Good morning, Father
Children are an amazing gift from You.
Father God, children need encouragement. How easy it is to forget that they are always learning, being successful as well as making mistakes as their minds and bodies develop.
When do we need encouragement? When we are tired and weak, standing at crossroads, moving through stages of life, or goofing up. Encouragement doesn’t sound like much, but it’s everything. Help me to be my preschoolers biggest encourager! May my words and actions meet a need at just the right time. Thank you, Father that Your encouragement is with them, Your hope is in them, and Your grace is upon them.
“Bright eyes cheer the heart; good news strengthens the bones.” (Proverbs 15:30, CSB)
In the name of Jesus, Who gives us encouragement,
Janet Waters, Brentwood Baptist Church member/Prayer Room Intercessor