April 9 – Palm Sunday

Unit: Jesus Is Alive!

Session Title: The Triumphal Entry

Life Point: Jesus came to earth to save people from their sins.

Unit Verse: “Nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

Weekly Bible Verse: “We have heard for ourselves and know that this is really the Savior of the world.” John 4:42

Bible Passage: Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Holy Week Box
This is something that would be great for the kids to put together for their families to do during Holy Week. All the instructions and even a devotional guide are on the website below. There is some prep in getting the materials for this so you will want to start this sooner rather than later.
Click here for more info

Craft: Song and Palm Branch Collage
Have students make palm branches out of different colors of green and brown paper. You could bring in scrapbook paper in these colors as well. They then would write out the song that is in the picture and color green and brown behind it to represent the ground of the road.
Click here for more info

Craft: “Palm” Branch
Have student trace their hands about 8-10 times on green construction paper and then cut out. They will then glue them to a long thin piece of construction paper representing the branch.
Click here for more info

Craft: Palm Branch Craft (for older children)
If you watch the video they will teach you had to make a cross from a palm branch. We will be distributing palm branches to children as they leave on Sunday. If you decide to do this craft just pick up the palm branches for your class before it starts. Children who attend Marketplace fol-lowing their LIFE Group will need to leave their palm branches in the Children’s Welcome Area during Marketplace.
Click here to view the video

Game: Palm Branch Pass
The pdf attached has all the instructions.
Source: The Big Book of Bible Crafts #2
Palm Branch Pass PDF

Game: Palm Branch Pick Up
The pdf attached has all the instructions.
Source: The Big Book of Bible Crafts #2
Palm Branch Pick Up PDF

Craft: Calvary Hill Paper Plate Craft
The website has all the instructions for how to make this great craft to show the crosses on Calvary Hill. (This craft does come from a Catholic website.)
Click here for more info

Craft: Tie Dye Easter Crosses
A fun and easy craft that kids in any grade will love. I know we have the dot paint in the preschool area if you are looking for it.
Click here for more info

Craft: Nail Cross (Older Kids)
The site shows a more extensive project but you could simplify it by just making the cross of nails. You of course would want to be very careful with the sharp nails and wire. I think it would be something the older kids would love and help remind them of what Jesus did.
Click here for more info

Craft: Crown of Thorns Bracelet
1. Craft wire
2. Scissors
3. Brown Cord
1. Cut three pieces of craft wire to measure about 6-inches long each.
2. Hold the three pieces of wire together. Wrap one end of one piece of wire around the other three to hold them together.
3. Braid the three strands of wire together loosely until you have reached a spot about two inches from their ends.
4. Wrap the end of one piece of wire around the other two to hold the braid together. Cut the ends of the wire off.
5. Cut five pieces of brown cord to each measure two inches long. Tie the pieces onto the bracelet evenly spaced around. These will be the thorns of the crown. Use scissors to cut the ends of the knots so the cord looks like thorns.
Tightly wrap brown cord over the ends of the bracelet to cover the ends of the wire. Tie the cord to secure it in place.
Click here for more info

Craft: Easter Story Wreath
The site has all the pieces for printing and instructions to make this wreath. This would be something good to make this week and then children can talk about it with their families on Easter Sunday.
Click here for more info

Activity: Easter Story Trivia Game
This pdf has everything you need to play this game including the questions and answers. I would play this with older kids as some of the questions are kind of hard but they do give the scripture reference if you want the kids to look up the answer in their Bibles as well.
Click here for more info

Craft: Jesus is Alive Tape Painting
Have students make a cross using two pieces of masking tape or painters tape (something that is not too sticky). Students will paint the background with a color or pattern and write “Jesus is Alive” around the cross. Once paint is dry, remove tape to make a cross on your paper. Note: you will want to use thicker paper if you are going to paint.
Click here for more info

Game: Road to Emmaus Game (Older Kids)
All the instructions are on the pdf. Great review game for older children.
Click here for more info
Road to Emmaus Game PDF

Craft: Walking with Jesus (Younger Children)
The disciples in the story walked with Jesus in person, but Christians hold that whoever believes in Jesus still walks with Him in his/her heart. Explain to children that believers can know for sure that Jesus’ resurrection was for real because the Bible says many people saw Him alive before He returned to heaven. Trace your children’s feet to make a take-home reminder to fol-low in His footsteps. Print labels that read “Jesus has really risen! Luke 24:34” and stick one to each foot or write the caption on each paper. Let the children color a road around the feet.
Click here for more info

