By Paul Wilkinson, Adult Minister–Groups Associate, Brentwood Campus

As disciples of Jesus, we are called to live on mission with Jesus. At least once a month (or as frequently as possible, so send me stories!), I want to share stories of LIFE Groups and LIFE Group members living on mission with Jesus. May we be perpetually living into the “Good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10) Read, pray over, and meditate upon Robin Petty’s story with the 10th grade girls’ Wednesday evening LIFE Group; how she follows her passion to mentor and teach the NEXT Generation:

When I was a teenager, I was very active in my youth group. I loved being involved for many reasons, but one major reason was because of the adult leadership. I always knew when I grew up I would serve in youth ministry. Sure enough, my husband Justin and I served in our church in Atlanta for about 10 years and in our church in Kentucky for about 5. I am currently leading a Brentwood Baptist girls-sophomore small group on Wednesday nights.
I have found through the years that teenagers have much to offer. They are funny, inquisitive, spontaneous, sensitive, and want to be the best they can be.
Justin and I also teach a LIFE Group on Sunday morning called Married Life Together. I love being able to share all of the positive things I experience from spending time with the youth. Since most of our class has younger children, it’s great to be able to share with them all of the things teenagers have to contribute and what they can look forward to with their own children.