Good morning, Father
During 2017 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. Teach me how to pray blessings for these children and their families.
Father of heaven and earth, You are the Creator of all. We have seen Your power in the recent hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, and earthquakes across our country and world. Father, as we live through times such as these, help us to be kind and compassionate to others. May we be examples of kindness to our children and preschoolers at church. Father, help our church be known as a place where children and teachers are kind and forgiving, just like You are with us. Show us ways to bless others.
“And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.” (Ephesians 4:32, CSB)
In the name of Jesus, faithful and true Witness,
Janet Waters, Brentwood Baptist Church Prayer Room Ministry