May 6

Unit: Trust God

Session Title: Four Friends Helped

Life Point: People are important to Jesus.

Unit Verse: “Call on me in a day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 50:15

Weekly Bible Verse: “As the Father has loved me, I have also loved you. Remain in my love.” John 15:9

Bible Passage: Mark 2:1-12

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Object Lesson: Bend and Tell
This is such a simple and genius way to tell this story! It has been posted in a few different places, but I have no idea where the concept originated. All you need is four strips of card stock or tag board, a hole punch and three brads.  I found this version online.
Click here for more info

Game: Four Friend Weave
The four friends in the story did not give up on helping their friend. In fact their faith is quite commendable! In this game four children work together like the friends in the story. You will need:

  • a pillowcase
  • a doll or stuffed animal
  • field cones or chairs

Setup a few cones staggered across the room. Have all the children line up at one end of the room. Choose one child to be “Jesus” and stand at the other end of the room. Choose four children to be the four friends.  Their task is to each hold a corner of the pillowcase, carrying the doll or stuffed animal, and weave around the cones to bring their “friend” to Jesus. If they drop their “friend” they must go back to the beginning. When they reach the end, have the child who is “Jesus” repeat after you saying, “Your sins are forgiven. Arise, take up your bed and walk.” Everyone claps and celebrates, thanking Jesus for healing their “friend.” Repeat, giving each child the opportunity to be a “friend” and/or “Jesus.”
Click here for more info

Craft: Arise and Walk
The children can each make their own to take home and retell the story. You will need:

  • this man template (printed on card stock)
  • felt
  • craft sticks
  • scissors
  • crayons glue
  • hole punch
  • brad
  • permanent marker
This man’s legs did not work.  He could not walk.  His friends had to carry him on his bed.


Jesus healed him!  He forgave the man’s sin, and told him to take up his bed and go to his house.

To prepare cut out the man templates, and cut felt into 4 1/2″ x 2 1/4″ rectangles.  Punch a whole in the center of the man’s body.

In class, help the children glue their felt pieces to craft sticks.  Have them color the man, then attach the man to the felt with the brad.
Click here for more info

Food: Lame Man on Graham Cracker
The picture is pretty self-explanatory. If you do this please put up an allergy alert.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

April 29

Unit: Jesus Is Alive!

Session Title: The Holy Spirit Empowers Witnesses

Life Point: The Holy Spirit helps people tell others about God.

Unit Verse: “Help me understand your instruction, and I will obey it and follow it with all my heart.” Psalm 119:34

Weekly Bible Verse: “He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6

Bible Passage: Acts 2:1-15; 22-24; 32-33; 36-42

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Object Lesson: Holy Spirit
This blog has a great illustration to help kids understand the Holy Spirit as well as the Trinity.
Click here for more info

Craft: Pinwheel
Make a pinwheel and talk about the wind to help the children understand how we cannot see the Holy Spirit but we know he moves and is present among us. The website below goes into more detail about the craft and how to make the pinwheel.
Click here for more info

Craft: Tissue Paper Fire
Make a fire like the fire that is mentioned in today’s story. The link below is to a picture (we don’t have step-by-step instructions) but it is pretty self-explanatory. You can either have the kids draw a flame then glue the tissue on it or print out a flame for them to glue tissue on to.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

April 22

Unit: Jesus Is Alive!

Session Title: The Ascension

Life Point: Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would help people.

Unit Verse: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Weekly Bible Verse: “He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6

Bible Passage: Acts 1:4-11

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

* * *

Craft: Jesus Ascension Window Craft 
The below website has all the instructions for this craft. This craft is more suited for 1st-3rd grade.
Click here for more info

Craft: Jesus Ascension Windsock 
A fun and easy craft that kids will love to make. We have streamers in the resource room or you could use something different on the bottom.
Click here for more info

Game: Back and Forth Ascension Game 
This is a fun game but needs to be done with children in 2nd grade and up. This game may be a little messy but if contained would be fun for the kids.
Click here for more info

Science Experiment: Ascension
This would be a fun experiment to do with kids about ascension and what it means. It would be great for any age class.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

April 15

Unit: Jesus Is Alive!

Session Title: Peter Had Breakfast with Jesus

Life Point: People can follow the example, teachings, and commandments of Jesus.

