February 19

Unit: Do What God Says

Session Title: Jeremiah Wrote God’s Words

Life Point: The Bible helps people know how to live.

Unit Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16

Bible Passage: Jeremiah 36

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Scroll Memory Verses
Just like the Bible was written on scrolls back in Jeremiah’s time, have students write the memory verse on a scroll. You would need to get tan or brown paper and then maybe tear and wrinkle it some. You can use dowel rods or any other kind of rod to help roll the scroll up. You will also want something to tie the two ends together.

Craft: Bookmark
Make a bookmark to help children mark special places in their Bibles. Children could also make a bookmark to give to another person. The children could write the memory verse on their bookmark or other things to help them remember important things about the Bible.

Game: Bible Tag
Group kids into 2 teams. Invite the children to play “Bible Tag” and explain that the game is similar to “freeze tag.” When a player is tagged by someone from the other team, the player must freeze in place. Kids must tag their frozen teammate to free him or her and they must say “The Bible is God’s Word.” Tell the kids that the team with the fewest frozen players when you call time is the winner for that round. You can play many rounds.
Source: Super, Duper Fun and Exciting Absolutely Thought Igniting Bible Activities for Kids

Game: The Book that Couldn’t Be Burned
Materials: A Bible
One child will be “it” and will cover their eyes. Another child will take the Bible and hide it. When the child who is “it” gets closer to the Bible the kids will clap faster and when they are far away they will clap slower. After playing a couple times talk about how over the years people have tried to hide the Bible or say it is not true but we know that God’s word could never be hidden and it is always true.
Source: 1001 Ways to Introduce Your Child to the Bible

Game: God Preserves His Word!
We will learn in our lesson today that God’s Word can never be destroyed. People over the years have tried to get rid of God’s Word, but they will never succeed. Play this fun game to remember that God will always preserve His Word. The only supply needed is a Bible.

Have children stand in a large circle, holding their hands behind their backs. Choose someone to stand in the center of the circle. Explain to the children that you will be giving one of the kids in the circle the Bible. The object is for the chosen child to pass the Bible to the child next to them and that child onto the next, etc., all behind their backs. After 30 seconds, the child in the middle will have to guess which child is holding the Bible. Make sure to let the children know in the circle that they all can pretend to be receiving the Bible to try to throw off the child in the middle.

The children should continue passing the Bible for 30 seconds. Say, “stop” and allow the child in the middle to guess who has the Bible. If the guess is correct, the person holding the Bible be-comes the next center person. If the guess is incorrect, have the kids continue passing the Bible. Play a few rounds to give other children opportunity to play. As you begin your lesson time you can share about how that in some countries it is illegal to have a Bible and many people try to get rid of God’s Word. But God’s Word will always stand. And just like it was hard for the person in the middle of the circle to find the Bible, the enemies of God will never be able to completely rid the world of God’s Word. That’s what we will learn from Jeremiah and Baruch today.
Click here for more info

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February 12

Unit: Do What God Says

Session Title: Esther

Life Point: People can stand up for their belief in God, even when it is difficult.

Unit Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “When I am afraid, I will trust in You.” Psalm 56:3

Bible Passages: Esther 2:2-18; 4:5-17; 5:1-14; 7:1-10; 8:8-17

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Make a Crown
Because Esther was a queen you could make a crown in class. The link below has a crown template or you could find another online. Talk about how God had a plan for Esther’s life and for her to be queen.
Click here for more info

Craft: Royal Decree
This craft lets the children write a law they would make if they were to become king or queen. It shows how to make it but doesn’t have a template for it so you would have to make it. We have lots of brown paper in the resource room or if you wanted to print and glue on brown pa-per sacks we have those as well.
Click here for more info

Game: Book Balancing Relay Race
An activity for Esther is working on balance and grace. It’s a great activity for your kids, and lets them think about Esther undergoing a YEAR’S worth of beauty treatments, and it wasn’t just baths and perfumes, it was also training in how to walk and talk.
Click here for more info

Food: Hamentaschen (Older Kids)
The holiday that is celebrated by the Jews because of Queen Esther saving them is called Purim. The website below has the information on how this holiday came about and what they do. It also has the recipe for this pastry if you would like to make it and bring it in for the kids to try. You could talk about the different customs of the holiday. (Make sure to post an allergy alert.)
Click here for more info

Craft: Scripture Valentine Wreath
The instructions are on the website for this great Valentine’s decoration. Please note this comes from a catholic website.
Click here for more info

Craft: God’s Conversation Hearts
This is something you could make to give your kids or they could make to give to someone else.
Click here for more info

Craft: John 3:16 Valentine
A cute craft using John 3:16 to make a valentine. Note this is coming from a catholic website.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

February 5

Unit: Do What God Says

Session Title: Joash and the People Gave Offerings

Life Point: People can honor God by giving Him offerings.

