Unit: We Are Family

Session Title: Abram and Lot

Life Point: God’s love helps people consider family members’ needs first

Unit Verse: “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18

Weekly Bible Verse: “Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

Bible Passage: Genesis 13

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Activity: Circle of Love
Give each child a piece of paper and have them draw a circle on it and write “My Circle of Love” around the edge. Challenge them to make their circles larger by including someone who may have been shut out of their circle. Encourage the children to talk to their families about their circles of love and together think of a person to whom they have not shown love. Suggest that they write the person’s name outside the circle. Challenge the children to treat that person with love no matter how he or she acts, as Abram did for Lot, and see if by next week they can put the person’s name inside their circle of love. (If you use this activity, be sure to follow up next week to see if the children accomplished their goal.)
Click here for more info

Memory Verse Game: OOPS
Write the verse on the board. Then line the students up shoulder to shoulder. If you have a bigger class you might want to get them into two groups. The point of the game is to be kind to each other and let one person speak at a time. Anyone in the line can start the verse then the idea is to get all the way to the end of the verse one word at a time, but no one can say two words in a row, and no two people can say a word at the same time. If two people speak at the same time, we’ll all say “Oops!” and say the whole verse together and then start again. Play until the group gets it.
Source: Making Scripture Memory Fun

Game: Kindness Toss
The PDF gives you all the instructions on how to play this game.
Source: Big Book of Bible Games #2
Kindness Toss PDF

Way to Introduce the Lesson
Have biscuits (or cookies) for the class. Make sure that there are some biscuits that are crushed or broken. They should be obviously worse than the rest of the biscuits. Pass the plate to each child and let him/her choose one. Then discuss why they chose the biscuit they chose. Why didn’t they choose the crushed ones? “In today’s lesson, Abram and Lot had to make a choice. One got to choose first and he chose the ‘best’ thing. Let’s see what happens.”
Click here for more info

Craft: Get Along Cups
• Remind children of ways Abram and Lot got along. • Say: “We will make ‘Get Along Cups’ to take home. When you get along with your brother, sister, parents, and other family members or friends, you can get a bean from your parents to place in the cup. Try to fill your cup to show you are getting along with people.”
• Give each child a plastic cup and label. • Instruct: “Glue the label to your cup. Decorate your cup with the foam shapes and construction paper. Do not cover the label. Cut or tear pieces of construction paper to glue to your cup.” • Set materials on the table and allow children to decorate the cups.
• Give each child a Ziploc bag as they finish decorating. • Say: “Scoop 1⁄2 cup of beans into the bag to take home.” • Help each child close his bag and place it in the cup.
• Review: “When can you put a bean in your cup? (A: When I get along with someone) Who got along in our Bible story? (A: Abram and Lot) With whom can you get along? (Answers will vary.) With whom does God want us to get along? (A: Everyone)
Click here for more info

Craft: Family Team Player Pennant
Make a pennant either out of paper, foam or felt. The pennant could say something along the lines of “The (Last Name of the Child) Family Are Team Players.” Then you could add the memory verse below it. The child could then decorate the pennant and hang it in their house somewhere as a reminder to their family.
** You could also make jerseys the same way with the last name where it would be on the jersey.**

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