Unit Verse: “This is love: that we walk according to his commands.” 2 John 6

Weekly Bible Verse: “He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6

Bible Passage: John 21:1-19

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Object Lesson with Story: Miraculous Catch of Fish
This is a prop to tell the story with. If you watch the video she explains how to make and use the prop.
Click here for more info

Craft: Miraculous Catch of Fish (2nd-5th grade)
This craft is a little complicated with the envelope boat. The instructions are all spelled out on the website.
Click here for more info

Craft: Puzzling Pieces (1st-3rd grade)
On the last page of this pdf is the Puzzling Pieces craft but there are also very good ideas for telling the lesson as well. Children will make a puzzle that says: “Jesus’ love puts us back together.” You can use the template they have or make your own (There is puzzle die cut in the Preschool Resource Room.)
Click here for more info

Craft: Net Full of Fish Craft (1st-3rd grade)
The craft uses craft sticks, laundry bag netting, and mini die-cut fish. The picture shows what the craft looks like but the website gives you a good idea of how to make the craft as well.
Click here for more info

Snack: Net of Fish
You will have to make these ahead of time for the kids but I think they are really cute.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

April 8

Unit: Jesus Is Alive!

Session Title: Thomas Believed

Life Point: Jesus’ resurrection was necessary to save people from sin.

Unit Verse: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

Weekly Bible Verse: “He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6

Bible Passage: John 20:19-31

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Activity: Trust Falls 
Can be done at all ages; but geared more for older kids (grades 4-5). Illustrates the idea of being able to trust someone else.
Click here for more info

Craft: Doubting Thomas/Bible Passage Craft 
A fun craft that really puts together the story and what you will be teaching the kids this week. It would make a good wrap up craft.
Click here for more info

Activity: Seeing and Believing 
This would be better for younger kids. It might be good to have a blanket or something to put in front of the chosen child to make it better.
Click here for more info

Activity: Object Lesson 
Put a small object in a paper bag. Ask one child to look in the paper bag and tell the class what he sees. Ask the class, “Do you believe him?” and let children respond. Secretly put a new item in the bag and ask five children to look inside and tell the class what they see. Ask, “Is it easier to believe five people rather than one when their answers are the same?” Most children will respond yes. Tell them that even though all 10 disciples told Thomas that Jesus arose, he still didn’t believe.

Campus(es): ,

March 25

Unit: Know Jesus

Session Title: The Triumphal Entry

Life Point: People need and can trust in God’s Salvation.

Unit Verse: “We no longer believe because of what you said, since we have heard for our-selves and know that this really is the Savior of the world.” John 4:42

Weekly Bible Verse: “We no longer believe because of what you said, since we have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior of the world.” John 4:42

Bible Passage: Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Song and Palm Branch Collage
Have children make palm branches out of different colors of green and brown paper. You could bring in scrapbook paper in these colors as well. Then they would write out the song that is in the picture and color green and brown behind it to represent the ground of the road.
Click here for more info

Craft: “Palm” Branch
Children trace their hands about 8-10 times on green construction paper and then cut it out. Then they glue them to a long thin piece of construction paper representing the branch.
Click here for more info

Craft: Palm Branch Craft (for older children)
If you watch the video they will teach you had to make a cross from a palm branch. We are handing out palm branches this Sunday in the Children’s Welcome Area.
Click here to watch the video

Craft: Palm Branch and Clothing Road (for younger children)
You will create a road and then add clothes to it that the people throw down and palm fronds to it. The website does a very good job of explaining how to do this craft.
Click here for more info

Game: Palm Branch Pass
The pdf attached has all the instructions.
Source: The Big Book of Bible Crafts #2
Palm Branch Pass PDF

Game: Palm Branch Pick Up
The pdf attached has all the instructions.
Source: The Big Book of Bible Crafts #2
Palm Branch Pick Up PDF

Craft: Calvary Hill Paper Plate Craft
The website has all the instructions for how to make this great craft to show the crosses on Calvary Hill. (This craft does come from a Catholic website.)
Click here for more info

Craft: Tie Dye Easter Crosses
A fun and easy craft that kids in any grade will love. We have some dot paint in the Resource Room and there is more in the Preschool Resource Room if you need it.
Click here for more info

Craft: Nail Cross (Older Kids)
The site shows a more extensive project but you could simplify it by just making the cross of nails. Of course, you will need to be very careful with the sharp nails and wire. I think it would be something the older kids would love and help to remind them of what Jesus did.
Click here for more info

