August 11

Session Titles: Paul Taught in Athens

Life Point: Jesus is our example for how to live

Unit Bible Verse: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “Be imitators of God, as dearly loved children, and walk in love, a Christ also loved us and gave himself for us.” Ephesians 5:1-2

Bible Passage: Acts 17:16-24

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Game: M and M Get to Know You
Fun game using M and M’s to get to know your new class. Sitting in a circle each child pulls an M&M out of the bag and shares about themselves according to the chart.

Game: Get to know You Bingo
Bingo game while getting to know people in the class.

Game: Would You Rather?
This classic get to know you game is fun for kids and you can make it more active by having them go to different sides of the room for the two different answers. Attached are some questions that you could ask

Craft/Game: Get to know you bracelets
Each child gets one pipe-cleaner filled with beads of one color(to give to others) and one empty pipecleaner (to hold beads they collect for themselves).To get a bead they have to go to another child and say “Hi, my name is ____. And something about themselves”.Afterwards they can make their bracelets.

Craft: Faithbook
Students create a “facebook” page about themselves to help you get to know them better. I did this with my first graders last year and they loved it. Any age would love to do this because they all know what facebook is. After everyone creates one you could hang them up in your room so others could look at them.

Way to Introduce the Story
Before class cut five small pieces of paper for each student. In class ask the students to use the papers to write down their five most favorite things in the whole world. After everyone has done this then ask them to put the cards in order with the most important thing first. Lead the discussion so that the children will see how that the most important things seem to take the most time, money, etc. Hopefully some of the children will have put “God” on one of their papers. I f they haven’t then give them an extra card so that they can do so now (without embarrassing them). “In today’s story we are going to learn about a city that thought that their idols were the most important things in the world. (Idol- anything that is worshiped above God -often a statue or carving)”

Craft: Thankful Cross
When you scroll to the bottom of the link below you will see this craft laid out. It is pretty simple but takes some prep work if you are going to do with younger kids.

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August 4

Session Titles: Lydia learned about Jesus

Life Point: Jesus was sent to be the Savior

Unit Bible Verse: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Bible Passage: Acts 16:11-15

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Paul and Lydia Pop Up
So the site below has the template and instructions to make a whole book about Paul but I was thinking you could print the elements just for the page about Lydia.

Prop for telling the lesson
Build a river in your classroom to tell the lesson next to and use as an object while telling the story. An example of an easy river to build is on the site below.

Craft: Spread the News Coffee Filter
This is a craft kids will really enjoy. It will be a little messy so be ready for that. I would recommend it for 2nd grade and up. All the instructions are on the site below.

Game: Simon Says Draw
This is a fun game where kids have to listen and follow directions. Instructions for the game are on the site. Relate this to how Jesus gave us directions to follow, and go and tell people about Jesus but the way each of us do it may look different because we are unique.

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July 28

Session Titles: Paul and Barnabas

Life Point: God creates opportunities for people to tell others about Him

Unit Bible Verse: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

Bible Passage: Acts 14

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Door Hangers
Make a door hanger with the memory verse. You could keep it to put on your door or give it to someone to share with others.

Craft: Sharing Bracelets
Make bracelets for the students to wear and share the truth. Remind the kids to be bold and share the truths with others. You can do this with the letter beads. Some examples of acronyms are:

FROG – Fully Rely on Jesus

GAP – God Answers Prayers

LIFE – Living in Faith Everyday

WWJD – Walking with Jesus Daily

Game: Helium Stick
This game will help children to have to work together and teach them to trust each other. To lead children in Helium Stick, instruct them to stand in a circle, hold their arms parallel to the ground and stick out their pointer fingers. Place a light-weight but large object on their outstretched fingers, such as a hula hoop or stick. Tell them they must lower it to the ground without their fingers losing contact. You will find that children are usually surprised when the stick seems to float upwards although they are trying to will it down–hence the name “helium” stick. Help the children develop a sound strategy for moving the “stick” down, such as counting and moving it inch-by-inch or dropping one side at a time.

Game: Snake Game
This is another game where children will have to learn how to work together and trust each other. If you watch the video, it will show you how to play and they explain it as well.

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June 2

Session Titles: The Ascension

Life Point: Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would be a helper

Unit Bible Verse: “The Lord does whatever he pleases in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the depths.” Psalm 135:6

Weekly Bible Verses: “He poured out his Spirit on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.” Titus 3:6

Bible Passage: Acts 1:4-11

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Jesus Ascension Window Craft
The website has all the instructions for this craft. This craft is more suited for 1st-3rd grade.

