this is a reminder that all people are our neighbors and should be treated as such. Put cards in bags and have them take home to share with their family and as a reminder for them. (You will need to provide magazines because we do not have a stock of them)

Snack Activity: Neighbor Trail Mix
This is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Kids will make snack mix to remind them who their neighbors are. All the supplies and the poem are in the picture below. (If you do this please put up an allergy alert)

Game: Good Samaritan Game

Form teams of four. Choose one person from each team to be the hurt man who was robbed and beaten on his way to Jericho. Have the hurt people lie on the floor at the end of the room opposite their teams. Give each team a supply of 10 to 15 adhesive bandages and a cup of water.

On “go,” teams race with their supplies to their hurt team members. The goal is to put 10 bandages on the hurt neighbor, give him or her a drink of water, and carry the person back to the starting point.

Once every team has accomplished this, read aloud Luke 10:25-37. Ask, “How did you feel when you were helping the hurt person? If you were the hurt person, how did you feel while you were  being helped? How would you feel if you were hurt like the man in the parable and no one stopped to help you? What do you think Jesus meant when he said, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’? What can you do to help others in need?”

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March 3rd

Session Titles: Four Friends Helped
Life Point: People can ask Jesus to care for those around them
Unit Bible Verse: “May the Lord direct you hearts to God’s love.” 2 Thessalonians 3:15
Weekly Bible Verses: “Pray for one another.” James 5:16
Bible Passage: Mark 2:1-12

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Object Lesson: Bend and Tell
This is such a simple and genius way to tell this story!  I have seen it a few different places, but I have no idea where the concept originated.  All you need is four strips of card stock or tag board, a hole punch and three brads.  I found the version displayed below here.

Game: Four Friend Weave

The four friends in the story did not give up on helping their friend.  In fact their faith is quite commendable!  In this game four children work together like the friends in the story.  You will need:

  • a pillowcase
  • a doll or stuffed animal
  • field cones or chairs

Setup a few cones staggered across the room.  Have all the children line up at one end of the room.  Choose one child to be “Jesus” and stand at the other end of the room.  Choose four children to be the four friends.   Their task is to each hold a corner of the pillowcase, carrying the doll or stuffed animal, and weave around the cones to bring their “friend” to Jesus.  If they drop their “friend” they must go back to the beginning.  When they reach the end, have the child who is “Jesus” repeat after you saying, “Your sins are forgiven.  Arise, take up your bed and walk.”  Everyone claps and celebrates, thanking Jesus for healing their “friend”.  Repeat, giving each child the opportunity to be a “friend” and/or “Jesus”.

Craft: Arise and Walk
This is the man and bed that I used in the diorama.  The children can each make their own to take home and retell the story.  You will need:

  • this man template (printed on card stock)
  • felt
  • craft sticks
  • scissors
  • crayons glue
  • hole punch
  • brad
  • permanent marker


This man’s legs did not work.  He could not walk.  His friends had to carry him on his bed.


Jesus healed him!  He forgave the man’s sin, and told him to take up his bed and go to his house.

To prepare cut out the man templates, and cut felt into 4 1/2″ x 2 1/4″ rectangles.  Punch a whole in the center of the man’s body.

In class, help the children glue their felt pieces to craft sticks.  Have them color the man, then attach the the man to the felt with the brad.

Food: Lame Man on Graham Cracker
The picture is pretty self explanatory. If you do this please put up an allergy alert.


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February 24th

Session Titles: Daniel’s Choice

Life Point: The truths in the Bible never change

Unit Bible Verse: “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

Weekly Bible Verses: “The entirety of your word is true, each of your righteous judgments endures forever.” Psalm 119:160

Bible Passage: Daniel 1:1-20

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Game: Scavenger Hunt
Hide vegetables (real or plastic) in small batches around the room; hide at least one vegetable per kid. Allow the group to move around the room together, searching for the vegetables. Give instructions such as “look higher,” “look lower,” “move to the left,” “turn around,” and so on.

When kids find vegetables, they may each claim one and bring it to you. Allow kids to hunt until each kid has claimed a vegetable.

Game: Mystery Bags
Place a variety of different vegetables and fruits into opaque plastic bags, one kind of food per bag. Invite a child to reach into the bag and feel the mystery food. She will then describe what she feels, and the other kids will guess what the food is. If they are correct, select a new volunteer, allowing him to reach into a new bag and describe the next food. If they are incorrect, allow the kid feeling the food to guess what it is. If she is incorrect, open the bag and show everyone the food. For more of a challenge, consider prepping the foods in different ways before placing them into the bags. You can try slicing, peeling, or chopping different foods to make them harder to guess.