Craft: Crown of Thorns Bracelet
Craft wire, scissors, brown cord
1. Cut three pieces of craft wire to measure about 6-inches long each.
2. Hold the three pieces of wire together. Wrap one end of one piece of wire around the other three to hold them together.
3. Braid the three strands of wire together loosely until you have reached a spot about two inches from their ends.
4. Wrap the end of one piece of wire around the other two to hold the braid together. Cut the ends of the wire off.
5. Cut five pieces of brown cord to each measure two inches long. Tie the pieces onto the bracelet evenly spaced around. These will be the thorns of the crown. Use scissors to cut the ends of the knots so the cord looks like thorns.
Tightly wrap brown cord over the ends of the bracelet to cover the ends of the wire. Tie the cord to secure it in place.
Click here for more info

Craft: Easter Story Wreath
The site has all the pieces for printing and instructions to make this wreath. This would be something good to make this week and then can talk about it with their families on Easter the next Sunday.
Click here for more info

Activity: Easter Story Trivia Game
This pdf has everything you need to play this game, including the questions and answers. I would play this with older kids as some of the questions are kind of hard but they do give the scripture reference if you wanted the kids to look up the answer in their Bibles as well.
Click here for more info

Craft: Jesus is Alive Tape Painting
Children can make a cross using two pieces of masking tape or painters tape (something that is not too sticky). Then they will paint the background with a color or pattern and write “Jesus is Alive” around the cross. Once paint is dry, remove tape to make a cross on your paper.
Note: you will want to use thicker paper if you are going to paint.
Click here for more info

Game: Road to Emmaus Game (Older Kids)
All the instructions are on the pdf. Great review game for the older children.
Click here for more info
Road to Emmaus Game PDF

Craft: Walking with Jesus (Younger Children)
The disciples in the story walked with Jesus in person, but Christians hold that whoever believes in Jesus still walks with him in her heart. Explain to children that believers can know for sure that Jesus’ resurrection was for real because the Bible says many people saw him alive before he returned to heaven. Trace your children’s feet to make a take-home reminder to follow in his footsteps. Preprint labels that read “Jesus has really risen! Luke 24:34” and stick one to each foot or write the caption on each paper. Let the children color a road around the feet.
Click here for more info

Snack: Graham Cracker Road
Explain to children that the roads in Jesus’ time were dirty and dusty, unlike the paved roads of today. Make an old-style road by spreading frosting or peanut butter on a whole graham cracker. Sprinkle crushed cookie crumbs over the top as the dust. Place three gummy bears on the road to represent the two disciples and Jesus.
Click here for more info

Craft: Eye Seeing Chart
Let children make a SEEING EYE CHART, like one in an eye doctor’s office, the letters on the first line will be BIG, the letters on the second line will be a little smaller, the letters on the 3rd line will be a little smaller, etc. The TITLE can be “SEEING JESUS”, etc. The words can be on the chalk board for the children to copy, such as JESUS HELPS US TO SEE AND UNDERSTAND OUR LIVES, or JESUS HELPS ME UNDERSTAND MORE CLEARLY WHEN I AM CONFUSED, or JESUS HELPS ME SEE THAT HE LOVES ME AND THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR!
Note: For younger children, the teacher can have the letters lightly drawn for the children to trace over the above words on their eye charts!
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

March 11

Unit: Know Jesus

Session Title: Jesus Healed a Blind Man

Life Point: Jesus performed miracles and helped people.

Unit Verse: “We no longer believe because of what you said, since we have heard for our-selves and know that this really is the Savior of the world.” John 4:42

Weekly Bible Verse: “If this man were not from God, he wouldn’t be able to do anything.” John 9:33

Bible Passage: John 9:1-34

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Game: Did this Happen?
This is a good review game after reading the Bible story. You can use the statements below or come up with your own from the story. Designate one side of the room as “Yes” and one side as “No.” As you read each of the below statements, children pick the “yes” or “no” side of the room to stand in based on what they remember from the Bible story.
1. Jesus heals the blind man by putting mud on his eyes.
2. John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God.
3. The Pharisees are upset that Jesus healed the man on the Sabbath.
4. The Pharisees planned to kill Jesus.
5. The Pharisees question the man’s parents.
6. The Pharisees question the man again & throw him out of church.
7. Jesus was born in a special way without a human father.
8. Jesus finds the man and tells him about the Son of Man.
Click here for more info