Snack: Graham Cracker Road
Explain to children that the roads in Jesus’ time were dirty and dusty, unlike the paved roads of today. Make an old-style road by spreading frosting or peanut butter on a whole graham crack-er. Sprinkle crushed cookie crumbs over the top as the dust. Place three gummy bears on the road to represent the two disciples and Jesus.
Click here for more info

Craft: Eye Seeing Chart
Let children make a seeing eye chart, similar to one in an eye doctor’s office. The letters on the first line will be BIG, the letters on the second line will be a little smaller, the letters on the 3rd line will be a little smaller, etc. The title can be “SEEING JESUS”, etc. The words can be on the chalk board for the children to copy, such as JESUS HELPS US TO SEE AND UNDERSTAND OUR LIVES, or JESUS HELPS ME UNDERSTAND MORE CLEARLY WHEN I AM CONFUSED, or JESUS HELPS ME SEE THAT HE LOVES ME AND THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR! ****For younger children, the teacher can have the letters lightly drawn for the children to trace over the above words on their eye charts!
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

April 2

Unit: Jesus Is Alive!

Session Title: Jesus Performed Miracles

Life Point: People can believe that miracles still happen today.

Unit Verse: “Nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

Weekly Bible Verse: “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27

Bible Passage: Matthew 8:1-13

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Game: Miracles of Jesus Match Game
Cards are on the website for this classic game. I would make two or three sets if you have a larger class.
Click here for more info

Craft: Jesus Heals Sign
The original craft for this is on Oriental Trading but you could easily recreate with foam or pa-per and real Band-Aids.
Click here for more info

Craft: Jesus has the Power to Heal Bracelets
Use the pdf below to print out and have the kids color. You may have to add some paper to make the bracelets fit.
Click here for more info

Craft: Jesus Miracles Lapbook (Older Grades)
All the instructions are on the website below. This will take some prep work on the front end.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

March 19

Unit: Jesus Teaches Me How to Live

Session Title: Jesus Was Tempted

Life Point: With Jesus’ help, people can say no to temptation.

Unit Verse: “Help me understand your instruction, and I will obey it and follow it with all my heart.” Psalm 119:34

Weekly Bible Verse: “Help me understand your instruction, and I will obey it and follow it with all my heart.” Psalm 119:34

Bible Passage: Matthew 4:1-11

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Five Fingers (best for 2nd – 5th grades)
Die cut a hand or have the kids trace their hands. Then have them write the different things to remember when they are tempted on the fingers (see PDF below). On the other side of the hand they can draw what tempts them.

Object Lesson: Dirt and Water
Bring a clear glass, water and dirt. Pour the clean water into the glass. Now add the dirt. Ask the kids if they can get the dirt completely out of the water. Share how we are the same way when we sin; we become dirty on the inside. We, by ourselves can never make ourselves clean again. Jesus is the only One who can clean us of our sin.
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Temptation Cookies
Bring in a plate of cookies. Leave them in the middle of the table so all the children can see them. Place a sign that says “do not touch” on them or near them. Do not let them have a cookie, even if they ask nicely. If possible, have the teachers leave the room or turn away from the cookies to see if anyone eats a cookie. Talk to the children about if it was easy or hard to resist the temptation. Talk about how we can be tempted to do things we are not supposed to do or things we are told not to do.

Object Lesson: Temptation Sheet
The website below gives all the instructions for this easy and fun object lesson.
Click here for more info

Craft: Hide the Word in Your Heart
Cool craft focusing on how we can hide God’s word in our hearts to fight temptation when it comes our way.
Click here for more info

Science Experiment: Temptation
A cool activity to do with kids to show them how sin effects our lives. The website below outlines all the instructions as well as the biblical truth behind the science experiment. This does involve a lighter so please be careful if you chose to do this with your class.
Click here for more info

Craft: Follow in Jesus’s Footsteps (same as last week)
Easy craft to make and would make a great wall art for your classroom. Print off a footprint outline (search Google for one) or have the kids trace around their shoe on a piece of paper and then cut it out. Then have each kid decorate it and write one way they can do something Jesus did. Talk about how Jesus showed us examples of how to live a Godly life such as resisting temptation.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

March 19

Unit: Jesus Teaches Me How To Live

Session Title: John the Baptist

Life Point: People can be more like Jesus by following His example.

