Good morning, Father.

During 2017 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. Teach me how to pray blessings for these children and their families.

Father, You are our Creator and you created each of us out of Your Love! As I think about and pray for the families of the preschoolers I encounter at BBC, I wonder what kind of morning people they are. Do they wake up before the rooster crows and go for that morning run? Or do they snap at their alarm, pushing that snooze button several times? Or do they just wake up when the kids get them up?

Whichever describes them, I pray they will know this: God woke them up this morning for a reason. Isaiah 50:4 is a beautiful way to awaken each morning–“He awakens (Me) each morning; He awakens my ear to listen like those being instructed” (HCSB).

May each parent and child hear You, their Father, say, “Hello, beautiful!” I pray that they will wake up with the expectation of hearing and receiving new wisdom and encouragement from their heavenly Father.

In the powerful name of Jesus, the Bright Morning Star,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

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