Game: Sense of Touch Game
Fill a bag with different objects that children would recognize (a cup, a marker, a Barbie doll, etc.) Have a child put on a blindfold and pick one object from the bag. They need to try and guess what the object is that is in their hand. You can also ask them after they guess what the object is how they knew it what is was or if it would have been easier to guess if they could see. Keep playing until every child who wants to play has had a turn.
Option: you could put a food item in the bag (i.e.: a bag of fruit snacks) and if they could guess it was a food item have them try to open it and try to eat it without taking off the blindfold.
Click here for more info

Craft: Stick Blind Men (more suited for 1st and 2nd)
Each child will make three puppets of the blind man. One when he was blind, one with mud on his face, and then one when he could see. The instructions are on the website. You basically just need paper circles (you could use the die cut machine to make cutting circles quicker) and craft sticks. Children could add more details to the face and do not have to picture the blind man with sunglasses on but maybe just simply with his eyes close. The website has them using real mud on one but you could use markers or paint. This would be a way for them to make a visual to retell the story to someone when they got home. You could also have the children write parts of the memory verse on the sticks.
Click here for more info

Game: Can You Do That Blindfolded? (great for 3rd-5th grades)
The document on the website below explains this game very well. Basically, it is a checklist of things children try to do while blindfolded and if they complete the task they get a smiley face or check mark on their sheet. You can use the tasks listed or come up with your own.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

March 4

Unit: Know Jesus

Session Title: Jesus Fed the People

Life Point: Jesus meets people’s needs.

Unit Verse: “We no longer believe because of what you said, since we have heard for our-selves and know that this really is the Savior of the world.” John 4:42

Weekly Bible Verse: “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11

Bible Passage: John 6:1-13

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Object Lesson: Basket of Food
Get a deep basket and fill it with Goldfish and croutons. Then take a napkin and cover the food up completely so you cannot tell there is food under the napkin (although these are pretty smart kids so they will probably know better LOL). Then on top of the napkin put 5 croutons and 2 goldfish. Use this as a visual to tell the story and then eat as a snack. (Put up an allergy alert!)
Click here for more info

Craft: Five Loaves and Two Fish
The website below explains how to do this cute craft. There is quite a bit of prep work.
Click here for more info

Game: 1 Fish 2 Fish
This is just a quick fun game to get some of the wiggles out of the kids…
▪ Have the children all line up and take the Fish Bag and some tape and tape a fish on the back of each child. Make sure they don’t see the name of the color on their back (there will be some more complicated names)
▪ The children have to go up to other children and say “1 Fish, 2 Fish, Am I A (name of a color) Fish?”
▪ When they get the answer right they can take the fish off their back and put it in the garbage. Then they just stay in the game to help the other kids guess their fish.
Click here for more info

Activity: Creative Drawing
Supplies: paper • pencils

Give each child a piece of paper and a pencil. Say: Draw something ordinary on your pa-per that you use every day—such as a spoon, a pencil, or a toothbrush. Encourage kids to draw something different from what others are drawing. Allow about a minute, and then have kids trade papers with people around them.

Say: You have a drawing of something ordinary. Now think of two or more ways you can use that item in a way that’s different from what it’s normally used for. For example, a spoon could help build a sand castle. A toothbrush can scratch your back. Allow about two to three minutes, encouraging kids to think creatively. There are no wrong answers.

Once everyone has finished, have kids trade their papers back and share their ideas with each other. Discuss the following:
▪ What are some reasons Jesus might work with ordinary people and things when he does miracles?
▪ What’s one ordinary thing about you that God could use in big ways?
Say: God used an ordinary boy and his ordinary lunch to feed 5,000 people. God can use you and your ordinary things to do something amazing, too! We trust God to provide, and sometimes he might even provide for others in marvelous ways through us.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

February 25

Unit: Jesus Loves Us

Session Title: Jesus Taught About Forgiveness

Life Point: People can ask Jesus and others to forgive them when they do wrong things.

