I hope you are enjoying the results of God’s refreshing rain. My garden has never looked so good! The church gardens are so green. Each garden will produce an abundance of food!
Just as you invest in the lives of the children you teach, fruit will come. They will come to remember the things you say about the love of God and Jesus; and, they in turn will act on what they have learned about God and Jesus. You are preparing the foundation from which the children will build their understanding of God and Jesus. You are about important business.
TEACHING TIPS – Journey On Leadership site
I am in the process of putting teaching tips for each age group on this site. Soon they all will be completed. Then I will be continuing with teaching ideas for each age group. Please let me know some of your needs so I can begin to address them here.
I appreciate the prayers for teachers that Janet Waters is posting each week on the site. She always has a prayer that meets our needs.
We are in the process of enlisting new teachers. Of course, this is an on-going task. I want to thank you for your service to the boys and girls you teach. If you know of anyone who would like to talk to us about serving, please let us know. We offer opportunities for them to learn how to teach the age group they prefer. Please let Sandra, your wing coordinator, or myself know and we will be glad to talk to them and answer any questions. Begin praying now for the enlistment campaign coming in July.
If you would like to serve in VBS, let us know!
Would you like to be part of a preschool teachers’ Life Group? If so, when would you prefer to meet– Sunday night, Wednesday night or another time? Let us know. Since you teach, you may not be part of an adult Bible study and we want to make sure you are connecting with others.
Have a great weekend and we will see you on Sunday!
Your Preschool Ministry Team