Unit Verse: “Help me understand your instruction, and I will obey it and follow it with all my heart.” Psalm 119:34

Weekly Bible Verse: “I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done for you.” John 13:15

Bible Passage: Matthew 3:13-17; Luke 1:1-25,57-80; 3:1-22; John 1:19-37

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Coffee Filter Dove
Easy craft to make doves out of coffee filters. Instructions and template on the site below.
Click here for more info

Illustration: Coin Cleanse
This is a great easy illustration for baptism. I would do this for 2nd grade and older.
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Baptism
Another great object lesson to teach children about the importance of baptism. The site below will have a video that will walk you through all the steps of this object lesson. You of course do not have to follow her dialogue word for word but it is a good idea of what to say.
Click here for more info

Craft: Follow in Jesus’s Footsteps
Easy craft to make and would make a great wall art for your classroom. Print off a footprint outline (search Google for one) or have the kids trace around their shoe on a piece of paper and then cut it out. Then have each kid decorate it and write one way they can do something Jesus did. Talk about how Jesus showed us examples of how to live a Godly life such as baptism.
Click here for more info

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March 12 – Spring Forward

Unit: Jesus Teaches Me How to Live

Session Title: Jesus Went to the Temple

Life Point: Jesus understood what it is like to be a real person.

Unit Verse: “Help me understand your instruction, and I will obey it and follow it with all my heart.” Psalm 119:34

Weekly Bible Verse: “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people.” Luke 2:52

Bible Passage: Luke 2:40-52

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Find Jesus in the Temple
The instructions for this activity are on the website below. It is the second idea under the crafts.
Click here for more info

Game: Where’s Jesus?
Hide printed pictures of Jesus around the room and have the children try to find them.
Click here for more info

Activity: Maze
Create a maze for the children to work their way through. There are a couple different ideas of mazes to build on the link listed below.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

March 5

Unit: Jesus Teaches Me How to Live

Session Title: Simeon and Anna Met Jesus

Life Point: Jesus is the Son of God.

Unit Verse: “Help me understand your instruction, and I will obey it and follow it with all my heart.” Psalm 119:34

Weekly Bible Verse: “And we have seen and we testify that the Father has sent his Son as the world’s Savior.” 1 John 4:14

Bible Passage: Luke 2:21-40

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Object: Treasure of Expectation
Place a personal object that has great value to you in your classroom. Cover it with a cloth large enough to hide it completely. Explain to the class that there is something significant under the cloth. Tell them that before the end of class they will get to see with their own eyes what is under the cloth. Then continue with your study.

Throughout the class, remind the children that you have something under the cloth to show them. At the end of class, ask the children if any of them had a hard time waiting. Go ahead and show them what is under the cloth.

Explain to the class that sometimes there are promises that God makes that we have to wait for. Simeon waited a long time to receive his promise, but he did not lose hope because he knew that God’s promises always come true.
Click here for more info

Craft: Crazy Glasses
Make crazy glasses to signify Anna and Simeon seeing Jesus for the first time. The template for the glasses are below. I would print them on card-stock so they hold up.
Click here for more info

Game: I Spy with My Little Eye
Say: Do you know what it means to recognize someone? (Children respond.) It means to know who someone is. Simeon and Anna recognized baby Jesus as the Savior God promised to send us. In this game, I’ll describe something or someone. Then you will look around the room to see if you recognize what I have just described.
1. Teacher says, “I spy with my little eye …” to describe an item visible in the classroom by its shape, color, size, etc.
2. Children take turns guessing what the item is.
3. The child who guess correctly may take a turn describing a different item.
4. Continue the game as time allows.
Click here for more info

Craft: Nativity Sun Catcher
This craft maybe better for 2nd and older. It is a little complicated and would need some prep work but it is very cool and something they can hang in their house for years to come.
Click here for more info

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February 26

Unit: Do What God Says

Session Title: Daniel Chose to Obey

Life Point: People honor God when they obey His commands.

Unit Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “Think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.” Proverbs 3:6

Bible Passage: Daniel 1:1-20

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Story Mural
Have students take a large piece of paper and draw the story across the paper. You could even break the story up in sections and write at the top the part of the story then assign groups of children to draw their section of the story.

Craft: Fruit Bowl Placemat
Cut out different types of fruit from construction paper (we have tons of fruit die cuts down-stairs in the preschool resource room), then draw a bowl (half circle) and have it for the children to cut out. Then each child will glue their fruit bowl and the fruit they put in their bowl on a larger sheet of construction paper. On the bowl they can write “make wise choices,” the unit or the weekly Bible verse. Then you can have someone in your room laminate them so they can be used as placemats. If you would like to laminate them on Sunday morning, you will need to turn on the laminator in the Preschool Workroom before class starts. It needs about 20 minutes to heat up.

