Bible Story: “The Church Began”
Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2
Babies are learning that teachers in their room help them when they need a bottle, want a diaper change, or just want to play. What a wonderful way for teachers to help babies begin to understand that people at church care about them. Even the simplest needs you meet for babies can help them feel safe and secure at church. They have not yet caught the concept of church, but they do understand when you meet their needs. You can see it in their responses to you. Your classroom is their “church.” Thank you for what you do to help babies learn that church is a happy place to be.
One year olds have an opportunity to learn that church is a happy place. When their classroom is ready for them, they can immediately engage. Here is an activity you might want to have for this Sunday as you talk about being at church. Locate a plastic laundry basket and a few balls. Encourage one year olds to toss the balls into the basket. Use conversation such as: “I am so glad you came to church today, _____________ (child’s name). I thought you would like to toss the ball in the basket.” Even simple conversations can help them feel happy about coming to church.
Twos are becoming more involved in structured play with other children. They can engage together and are beginning to learn to “take turns.” Use conversation such as: “Now it is ____________ (say child’s name) turn, then it’s your turn __________________ (say another child’s name).” Sometimes the word share is a hard term for children to understand. To some twos, share means “I won’t get use it again,” perhaps because this has been their previous experience. As twos learn that taking turns means “I get to use it again,” it will become easy to play together. In a few years, they will understand what the word share means. All of this helps them learn that coming to church can be fun and a happy place to be.
3s – Pre-K
The Bible verse “People at church helped one another” is a great verse for us to begin to help preschoolers understand what people at church can do for others. This week our own church will be involved in buying groceries that will be given to our “Graceworks” partners. Tell preschoolers that they help people who may not have money to buy food to eat. Our church can help others. Create a pretend store using the food items in the kitchen area. Place grocery bags where preschoolers can “shop” for food. Cut strips of green paper for play money. Create a place where they can “check out.” You might say: “We can bring food to someone who can’t buy their food. We can help others.”
On Sunday our own church will be involved in buying groceries for those who can’t buy for themselves. We will be giving grocery items to our “Graceworks” partners who collect food for people who are in need. Create an area where children can make their own list of what they think others might need. You may find a list of items the church will be distributing this Sunday at one of the Preschool Welcome Desks. Using this list, encourage the children to make a similar list to take with them. As you do the activity, say: “We can give food to those who need it. Our church helps, too.”