Craft: Jesus Ascension Windsock
A fun and easy craft that kids will love to make. We have streamers in the resource room or you could use something different on the bottom.

thumbnail of Ascension-Windsock

Game: Back and Forth Ascension Game
This is a fun game but needs to be done with children 2nd and up. There is a little mess that could happen with this game : ) but if contained would be fun for the kids.

Science Experiment: Ascension
A fun experiment to do with kids about Ascension and what it means. Any age kids can do this.

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June 24


Session Title: Jesus Healed Ten Lepers

Life Point: People can love and treat others the way God loves them
Unit Verse: “We have this command from him: The one who loves God must also love his brother and sister.” 1 John 4:21
Weekly Bible Verses: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27
Bible Passage: Luke 17:11-19

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Game: Thankful Card Game
Place ten cards on the table. One of the cards should have “thank-you” written on the back while the other nine should have “leper”. Children take turns mixing them up and trying to guess which one is the “thank-you” card. Each child could make their own set out of index cards to take and play at home.
Click Here for more information.

Craft: Ten Lepers (1st and 2nd Grade)
Trace Hands to show the ten lepers on one side of the paper and then on the back or another piece of paper trace a fist and another hand with one finger up to show the one who said “Thank You”. The pictures really help to explain this craft.
Click Here for more information.

Craft: Thankful Placemat
This is more for the fall but is a good filler activity for kids to color and think of things they are thankful for. You may have to figure out how to print on 11 x 17 if you want it more placemat size.
Click Here for more information.

Activity: Grateful Alphabet
Use the sheet attached below to have kids write or draw something they are thankful for from each letter of the alphabet.
Click Here for more information.

Campus(es): ,

June 10


Session Titles: The Good Samaritan

Life Point: God wants people to treat one another with kindness and respect

Unit Verse: “We have this command from him: The one who loves God must also love his brother and sister.” 1 John 4:21

Weekly Bible Verses: “We have this command from him: The one who loves God much also love his brother and sister.” 1 John 4:21

Bible Passage: Luke 10:25-37

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click Here


Craft: Who is Your Neighbor
This is a very fun and informative craft. Have kids take index cards and write the letters of the word NEIGHBOR on the cards (one letter per card) then have the kids look through magazines to find pictures of different people. Encourage them to get all different kinds of people. Have them cut out the pictures and glue the pictures to the back of the letter cards. After they have finished explain that this is a reminder that all people are our neighbors and should be treated as such. Put cards in bags and have them take home to share with their family and as a reminder for them. (You will need to provide magazines because we do not have a stock of them)
Click Here for more info

Snack Activity: Neighbor Trail Mix
This is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Kids will make snack mix to remind them who their neighbors are. All the supplies and the poem are in the picture below. (If you do this please put up an allergy alert) for more info
Click Here for more info

Game: Good Samaritan Game
Form teams of four. Choose one person from each team to be the hurt man who was robbed and beaten on his way to Jericho. Have the hurt people lie on the floor at the end of the room opposite their teams. Give each team a supply of 10 to 15 adhesive bandages and a cup of water.
On “go,” teams race with their supplies to their hurt team members. The goal is to put 10 bandages on the hurt neighbor, give him or her a drink of water, and carry the person back to the starting point.
Once every team has accomplished this, read aloud Luke 10:25-37. Ask, “How did you feel when you were helping the hurt person? If you were the hurt person, how did you feel while you were being helped? How would you feel if you were hurt like the man in the parable and no one stopped to help you? What do you think Jesus meant when he said, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’? What can you do to help others in need?”
Click Here for more info



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June 3

Unit: Help Others

Session Title: Jesus Chose 12 Helpers

Life Point: God wants people to be involved in His work around the world.

Unit Verse: “We have this command from him: The one who loves God must also love his brother and sister.” 1 John 4:21

Weekly Bible Verses: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the one Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

Bible Passage: Matthew 10:1-14

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click Here


Activity: Fisher’s of Men
This website below had a lot of good ideas for Fisher’s of Men activities. Including some games and a craft.
Click Here for more info

Snack: Fisher’s of Men Fishing Poles
Cute cute snack idea! Takes some preparation. Also put an allergy sign out if you serve this.
Click Here for more info

Craft: 12 Disciples Accordion Book
This website provides all the details for how to make as well as the print out for the 12 men. I will say it is from a catholic perspective and they call them the apostles but still will work as a good craft.
Click Here for more info

Craft: 12 Disciples Fisher of Men Mobile
I could only find a photo for this craft but if you can get die cut fish and a crown it would be simple.

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May 27 – Happy Memorial Day!

Unit: Trust God

Session Title: Jesus Read God’s Word

Life Point: People go to church to learn more about Jesus.