Snack: Fruits and Vegetables Tasting
Bring in different fruits and vegetables for the children to taste. You could also bring in dried fruits. Just remember to put an Allergy Alert.
Click here for more info

Game: Scavenger Hunt
Hide vegetables (real or plastic) in small batches around the room; hide at least one vegetable per kid. Allow the group to move around the room together, searching for the vegetables. Give instructions such as “look higher,” “look lower,” “move to the left,” “turn around,” and so on.
When kids find vegetables, they may each claim one and bring it to you. Allow kids to hunt until each kid has claimed a vegetable.

Game: Mystery Bags
Place a variety of different vegetables and fruits into opaque plastic bags, one kind of food per bag. Invite a child to reach into the bag and feel the mystery food. He/She will then describe what he/she feels, and the other kids will guess what the food is. If they are correct, select a new volunteer, allowing them to reach into a new bag and describe the next food. If they are incorrect, allow the kid feeling the food to guess what it is. If he/she is incorrect, open the bag and show everyone the food. For more of a challenge, consider prepping the foods in different ways before placing them into the bags. At home you could slice, peel, or chop different foods to make them harder to guess.

Game: Toss the Fruit
Form two teams of kids. At one end of the room, place two baskets. Instruct the kids to line up at the other end of the room. Provide toy fruits and vegetables for each team, one per kid. Kids will take turns tossing their vegetables or fruits into their team’s basket. If a kid misses, he must toss again until his fruit or vegetable lands in the basket and stays in. Then that child will move to the end of the line, and the next kid will toss her fruit or vegetable.

Game: Tossed Salad
If you are using chairs, place them in a circle. As kids arrive, give each one the name of a vegetable (carrot, zucchini, lettuce, onion, celery). Tell kids to stand (or sit) in a circle. Choose one kid to stand in the middle of the circle. Call out a vegetable; kids with that name will switch places. The one in the middle tries to get one of the vacated places. Whoever ends up without a place stands in the middle. After a few turns, call out two vegetables to switch. Call out: “Tossed salad!” Everyone switches places. Comment that vegetables will be a part of the Bible story.

Campus(es): ,

February 19

Unit: Do What God Says

Session Title: Jeremiah Wrote God’s Words

Life Point: The Bible helps people know how to live.

Unit Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16

Bible Passage: Jeremiah 36

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Scroll Memory Verses
Just like the Bible was written on scrolls back in Jeremiah’s time, have students write the memory verse on a scroll. You would need to get tan or brown paper and then maybe tear and wrinkle it some. You can use dowel rods or any other kind of rod to help roll the scroll up. You will also want something to tie the two ends together.

Craft: Bookmark
Make a bookmark to help children mark special places in their Bibles. Children could also make a bookmark to give to another person. The children could write the memory verse on their bookmark or other things to help them remember important things about the Bible.

Game: Bible Tag
Group kids into 2 teams. Invite the children to play “Bible Tag” and explain that the game is similar to “freeze tag.” When a player is tagged by someone from the other team, the player must freeze in place. Kids must tag their frozen teammate to free him or her and they must say “The Bible is God’s Word.” Tell the kids that the team with the fewest frozen players when you call time is the winner for that round. You can play many rounds.
Source: Super, Duper Fun and Exciting Absolutely Thought Igniting Bible Activities for Kids

Game: The Book that Couldn’t Be Burned
Materials: A Bible
One child will be “it” and will cover their eyes. Another child will take the Bible and hide it. When the child who is “it” gets closer to the Bible the kids will clap faster and when they are far away they will clap slower. After playing a couple times talk about how over the years people have tried to hide the Bible or say it is not true but we know that God’s word could never be hidden and it is always true.
Source: 1001 Ways to Introduce Your Child to the Bible

Game: God Preserves His Word!
We will learn in our lesson today that God’s Word can never be destroyed. People over the years have tried to get rid of God’s Word, but they will never succeed. Play this fun game to remember that God will always preserve His Word. The only supply needed is a Bible.

Have children stand in a large circle, holding their hands behind their backs. Choose someone to stand in the center of the circle. Explain to the children that you will be giving one of the kids in the circle the Bible. The object is for the chosen child to pass the Bible to the child next to them and that child onto the next, etc., all behind their backs. After 30 seconds, the child in the middle will have to guess which child is holding the Bible. Make sure to let the children know in the circle that they all can pretend to be receiving the Bible to try to throw off the child in the middle.

The children should continue passing the Bible for 30 seconds. Say, “stop” and allow the child in the middle to guess who has the Bible. If the guess is correct, the person holding the Bible be-comes the next center person. If the guess is incorrect, have the kids continue passing the Bible. Play a few rounds to give other children opportunity to play. As you begin your lesson time you can share about how that in some countries it is illegal to have a Bible and many people try to get rid of God’s Word. But God’s Word will always stand. And just like it was hard for the person in the middle of the circle to find the Bible, the enemies of God will never be able to completely rid the world of God’s Word. That’s what we will learn from Jeremiah and Baruch today.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

February 12

Unit: Do What God Says

Session Title: Esther

Life Point: People can stand up for their belief in God, even when it is difficult.