Unit Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Bible Passage: 2 Chronicles 23:11, 13; 24:1-14

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Game: Giving Game
For this lesson you will need a second-timer and a white board or chalkboard. You will also need someone from your class who spells and writes well who can be the scorekeeper.

Divide your class into 2 teams and have them sit in 2 separate areas of the room. Say the fol-lowing: 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “God loves a cheerful giver.” This verse doesn’t say God loves a grumpy giver or a bored giver. It says God loves a cheerful giver. Why do you think God wants us to give cheerfully? (Wait for responses. Clarify with the following: When we give with a cheerful and joyful heart, we are going to be blessed and the person who is receiving the gift is going to be blessed.) 2 Corinthians 9:7 is an easy verse to memorize so we’re going to play a fun game to make sure you have it inside your heart and mind for your whole life.

Continue saying: You are divided into 2 different teams. I am going to take turns asking a child from each team something they might give to a certain person. You will have to answer with 2 words formed from the initials of your own name. For example, I might ask, “David Johnson, what would you give to your grandma?” David might respond with “dandy jacks.” Sarah Craw-ford might say “seven cantaloupes.” You will have 7 seconds to come up with an answer. If you are successful, you will come forward and stand on your side where you team is sitting. My scorekeeper will write your answer on the board so it cannot be used again. Once I have asked every student the gift they would give, I will then have each of you who were able to give me a gift according to your initials to recite 2 Corinthians 9:7. For every team member who says the verse correctly, they will earn 50 points for their team. We will then start all over, but on the next round you will have to give a new answer that hasn’t been used. After 5 rounds, the team with the most points wins. Now let’s play!
Click here for more info

Craft: Tithing Jar
Use baby food jars to make a tithing jar. The picture gives instructions on how to make do this craft. We don’t have baby jars in the Children’s Resource Room so you would have to bring the jars from home.
Click here for more info

Game: Coin Toss
Place an empty bucket on the floor and use masking tape to make the starting line where they will stand when it’s their turn to play the game. Place the bucket about 12 inches from the starting line. Let each child put their feet on the starting line and try to toss a penny into the bucket. Give 3 turns each.
Click here for more info

Craft: Our Gifts to God Collage
Have a poster board or large sheet of butcher paper and write at the top Our Gifts to God. Have students cut things out of magazines that they would like to give to God.
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Tithing and M&Ms
I gave each child 10 M&Ms in a little Ziploc bag. I told them to eat 9 of their M&Ms and save one. While they ate their M&Ms, I told a story from the Friend Magazine about a boy who spent all of his money before he paid his tithe and how he repented of it. After the story I told them that they now had to pay their “tithe.” I collected their last M&M – it was a hard thing for most of them to give up that last M&M (some had saved their favorite color for last). Some children even couldn’t help themselves and ate that 10th M&M. Then I told them I was going to do an experiment and that they had another chance. I gave them another bag of 10 M&Ms and col-lected their “tithe” first. It was much easier to give it first and this shows how tempting it would be to keep it for yourself if that is all you had left. We discussed how it would be easier for them in their own lives if they always paid their tithe first before spending the rest of their money. It turned out great and I have a feeling it is one of those lessons that will stick in their minds for a long time, even the younger children got it. (Don’t forget to put up an allergy alert!)
Click here for more info

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January 29

Unit: God’s Amazing Power

Session Title: Samuel’s Birth and Calling

Life Point: God wants people to pray to Him daily.

Unit Verse: “His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness.” 2 Peter 1:3a

Weekly Bible Verse: “I call on You, God, because You will answer me.” Psalm 17:6a

Bible Passage: 1 Samuel 1:1-4:1

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

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Craft: God Calls Samuel
This craft is a matchbox bed that will help children remember to talk to God each night before they go to bed.
Click here for more info

Craft: Listening Ears
Help children create “listening ears.”
Click here for more info

Craft: Samuel listens to God
Children can make a pipe cleaner Samuel while they listen to the story.
Click here for more info

Game: Guess What You Hear?
In this game students will guess what is making the sound they hear. The game will reinforce the idea that God hears when we pray to him. Instructions are on the website below.
Click here for more info

Game: Telephone
Have the children sit in a circle or around the table. Start with one child and whisper one of the phrases shown below into his or her ear. Have that child whisper the same phrase into the ear of the child to his or her left, and continue around the circle until the last child is told the phrase. Then have the last child say what he or she heard out loud to see how close it was to the original phrase.

God will always hear our prayers.
It makes Jesus very happy when we pray.
If we ask anything in Jesus’ name, He will listen.
We can pray anytime morning, noon, or not.