Unit Verse: “Call on me in a day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 50:15

Weekly Bible Verse: “Hold on to instruction; don’t let go. Guard it, for it is your life.” Proverbs 4:13

Bible Passage: Luke 4:16-22

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

* * *

Craft: Scroll Memory Verses
Just like the Bible was written on scrolls back in Jesus’ time, have students write the memory verse on a scroll. You would need to get tan or brown paper and then maybe tear and wrinkle it. You can use dowel rods or any other kind of rod to help roll the scroll up. You will also want something to tie the two ends together.

Craft: Bookmark
Make a bookmark to help students mark special places in their Bibles. Students could also make a bookmark to give to another person. The students could write the memory verse on their bookmark or other things to help them remember important things about the Bible.

Game: Bible Tag
Group kids into 2 teams. Invite the students to play “Bible Tag” and explain that the game is similar to “freeze tag.” When a player is tagged by someone from the other team, the player must freeze in place. Kids must tag their frozen teammate to free him, then he must say “The Bible is God’s Word.” Tell the students that the team with the fewest frozen players when you call time is the winner for that round. You can play the game multiple times.
Source: Super, Duper Fun and Exciting Absolutely Thought Igniting Bible Activities for Kids

Game: The Book that Couldnt Be Burned
Materials: A Bible

One child will be “it” and will cover their eyes. Another child will take the Bible and hide it. When the child who is “it” gets closer to the Bible the students will clap faster and when they are far away they will clap slower. After playing a couple times talk about how over all the years people have tried to hide the Bible or say it is not true but we know that God’s word could never be hidden and it is always true.
Source: 1001 Ways to Introduce Your Child to the Bible

Game: God Preserves His Word!
We will learn in our lesson today that God’s Word can never be destroyed. People over the years have tried to get rid of God’s Word, but they will never succeed. Play this fun game to remember that God will always preserve His Word. The only supply needed is a Bible.

Have children stand in a large circle, holding their hands behind their backs. Choose someone to stand in the center of the circle. Explain to the children that you will be giving one of the persons in the circle the Bible. The object is for the chosen child to pass the Bible to the child next to them and that child onto the next, etc., all behind their backs. After 30 seconds, the child in the middle will have to guess which child is holding the Bible. Make sure to let the children know in the circle that they all can pretend to be receiving the Bible to try to throw off the child in the middle.

The children should continue passing the Bible for 30 seconds. Say, “stop” and allow the child in the middle to guess who has the Bible. If the guess is correct, the person holding the Bible becomes the next center person. If the guess is incorrect, have the kids continue passing the Bible. Play a few rounds to give other children opportunity to play. As you begin your lesson time you can share about how that in some countries it is illegal to have a Bible and many people try to get rid of God’s Word. But God’s Word will always stand. And just like it was hard for the person in the middle of the circle to find the Bible, the enemies of God will never be able to completely rid the world of God’s Word.
Click here for more info

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May 20

Unit: Trust God

Session Title: A Widow Gave

Life Point: People worship Jesus by giving tithes and offerings.

Unit Verse: “Call on me in a day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 50:15

Weekly Bible Verse: “Each person should do as he has decided in his heart – not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Bible Passage: Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

* * *

Craft: Tithing Jar
Use baby food jars to make a tithing jar. The picture includes instructions on how to make the jar. You could also have the kids make three jars: one for giving, one for saving and one for fun.
Click here for more info

Activity: Helping Others
This activity will encourage the children to think about some of the ways they can help others.

Preparation: Prepare ten slips of paper with one of the following acts of service on them: Raking leaves; setting the table; reading a story to a younger child; giving a gift to someone; taking dinner to someone who is sad or in need; cleaning up litter; visiting an elderly or lonely person; donating money to a charity or relief fund; giving unneeded clothes or toys; sharing a treat with a friend.

Presentation: Explain to the children that Jesus often helped others. Tell them you are going to play a game to help them think of some ways they can also help others.

Have a child come up and select a slip of paper. Let the child choose to act out (charades style) or draw (on the classroom white board) clues so the rest of the children can guess which act of service they have selected.

After the children guess the service, briefly review how the children could perform this service in their own life. Talk about the joy they feel when they help others. Tell them that God loves them very much and has provided many blessings for them. They can share their blessings with others in many ways, some of which you will have just discussed.
Click here for more info

Game: Giving Game
For this Sunday school lesson you will need a second-timer and a white board. You will need someone from your class who spells and writes well and who can be the scorekeeper.