Game: Toss the Fruit
Form two teams of kids. At one end of the room, place two baskets. Instruct the kids to line up at the other end of the room. Provide toy fruits and vegetables for each team, one per kid. Kids will take turns tossing their vegetables or fruits into their team’s basket. If a kid misses, he must toss again until his fruit or vegetable lands in the basket and stays in. Then that child will move to the end of the line, and the next kid will toss her fruit or vegetable.

Game: Tossed Salad
If you are using chairs, place them in a circle. As kids arrive, give each one the name of a vegetable (carrot, zucchini, lettuce, onion, celery). Tell kids to stand (or sit) in a circle. Choose one kid to stand in the middle of the circle. Call out a vegetable; kids with that name will switch places. The one in the middle tries to get one of the vacated places. Whoever ends up without a place stands in the middle. After a few turns, call out two vegetables to switch. Call out: “Tossed salad!” Everyone switches places. Comment that vegetables will be a part of the Bible story.

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February 17th

Session Titles: Esther Chose Courage

Life Point: The Bible teaches people how to live

Unit Bible Verse: “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

Weekly Bible Verses: “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

Bible Passage: Esther 2:2-18; 4:1-17; 5:1-14; 7:1-10; 8:1-17


Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Because Esther was a queen you could make a crown in the class. The link below has a crown template or you could find another online. Talk about how God had a plan for Esther life and her to be queen.

Craft: Royal Decree
This craft lets the children write a law they would make if they were to become king or queen. It shows how to make it but doesn’t have a template for it so you would have to make it. We have lots of brown paper in the resource room or if you wanted to print and glue on brown paper sacks we have those as well.

Game: Book Balancing Relay Race
An activity for Esther is working on balance and grace.  It’s a great activity for your kids, and lets them think about Esther undergoing a YEAR’S worth of beauty treatments, and it wasn’t just baths and perfumes, it was also training in how to walk and talk.

Food: Hamentaschen (Older Kids)
The holiday that is celebrated by the Jews because of Queen Esther saving them is called Purim. The website below has the information on how this holiday came about and what they do. It also has the recipe for this pastry if you would like to make it and bring it in for the kids to try. You could talk about the different customs of the holiday.

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February 10

Session Titles: Ezra Read God’s Word
Life Point: Reading the Bible is a way to worship God
Unit Bible Verse: “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105
Weekly Bible Verses: “All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness” 2 Timothy 3:16
Bible Passage: Nehemiah 8:1-12

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Scroll Memory Verses
Just like the bible was written on scrolls back in Jeremiah’s time have students write the memory verse on a scroll. You would need to get tan or brown paper and then maybe tear and wrinkle it some. You can use dowel rods or any other kind of rod to help roll the scroll up. You will also want something to tie the two ends together.

Game: Bible Tag
Group kids into 2 teams. Invite the students to play “bible tag” and explain that the game is similar to “freeze tag”. When a player is tagged by someone from the other team, the player must freeze in place. Kids must tag their frozen teammate to free him, he must say “The Bible is God’s Word”. Tell the students that the team with the fewest frozen players when you call time is the winner for that round. You can play many rounds.

Source: Super, Duper Fun and Exciting Absolutely Thought Igniting Bible Activities for Kids

Game: God Preserves His Word!
We will learn in our lesson today that God’s Word can never be destroyed. People over the years have tried to get rid of God’s Word, but they will never succeed. Play this fun game to remember that God will always preserve His Word. The only supply needed is a Bible.

Have children stand in a large circle, holding their hands behind their backs. Choose someone to stand in the center of the circle. Explain to the children that you will be giving one of the persons in the circle the Bible. The object is for the chosen child to pass the Bible to the child next to them and that child onto the next, etc., all behind their backs. After 30 seconds, the child in the middle will have to guess which child is holding the Bible. Make sure to let the children know in the circle that they all can pretend to be receiving the Bible to try to throw off the child in the middle.

