Posts Tagged discipleship

Descriptive and Prescriptive Discipleship, Part 1

By Paul Wilkinson

When I was learning ethics, I had to spend a healthy amount of time learning differences, values, and dangers between descriptive ethics and prescriptive ethics. Descriptive ethics seeks to describe how people actually act, whether in this culture or that culture, whether with respect to God or not. Prescriptive ethics seeks to supply rules (or commands) for how one ought to act. It appeals to some standard that entails certain obligations and duties. This distinction can be helpful to the disciple-maker in two ways: first, we can look at how the disciples actually acted post-Easter when they fulfilled their vision of discipleship and, second, we can discern from Christ what a disciple and disciple-maker ought to do.
Descriptive discipleship would be simply to describe what we see from the disciples. I will just choose a sampling from Acts:

  • These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer (1:14)
  • Declared the gospel (2:14)
  • Devoted to apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to breaking bread, to prayer (2:42)
  • Healed or ministered to others (3:6)
  • Praised God for His works (4:24)
  • Met each other’s needs (4:34)
  • Teaching and preaching (5:42)
  • Went and proclaimed (8:5)
  • Service: kindness and charity (9:36)
  • Provided disaster relief (11:28-29)
  • Fasted (13:3)
  • Filled with joy and the Holy Spirit (13:52)
  • Followed up with those they taught and trained (15:36)
  • Disagreed sometimes (15:38)
  • Examined Scriptures to test teaching (17:11)

And of course they did these things in the power of the Spirit. Each of these points could be multiplied many times over as they repeated these tasks when going throughout the various towns. More could be said if we extended beyond Acts to the other New Testament letters and the Gospels, but I simply wanted to set forth some general description of what the disciples actually did.
The question for us is whether a descriptive look at our lives would yield a similar list. Are our actions such as those of the early church? Now, all this is not to say that if you were simply to do this list then, necessarily, you would become a disciple, rather I mean to suggest that if you are a disciple of Jesus then this list should represent, at least in part, your very life. Just like with LIFE and the descriptors attached to each function, challenge your groups with this sort of list so that they may examine themselves. I have certainly been convicted!

The Effect of Spaces on Discipleship

By Paul Wilkinson

The study of proxemics deals with how physical space and population density affect behavior. The idea is not foreign to church life in general and discipleship in particular: people act differently in different spaces. Think about someone needing to confess some personal sin. Do you think it more likely that they confess in the front of the sanctuary from the stage on a Sunday morning in front of a few thousand people, in front of 20 people in a LIFE group, or in a small group of 2-3 people? Clearly, one is more likely to be vulnerable in the smaller, more intimate setting. As leaders, we must be aware of these trends and provide spaces for our people to mature in their sanctification.
The Absalom’s with Dandelion Ministry cover this reality well. They suggest 5 spaces: Public (>100), Social (20-70), Personal (4-12), Transparent (2-4), and Divine (you and the Godhead).* Each space affords a different effect and efficiency for discipleship. As the numbers grow, we think more in terms of vision casting and group mission. As the numbers dwindle, we become more vulnerable and open with our own foibles; discipleship demands them all.
Jesus knew these realities. Consider the different spaces Jesus offered: Jesus fed and taught 5000 (Luke 9:10-17), He had a more intimate group of 70 (Luke 10:1-12), He had an even more intimate group of 12 (Luke 6:13-16, 9:1-6), He had an even even more intimate group of 3 (Luke 9:28-36), and Jesus spent time alone (Luke 6:12). Each of these groups afforded Jesus different discipleship opportunities: to show the awesome power and grace of God, to send out 70 to preach and teach, to teach 12 the intricacies of the Gospel and to carry forth the mission, and 3 on which to form the foundation and inaugurate the kingdom.
We will unpack how each of these spaces are utilized within the overall JourneyOn strategy for discipleship. For now, take some time this week to think through how you are incorporating these spaces into your own sanctification. Particularly, are you spending divine time on your own and are you enjoying intimate space with a, or as a, mentor/discipler? I pray that you are!