Divide your class into 2 teams. Have them sit in 2 separate areas of the room. Say the following: 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “God loves a cheerful giver.”  This verse doesn’t say God loves a grumpy giver or a bored giver. It says God loves a cheerful giver. Why do you think God wants us to give cheerfully? (Wait for responses. Clarify with the following: When we give with a cheerful and joyful heart, we are going to be blessed and the person who is receiving the gift is going to be blessed.) 2 Corinthians 9:7 is an easy verse to memorize so we’re going to play a fun game to make sure you have it inside your heart and mind for your whole life.

Continue saying: You are in 2 different teams. I am going to take turns asking a student from each team something they might give to a certain person. You will have to answer with 2 words formed from the initials of your own name. For example, you might ask, “David Johnson, what would you give to your grandma?” David might respond with “dandy jacks.” Sarah Crawford might say “seven cantaloupes.” You will have 7 seconds to come up with an answer. If you are successful, you will come forward and stand on your side where you team is sitting. The scorekeeper will write your answer on the board so it cannot be used again.

Once you have asked every child the gift they would give, then each of you who were able to give a gift according to your initials to recite 2 Corinthians 9:7. For every team member who says the verse correctly, they will earn 50 points for their team. We will then start all over, but on the next round you will have to give a new answer that hasn’t been used. After 5 rounds, the team with the most points wins.  Now let’s play!
Click here for more info

Game: Coin Toss
Empty your trash bin for this activity or use a bucket from the Resource Room. Secure the “Put your feet on the feet” sign to the floor with masking tape. Place the bucket about 12 inches from the sign. Let each child put their feet on the feet and try to toss a penny into the bucket. Give 3 turns each.
Click here for more info

Craft: Our Gifts to God Collage
Have a poster board or large sheet of butcher paper. Write at the top Our Gifts to God. Have students cut things out of magazines that they would like to give to God.
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Tithing and M&Ms
Give each child 10 M&Ms in a little Ziploc bag. Tell them to eat 9 of their M&Ms and save one. While they ate their M&Ms, tell them a story from the Friend Magazine about a boy who spent all of his money before he paid his tithing and how he repented of it.

After the story tell them that they now had to pay their “tithe.” Collect their last M&M – it will be a hard thing for most of them to give up that last M&M (some may have saved their favorite color for last).  Some children even won’t be able to help themselves and will eat the 10th M&M.

Then tell them that you are going to do an experiment and give them another chance. Give them another bag of 10 M&Ms and collected their “tithes” first. It will be much easier to give it first and instead of giving what is left over. Discuss how it would be easier for them in their own lives if they always paid their tithes first before spending the rest of their money. It turned out great and I have a feeling it is one of those lessons that will stick in their minds for a long time, even the younger children got it. * Don’t forget to post an allergy alert. *
Click here for more info

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May 13 – Happy Mother’s Day!

Unit: Trust God

Session Title: Jesus Calmed a Storm

Life Point: People can trust Jesus.

Unit Verse: “Call on me in a day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 50:15

Weekly Bible Verse: “Call on me in a day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 50:15

Bible Passage: Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click Here

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Craft: Ocean in a Bottle
The site below has the instructions on how to make this bottle specifically (it is the 3rd craft on the page). Here are quick instructions: Fill bottle about 1/2 full of water, add blue (just a few drops) of food coloring, shake to turn water blue, fill the rest of the way with cooking oil. Seal and glue lid! You may also want to add shells, fish, glitter, etc. before sealing!
Click here for more info

Craft: Paper Plate Boat
All the instructions and materials needed are listed on the site below.
Click here for more info

Snack: Cheese and Apple Boats
Using cheese slices and apples; they show toothpicks on this site but I have also seen pretzels used to make boats. Fun snack for the kids, just remember to post an allergy alert!!
Click here for more info

Game: “Quiet Be Still” Run
Let the children all run and shout and sing until the whistle blows and the teacher will say QUIET BE STILL! Everyone “freezes” until the whistle blows again and then children can resume their singing or shouting until another whistle blows when children will once again “freeze” and the teacher will shout out QUIET BE STILL. Tell the Bible Story or teach the Memory Verse during the “Quiet” times. Continue to play several times so children can hear a part of the Bible story and memory verse.
Click here for more info

Group Activity: Five Boats of Peace
The teacher can have 5 outlines of boats on a poster board. Title the poster board — 5 boats of PEACE. Let children work/discuss together about a word for each letter of the word PEACE, to show what Jesus does or what we can do when we go through a storm.
Click here for more info

Craft: Be Still and Know I Am God Picture
I don’t have instructions for this but thought this was so cute. They basically used cut or ripped paper to make a scene with the ocean and the boat and then wrote the scripture, “Be Still and Know I am God on it.” You could do this on paper or, if you want to go above and beyond you could get little canvases (you can find these at Hobby Lobby or Michaels for a pretty good price). I would do this with 3rd grade and up.
Click here for more info

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