Jay Fennell shares his thoughts on how to disciple and Jason Dukes shares on serving and learning in this second in a series of four videos on Engaging Middle Tennessee.
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Questions to stimulate conversation in your LIFE Group:

  • Why do you think that disciples of Jesus tend to compartmentalize disciple-making as one area of life rather than integrating disciple-making into all areas of life? Do you think it’s significant that Jesus told His disciples “what” to do – which is make disciples, rather than telling them “when” to make disciples? Why or why not?
  • What things need to change in your life so that disciple-making becomes a natural rhythm of your life? What daily rhythms do you have that could be intentionally refocused for the purpose of making disciples?
  • Have you ever thought to invite a lost person to serve alongside you as an idea to introduce them to Jesus? What sort of impact do you think it could make?