Compare this game to how when we pray, God hears exactly what we mean to say, even when we don’t say it exactly the way we want.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

January 22

Unit: God’s Amazing Power

Session Title: Ruth, Boaz and Obed

Life Point: God has a plan for families.

Unit Verse: “His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness.” 2 Peter 1:3a

Weekly Bible Verse: “Show family affection to one another with brotherly love.” Romans 12:10a

Bible Passage: Ruth 1:1-22; 2:1-23; 4:13-17

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Story of Ruth in a Bottle
The instructions for this craft are on the below website. You can follow this or adapt it to what works best for your class. I do know the bottles she uses are going to be tricky to find so you may want to think of a different container.
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Sucker or Candy Lesson
Have different flavors of suckers or candy and have the children pick their favorite. Use this to talk about how we may like something better than others and we may choose it first. This also may be what we do with people when have people we love more than others and choose them to do things with us but Jesus has told us to love everyone equally. Then you can give them the candy and suckers. (Note: Her way of explaining is good so I suggest reading the explanation on the website below.)
Click here for more info

Craft: Ruth Family Braid (3rd-5th)
The instructions are very well written on the website below and pictures have been posted as well. They do a good job of suggesting how to explain to your children that they are knit together with their family to work as one. What could be cool is to have them write their last name on the braid after you are done with it. Then they can keep it somewhere special in their room to remind them to work together with their family.
Click here for more info

Activity: Making Plans
This activity helps children think about the plans they already know about such as for the month or over the summer and then look at the plans they don’t know about such as what they will be doing in high school or as an adult. I would say this is geared more for the older children but you could do it with the younger children as well. The attached PDF does a great job of laying the activity out.
Source: Making Scripture Memory Fun
Making Plans PDF

Game: God’s Loving Plans
In this game children will follow the leaders’ plans and find missing envelopes. It is a lot like a scavenger hunt and could be a lot of fun for the students. If you have a smaller class you could hide some of the envelopes in other places in children’s ministry but I would try to keep the majority of it in your room. The attached PDF will give you all the details of the game and how to set it up.
Source: The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry

Campus(es): ,

January 15

Unit: God’s Amazing Power

Session Title: Samson

Life Point: God can use people, even when they make mistakes.

Unit Verse: “His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness.” 2 Peter 1:3a

Weekly Bible Verse: “His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness.” 2 Peter 1:3a

Bible Passage: Judges 13-16

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Samson’s Hair
A fun hat to make with the story of Samson. Instructions on the below website.
Click here for more info

Craft: Giant Paper Chain
You could use this to tell the Bible story but I would not suggest each child making one. Instructions are on the website.
Click here for more info

Activity: Strength’s List
• Split the class into 2 groups.
• Give each group a piece of paper and marker.

“In our Bible Story today, we talked about Samson. What was special about Samson? (allow for responses) Right, Samson was very strong. God gave Samson physical strength. Samson didn’t always use it for God and in the way God wanted him to. But, in the end, Samson leaned on God’s strength. God has given us all strengths. Strengths are things that we are good at. Some people are good at drawing, singing, speaking, etc. Every gift comes from God and should be used for God.

In your groups, make a list of things that the people of your group are good at. Then, write how those strengths can be used for God. When time is up, you’re going to share your lists with the rest of the class.”

Let the children make and share their lists.
Click here for more info

Game: Weight Lifting
Children can be divided into teams for weight lifting. The teacher can have various objects for each team to come up to the line and LIFT the weight (box, toy, rock, ball, shoes, bar bells, food box, etc). Go from lighter objects to heavier.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

January 8

Unit: God’s Amazing Power

Session Title: Joshua and Jericho

Life Point: People should obey, respect, and honor God because He loves them.

Unit Verse: “His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness.” 2 Peter 1:3a

Weekly Bible Verse: “Obey the Lord your God and follow His commands.” Deuteronomy 27:10a

Bible Passage: Joshua 6:1-21

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Paper Towel Trumpet
A cute craft to make a paper towel trumpet. You can use these to act out the story and march around your room.
Click here for more info

Craft: Walls of Jericho Catapult
Kids will love making this craft but I would do it towards the end of class so they are not playing with it the whole time.
Click here for more info

Snack: Walls of Jericho
You can build the walls of Jericho like you do a graham cracker gingerbread house. You will need graham crackers and frosting to build the walls. You could make the wall more secure by building around a rice cake. You can use gummy bears or teddy grahams as the “people” walking around the walls. Have the kids blow their “trumpets” (using Bugles). If you do this activity, please make an allergy alert sign.
Click here for more info

Activity: Marshmallow/Jelly Bean Structure
Divide your class into teams and have a competition to see who can build the tallest structure out of marshmallows or jelly beans and toothpicks. We have some marshmallows in the Children’s Area if you decide to do this activity, just let Brad, Tricia, Megan or Jamie know and we’ll be happy to get them for you!
Click here for more info

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December 18

Unit: Jesus Was Born

Session Title: Jesus Was Born

Life Point: God sent Jesus to the Earth to be the Savior.