Unit Verse: “This is how we know that we know him: if we keep his commands.” 1 John 2:3

Weekly Bible Verse: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.” Ephesians 4:32

Bible Passage: Matthew 18:21-35

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Game: Oops
A great game to help students learn the memory verse for the week as well as teaching them about being kind and compassionate.
Source: Making Scripture Memory Fun

Game: Try Try Again
A game that talks about forgiveness and how it is not as easy as anticipated.
Source: The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry

Game: How Many Times?
Ask the children how many times they can do various tasks:
• How many pushups can you do?
• How many times can you bounce a ping pong ball on a paddle?
• How many times can you bounce a hacky sack off your knee?
• How many free throws can you score in a row?
Ask the children to attempt these tasks then ask if anyone can complete these tasks 490 times in a row without messing up. Let them try. The point of the game is to show that it is nearly impossible to do something 490 times. This idea ties in with today’s lesson. The exact tasks the kids do don’t matter as long as kids have fun moving and understand how hard it is to do some-thing 490 times.
Click here for more info

Craft: Forgiving Flowers
Children can be given paper and markers and colorful “buttons” for the middle of the flowers (to glue on). Encourage children to draw large flowers and then write F-O-R-G-I-V-E in each of the petals, so each flower should have 7 petals so one letter will fit on each petal! Give children some chenille wire for the stems, if desired.
Click here for more info

Lots of Ideas
The lesson plan below has lots of good ideas for crafts and activities for this lesson.
Click here for more info


Campus(es): ,

February 18

Unit: Jesus Loves Us

Session Title: Peter Walked on Water with Jesus

Life Point: People can follow Jesus’ example and teachings.

Unit Verse: “This is how we know that we know him: if we keep his commands.” 1 John 2:3

Weekly Bible Verse: “This is how we know that we know him: if we keep his commands.” 1 John 2:3

Bible Passage: Matthew 14:22-33

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

* * *

Game: Walking on Water
What you need:
• Footprints (you can use different colors or all the same color)
• Large open space
• Tape (clear packing tape is suggested)

What you do:
Set up the feet in a left – right pattern going across the floor. To add an extra challenge for the older kids, either make their foot adorned line longer or space it further apart making it harder to jump from foot to foot.

Line kids up (can be in groups by ages, small groups, etc.) and put everyone behind a certain mark. On the count of three, the first person in line runs along the feet, being careful to ONLY step on the feet. They must race to the end of the line, touch the ground and then return to tag the next person, relay style.

Once a child has completed the “walking on water” run, they should sit down so it is clear who still needs to run. Once everyone on the team is sitting, that team wins! Have fun!
Click here for more info

Snack: Walking on Water
Make walk-on-water snacks with blue frosting, graham crackers and Teddy Grahams. On each cracker, use one arms-up Teddy representing Peter saying, “Help!” and one arms-down Teddy representing Jesus walking calmly.
Click here for more info

Game: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
Tape a picture of Jesus on the wall and put an empty bucket underneath the picture. Ask the children to line up about 10-15 feet away from the bucket (distance doesn’t really matter). The first person in line holds the large spoon and puts the plastic egg on it. Then they have to walk the egg over to the bucket without dropping it. The trick is – they have to keep their eyes on Jesus the entire time!!! If they take their eyes off of Jesus, they have to start over.

Once they drop the egg in the bucket, they pick the egg back up out of the bucket and go back for the next child to play. After everyone has had a chance to play, ask the children some fol-low-up questions like “What makes you doubt?” or “What would make you sink?” Then remind them that as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus and trusted in Him, he was able to do something no other man on earth has ever been able to do, walk on water. But, as soon as Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, he began to sink.
Click here for more info

Craft: Faith Drawing
Let children work together to create a chalk drawing of FAITH and believing (on one side of the chalk board for one team of children) and NON FAITH and doubt on the other side of the board. Give the children ideas for their “drawings” such as happy or sad faces, Peter ON the water (FAITH) and Peter sinking (non-faith/doubt), FAITH=floater, DOUBT=sinker, etc! Title their drawings and let each team explain their drawings!
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Sinking Egg?
Before class half fill two clear drinking glasses with water. Stir three tablespoons salt into one of the glasses. Label the salted water “faith” and the plain water “doubt.” Draw a face on an egg to use for this activity. Review the story and talk about what would happen if you tried to walk on water. As you do this then gently drop the egg into the “doubt” water and watch it sink. Then talk about how that Jesus walked on water while you drop the egg in the “faith” water. The egg should float. Continue to tell the story showing how Peter floated (faith glass) and then sank (doubt glass). Then describe some real-life situations that the children might face and let them place the egg in the “faith” or “doubt” glass according to the way they would act in the situation. Practice this at home first!
Click here for more info


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