Unit: We Are Family

Session Title: Jacob and Esau

Life Point: God wants people to treat family members with fairness and respect.

Unit Verse: “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18

Weekly Bible Verse: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God forgave you in Christ.” Ephesians 4:32

Bible Passage: Genesis 25:27-34; 27:1-45; 32:1-23; 33

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Game: Sweeper Relay
The PDF attached will explain how to play this game. You will need to look in the lower portion to see how to apply this to the story of Jacob and Esau.
Source: Super, Duper, Fun and Exciting, Absolutely Thought Provoking Bible Activities for Kids
Sweeper Relay PDF

Game: What’s Different
The PDF attached will explain how to play this game. You will need to look in the lower portion to see how to apply this to the story of Jacob and Esau.
Source: Super, Duper, Fun and Exciting, Absolutely Thought Provoking Bible Activities for Kids
What’s Different PDF

Craft: Sun Catcher
The PDF attached will explain how to make this craft. You will need to look in the lower portion to see how to apply this to the story of Jacob and Esau.
Source: Super, Duper, Fun and Exciting, Absolutely Thought Provoking Bible Activities for Kids
Sun Catcher PDF

Game: Oops
A great game to help students learn the memory verse for the week as well as teaching them about being kind and compassionate.
Source: Making Scripture Memory Fun

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