By Paul Wilkinson

At the BACE Conference last week, Tom McCormick, Small Groups Minister at Hope Church in Las Vegas, NV, made the simple but profound point that the group meeting time does not equal the totality of the group. I was convicted that I don’t always talk that way when I talk to our people about LIFE Groups. I generally emphasize the meeting time, something like: LIFE Group X meets at 9:30 on Sunday morning . . . and, oh yeah, they do lots of activities outside of that meeting time too!
What if it were just natural for me to talk about the LIFE Group as a family community that impacted each other’s lives through prayer, breaking bread, and fellowship? Not to mention that we disciple each other according to the Apostle’s teaching as we help each other more fully believe and follow Jesus, be changed by Jesus, and live on mission with Jesus.
What if we began to talk about LIFE Groups and live out our LIFE groups the other way around? Hey, LIFE Group X gathers throughout the week to share meals, support one another, and reflect together about what the Lord is teaching them through prayer and Bible study . . . and, oh yeah, they also gather at 9:30 on Sunday mornings.
Join me in praying for those kinds of groups families.

Paul Wilkinson is the Adult Minister–Groups Associate, Brentwood Baptist Church. Paul attended the 2018 BACE (Baptist Association of Christian Educators) Conference last week in Oklahoma City on Discovering and Developing Leaders.