IDEAS for Sunday Morning

Bible Story – God Made the Earth (Genesis 1:1-23)


The story for this week is “God Made the Earth.” Babies will enjoy hearing about the things God made. Use conversation this week as you greet the child at the door. Say: “Hi, ______________ (use child’s name), I am so glad God made you. Thank You, God, for ____________ (use the child’s name).” Conversing with a child in a positive, comforting voice will strengthen the relationship you have as he begins to recognize your voice. His mom and dad will be excited to hear you speaking directly to their child first. The interchange will be positive for parents, too.

Talk with the child about things God made as she enters the room. You might have a real flower in a clear plastic jar with the lid closed (and sealed) ready for the child to hold. Remark, “God made the flower for _____________________ (use child’s name).” A child will come to understand more about God by the way you speak of Him and the things only He can do. You might want to provide some wooden inlay puzzles that depict things God made. You can find these puzzles in the Resource Room on the right as you enter.

Gather some items that are used at nighttime and daytime (sunglasses, pajamas, washcloths, stars, sun, shoes, etc.). Place the items in a box or bag. As you take them out, ask children, “Do you use this in the daytime or nighttime?” You might locate pictures of other items from magazines, also. Use the game as an opportunity to say thank you to God for the things He made for us or provided for us. Open the Bible as you tell the story to the children. They will understand that the stories are from the Bible and they are true.

Using a few old file folders, cut shapes of trees, a house, flowers, etc. Then use the file folders like stencils. A preschooler can slip the paper inside the file and trace the shape to create his own kind of picture of his world. Place crayons in the middle of the table so children can take turns with the colors. Children like to create, but they usually ask us to draw for them. The stencil style art work will allow them to draw one all by themselves. Each picture will be different.

Print each of the following numbers on an index card: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. Make a different set of cards on which you have printed: 1. Light, 2. Sky, 3. Dry land, 4. Sun and Moon, 5. Birds and Fish, 6. Animals and Man, 7. God rested. Use the number cards and corresponding creation cards to play a game. Place the numbers on the floor. Place the creation cards in a bag. Ask a child to pull a card from the bag and match it with the correct number for that particular day of creation. Say: “God made the earth for us. We thank God for the earth.”

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