The children should continue passing the Bible for 30 seconds. Say, “stop” and allow the child in the middle to guess who has the Bible. If the guess is correct, the person holding the Bible becomes the next center person. If the guess is incorrect, have the kids continue passing the Bible. Play a few rounds to give other children opportunity to play. As you begin your lesson time you can share about how that in some countries it is illegal to have a Bible and many people try to get rid of God’s Word. But God’s Word will always stand. And just like it was hard for the person in the middle of the circle to find the Bible, the enemies of God will never be able to completely rid the world of God’s Word. That’s what we will learn from Jeremiah and Baruch today.

Craft: Scripture Valentine Wreath
The instructions are on the website for this great Valentine’s decoration. Please note this comes from a catholic website.

Craft: Gods Conversation Hearts
This is something you could make to give your kids or they could make to give to someone else.

Craft: John 3:16 Valentine
A cute craft using John 3:16 to make a valentine. Note this is coming from a catholic website.


Campus(es): ,

January 29

Unit: God Helps People

Session Titles: Josiah Read God’s Word
Life Point: People should treat the Bible, God’s Word, with respect
Unit Bible Verse: “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105
Weekly Bible Verses: “Every word of God is pure; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.” Proverbs 30:5
Bible Passage: 2 Chronicles 34

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Scroll Memory Verses

Just like the bible was written on scrolls back in Josiahs time have students write the memory verse on a scroll. You would need to get tan or brown paper and then maybe tear and wrinkle it some. You can use dowel rods or any other kind of rod to help roll the scroll up. You will also want something to tie the two ends together.

Craft: Bookmark

Make a bookmark to help students mark special places in their bibles. Students could also make a bookmark to give to another person. The students could write the memory verse on their bookmark or other things to help them remember important things about the bible.

Game: Bible Tag

Group kids into 2 teams. Invite the students to play “bible tag” and explain that the game is similar to “freeze tag”. When a player is tagged by someone from the other team, the player must freeze in place. Kids must tag their frozen teammate to free him, he must say “The Bible is God’s Word”. Tell the students that the team with the fewest frozen players when you call time is the winner for that round. You can play many rounds.


Source: Super, Duper Fun and Exciting Absolutely Thought Igniting Bible Activities for Kids

Game: The Book that Couldnt be Lost

Materials: A bible

One child will be “it” and will cover their eyes. Another child will take the bible and hide it. When the child who is “it” gets closer to the bible the students will clap faster and when they are far away they will clap slower. After playing a couple times talk about how over all the years people have tried to hide the bible or say it is not true but we know that God’s word could never be hidden and it is always true.


Source: 1001 Ways to Introduce Your Child to the Bible

Craft: Psalm 119:105 Flashlight

I do not have instructions for this craft but the photo shows how it is made. You will need toilet paper rolls and then decorate them. Then attach a piece of yellow paper to the end in the triangular shape with the verse written on it.


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January 27

Unit: God Helps People

Session Titles: Joseph Forgave His Brothers
Life Point: People can choose to forgive others like God has forgiven them.
Unit Bible Verse: “I know the plans I have for you… to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
Weekly Bible Verses: “If you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.” Matthew 6:15
Bible Passage: Genesis 42-45

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Object: Heavy Box
When you think of a soul, it brings to mind images of light and uplifting thoughts. Over time, misdeeds and sins weigh down the soul and make it heavy. You can teach your youngster about the importance of forgiveness by demonstrating the heavy soul and how much easier it is to carry around when it forgives and is forgiven. Start with an empty shoe box and get your kiddo to hold the box. Ask her how it feels: “Is it light or heavy?” and “Would it be hard to carry this empty box around?” Of course it would be easy. Next, add two or three rocks to the box and hand it over to your youngster again. Ask the same questions. This time, there’s a little bit of weight in the box, but not enough to make it an impossible task. Continue on until the box is just too much to carry easily. Now you can explain the similarities between a heavy soul and the heavy box. Forgiveness is important because it keeps the soul uplifted and prevents it from being weighted down.
Click here for more information.

Craft: Forgiveness Gift
Forgiveness isn’t something that can be taken; you may not be able to see it or touch it, but it’s a gift that you can give to someone and a wonderful gift to receive, too. Help your kiddo turn an ordinary gift box into the prettiest gift box she’s ever seen. Wrap the lid and box separately in decorative wrapping paper, and then pull out the craft supplies and let your little artist take over. She can adorn the box with bows, ribbons, glitter and anything else she can find. When the gift box is complete, help her think of something that has upset her recently and help her forgive. Write the words “I forgive” and then the scenario on a piece of paper and place it in the gift box. She can give the box to someone or place it in a special area in the home. Come back to the activity every once in a while and add more forgiveness notes to the box.
Click here for more information.