Unit Verse: “A child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Weekly Bible Verse: “Today a Savior, who is the Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David.” Luke 2:11

Bible Passage: Luke 2:1-20

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Paper Bag Manger
The website gives the instructions for this cute craft.
Click here for more info

Craft: Jesus in a Manger Fingerprint Craft
The website gives a good description as well as picture for how to do this craft.
Click here for more info

Craft: A present for Jesus
Instructions for a cute craft on what you could give baby Jesus on his birthday. This would be great for younger kids.
Click here for more info

Game: Put the Baby in the Manger
A lot like pin the tail on the donkey. The website has all the printouts you need for this fun game that your kids will love to play.
Click here for more info

Craft: Nativity Sun Catcher
This craft maybe better for 2nd grade and older. It is a little complicated and would need some prep work but is very cool and something they can hang in their house for years to come.
Click here for more info

Craft: Shepherd Ornament
Ornament made out of a toilet paper roll to make a shepherd. If you don’t want to get toilet paper rolls you could roll paper into a tube as well. Simple cute craft.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

December 11

Unit: Jesus Was Born

Session Title: Name Him Jesus

Life Point: Jesus is God’s plan for people’s salvation.

Unit Verse: “A child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Weekly Bible Verse: “She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

Bible Passages: Luke 1:26-56; Matthew 1:18-24

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Angel Ornament
This is actually in the 3rd and 4th grade curriculum but here it is for other classes as well.
Click here for more info

Craft: Coffee Filter Angel
Ornament made from a coffee filter, we have some filters in the Children’s or Preschool Re-source Rooms. You can replace the foam ball with a wood ball. All the instructions are on the website below.
Click here for more info
paper angel ornament

Craft: Doily Angel
This could be an ornament or just a standing decoration for a table.
Click here for more info


Snack/Craft: Hersey Kisses Angel
This is a cute snack/craft for kids to make for themselves or to give to others.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

December 4

Unit: Jesus Was Born

Session Title: Prophets Told About Jesus

Life Point: God promised to send a Savior, Jesus.

Unit Verse: “A child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Weekly Bible Verse: “A child will be born for is, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonder Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Bible Passage: Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 11:1-5; Micah 5:2

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Isaiah 9:6 Ornament
Children will make an ornament to remind them of the prophecy Isaiah had about Jesus’ birth. All the instructions are on the website.
Click here for more info

Craft: Names of Jesus Advent Chain
Children will make an advent chain that will help them remember the names of Jesus and re-mind them of the reason for the season. All the instructions are on the website below. This is a craft that would require a lot of prep or you need to do with older students since there is a lot of writing involved.
Click here for more info

Beginning or Ending Activity: What is His Name?
Students will complete the worksheet by looking up the verses to find the names of Jesus. You could also do this as an activity with the whole class to look up the verses.
Click here for more info

Game: Blind Artist
Ask your class to form pairs. You will need one blindfold for each pair of children, a marker, and one sheet of butcher paper for each pair large enough for both children to draw on together. Ask the partners to choose which person will be the blindfolded person. Next, give each child a marker and ask the partners to stand or sit next to each other. Tell them, “When I say, ‘go’ you will have three minutes to draw your best picture of baby Jesus in the manger.” Say, “go” and allow for 3 minutes.

At the end of three minutes, say, “Stop.” Have the blindfolded children take off their blindfolds to see their pictures. The pictures drawn by those children without the blindfold should be noticeably better.

The nation of Israel was in a state of great darkness. But Isaiah gave them a message of great hope–the Messiah, Jesus, would come. He would take them out of darkness and show them light. Before we came to know Jesus, we were in spiritual darkness. Like our pictures we drew while blindfolded, our lives would be a disaster apart from Jesus’ glorious light. When we receive the light of the Gospel of Jesus, the blindfold is removed; and the Lord can make some-thing very beautiful out of our lives.
Click here for more info

Craft: What’s In A Name Banner?
For this craft, you will need a straw for each child, string (approximately 12”) for each child, scissors, lightweight tissue or paper, glitter and glue. Cut a 1/2” slit on each side of the straw. Tie knots on each end of the string. Slide the knotted ends of the string into the slits in the straw, one on each end to hold the banner up. Cut the paper to the width of the straw and leave it about 12” long or longer. Fold and glue the top edge of the paper over the straw.

Ask the children to choose their favorite name from the list of names for Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 and write the name on the banner along with the scripture reference, Isaiah 9:6. Decorate with the tissue, glitter, or perhaps sequins, stickers, or other decorative things to make their banner look unique.
Click here for more info

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