A Balanced and Healthy Diet

By Eric Warren

Many of us have those memories as a child.  Memories of sitting at the dinner table, working through your plate only to encounter something so disgusting, so abhorrent, that even to this day, the very sight of a particular food brings about a churning stomach.  For me, I vividly remember sitting at my Nanny’s (grandmother’s) dinner table, young enough to warrant my dad fixing my plate for me, surveying all of the great cooking that laid before me.  Cornbread, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, sitting here thinking about it all only makes my stomach growl, and then there were those pickled beets.  My dad loved them and could woof them down without a second thought but, for me, the very sight of them struck terror into my bones.  For you, it may be broccoli, asparagus, whatever, but at some point or another, I bet you can think of some healthy food or vegetable that made you weak in the stomach.  What I did not understand at my young age was the importance of a balanced diet.  Life couldn’t be all about Nanny’s cookies, brownies, cakes, and sweets.  I needed a full plate, loaded with all the stuff that would help me grow up big and strong like Popeye (that was always the sales pitch thrown my way).

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it 15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.       – 2 Timothy 3:14-17

 There are so, so many who step foot in this church on a weekly basis that suffer from spiritual anemia due to a lack of being fed properly.  It is so wonderful to be able to receive rich teaching and participate in solid corporate worship, but the opportunity afforded to those in LIFE Groups to dive intimately into God’s sovereign exhalings is invaluable.  Again, there are simply too many out there who are satisfied with coming in, hearing a message, and going on about their way, keeping intimacy with Jesus an arm’s distance away.  That is why we invite you once again to come alongside us in prayer and meditation as we consider those who are not plugged into LIFE Group families here at Brentwood Baptist.
As Paul states here, God’s perfect and inspired Word is profitable for teaching, for correction, for training in righteousness, which are all admirable endeavors in this process of sanctification; but sometimes correction, training and teachings are difficult, sometimes its a little tough to swallow.  However, as you well know, though God’s words aren’t always like red velvet cake or cookies, it is always for the good of our souls.  So we ask you to pray that a passion to be healthy be instilled in the Group Seekers that will arrive here on August 23 at Group Connect.  That a realization that life cannot be lived on sweets alone, but that true life, true spiritual health lies in diving into God’s perfect Word intimately.
Things to Pray for:

  • A realization to come to those who are not connected, that there is something missing, that God has so much more planned for them through the rich community and teaching offered in LIFE Groups.
  • That Church isn’t meant to be done privately, that we all come together here to do life fully, richly, and grow.
  • That those who are unconnected would quickly come and quickly be welcomed and loved.