Craft: Grain-ola
You will just have to go off the picture for how this is made but it looks like granola and then M and M’s put in a bag with a tag on it that says “Grain-ola” and then the weekly verse on the back of the tag.
Click here for more information.

Game: Try Try Again
A game that talks about forgiveness and how it is not as easy as anticipated.

Source: The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry


Campus(es): ,

January 20

Unit: God Helps People

Session Titles: Joseph Worked for Pharaoh

Life Point: People honor God when they use their abilities to bring honor to Him
Unit Bible Verse: “I know the plans I have for you… to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
Weekly Bible Verses: “Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people.” Colossians 3:23
Bible Passage: Genesis 41:37-57

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Quiz: Spiritual Gifts Assessment (4th and 5th Grade)

Below is a quiz to help kids think about their spiritual gifts. I would only do this with older children because it is kind of confusing.

Click here for more information.

Object Lesson: Colored Candies

**You will want to adapt this object lesson below to what you can bring in but it is a layout of how to do it**

Got a handful of colorful candy or maybe a few boxes left over from a recent holiday? Perhaps leftovers aren’t the best choice but you can find different colored candies at the dollar store or your favorite department store for a couple of dollars. Dump those candy pieces into clear bowls and use them for the Lord! Kids love sweet candy; this treat appeals to the eye and the taste buds. For some contrast, select two types of candies, one that is just one color and one candy that has different colors.

Here’s the verse I used for this object lesson: “We have different gifts, ac-cording to the grace given to each of us.” (Romans 12:6 NIV)

Hold the bowls, one at a time, shaking them so kids can hear the candies shifting around. “Who loves candy?” (Let kids answer.) You could ask ques-tions like, “What’s your favorite kinds of candy?”

“You know, candies come in different colors. Some brands like Hershey’s Kisses are all the same color. When you get a bag of Kisses, they are usually all dark chocolate or milk chocolate or white chocolate. Let’s unwrap a few to test our theory.” Unwrap a few candies.

“It’s hard to find a bag of kisses that contain a bunch of different flavors. That’s kind of a shame because I get bored eating the same flavor over and over again. Don’t you?” (Invite answers from kids.)

“Look at this bowl of candy. It’s called Runts. All the candies have a differ-ent fruit shape and flavor. You never get bored eating these candies because they have different flavors. Have you ever had a Runts candy?” (Let kids an-swer.)

“You know, Christians are a lot like these colorful candies. Each one of us has a different spiritual gifting. Let’s read the scripture together.” (Read the scripture.)

“Wow! So some of us have a special gift for different things. The Holy Spirit loves to give sweet gifts. Some people sing, some preach, some dance and some prophesy. How boring God’s kingdom would be if everyone did the same thing.”

You can share the candy with the kids or send some home in little goodie bags. (Especially if the candy is chocolate!) Have fun with this colorful candy object lesson.

Colorful Candy (Romans 12:6) Object Lesson

Game: Encouragement Game

• Have the children sit in a circle on the floor.

• Use an object to designate which kid has a turn to speak – like a ball.

• Model the game by sitting in the circle with the children.

• Have them complete this sentence and then pass the object to the child they were talking about — “You are really good at

________________ and I can imagine God using your to _____________.“

• The child who receives the object will go next. Instruct them to not re-peat until everyone has had a turn.

• It creates a little surprise to see who they are talking about. You may need to redirect the comments if they become redundant or negative.

• Example: “You are really good with babies and I can imagine God us-ing you to be a good Mom.” Then hand the object to Sara.

• Example: “You are really good at talking and I can imagine God using you to be a teacher.

Kids Encouraging Kids Game

Activity: Toss the Talents


Give kids each paper and markers. Say: God has given each of you unique gifts and talents. Maybe you’re really good at drawing, or sing-ing, or running. Draw a picture of yourself doing something you’re talented at.


Allow time for kids to draw. Then gather kids around the trash can. Say: When I call on you, crumple up your picture and toss it into the trash can. Allow time.


After kids have tossed their pictures, pull the papers out and display the pictures.


• What were you thinking when I made you crumple up your picture and throw it away?

• What might God think if we throw away our talents?

• What are someways you can use your talents for God?

Click here for more information.

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