Unit Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “When I am afraid, I will trust in You.” Psalm 56:3

Bible Passages: Esther 2:2-18; 4:5-17; 5:1-14; 7:1-10; 8:8-17

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Make a Crown
Because Esther was a queen you could make a crown in class. The link below has a crown template or you could find another online. Talk about how God had a plan for Esther’s life and for her to be queen.
Click here for more info

Craft: Royal Decree
This craft lets the children write a law they would make if they were to become king or queen. It shows how to make it but doesn’t have a template for it so you would have to make it. We have lots of brown paper in the resource room or if you wanted to print and glue on brown pa-per sacks we have those as well.
Click here for more info

Game: Book Balancing Relay Race
An activity for Esther is working on balance and grace. It’s a great activity for your kids, and lets them think about Esther undergoing a YEAR’S worth of beauty treatments, and it wasn’t just baths and perfumes, it was also training in how to walk and talk.
Click here for more info

Food: Hamentaschen (Older Kids)
The holiday that is celebrated by the Jews because of Queen Esther saving them is called Purim. The website below has the information on how this holiday came about and what they do. It also has the recipe for this pastry if you would like to make it and bring it in for the kids to try. You could talk about the different customs of the holiday. (Make sure to post an allergy alert.)
Click here for more info

Craft: Scripture Valentine Wreath
The instructions are on the website for this great Valentine’s decoration. Please note this comes from a catholic website.
Click here for more info

Craft: God’s Conversation Hearts
This is something you could make to give your kids or they could make to give to someone else.
Click here for more info

Craft: John 3:16 Valentine
A cute craft using John 3:16 to make a valentine. Note this is coming from a catholic website.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

February 5

Unit: Do What God Says

Session Title: Joash and the People Gave Offerings

Life Point: People can honor God by giving Him offerings.

Unit Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Bible Passage: 2 Chronicles 23:11, 13; 24:1-14

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Game: Giving Game
For this lesson you will need a second-timer and a white board or chalkboard. You will also need someone from your class who spells and writes well who can be the scorekeeper.

Divide your class into 2 teams and have them sit in 2 separate areas of the room. Say the fol-lowing: 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “God loves a cheerful giver.” This verse doesn’t say God loves a grumpy giver or a bored giver. It says God loves a cheerful giver. Why do you think God wants us to give cheerfully? (Wait for responses. Clarify with the following: When we give with a cheerful and joyful heart, we are going to be blessed and the person who is receiving the gift is going to be blessed.) 2 Corinthians 9:7 is an easy verse to memorize so we’re going to play a fun game to make sure you have it inside your heart and mind for your whole life.

Continue saying: You are divided into 2 different teams. I am going to take turns asking a child from each team something they might give to a certain person. You will have to answer with 2 words formed from the initials of your own name. For example, I might ask, “David Johnson, what would you give to your grandma?” David might respond with “dandy jacks.” Sarah Craw-ford might say “seven cantaloupes.” You will have 7 seconds to come up with an answer. If you are successful, you will come forward and stand on your side where you team is sitting. My scorekeeper will write your answer on the board so it cannot be used again. Once I have asked every student the gift they would give, I will then have each of you who were able to give me a gift according to your initials to recite 2 Corinthians 9:7. For every team member who says the verse correctly, they will earn 50 points for their team. We will then start all over, but on the next round you will have to give a new answer that hasn’t been used. After 5 rounds, the team with the most points wins. Now let’s play!
Click here for more info

Craft: Tithing Jar
Use baby food jars to make a tithing jar. The picture gives instructions on how to make do this craft. We don’t have baby jars in the Children’s Resource Room so you would have to bring the jars from home.
Click here for more info

Game: Coin Toss
Place an empty bucket on the floor and use masking tape to make the starting line where they will stand when it’s their turn to play the game. Place the bucket about 12 inches from the starting line. Let each child put their feet on the starting line and try to toss a penny into the bucket. Give 3 turns each.
Click here for more info

Craft: Our Gifts to God Collage
Have a poster board or large sheet of butcher paper and write at the top Our Gifts to God. Have students cut things out of magazines that they would like to give to God.
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Tithing and M&Ms
I gave each child 10 M&Ms in a little Ziploc bag. I told them to eat 9 of their M&Ms and save one. While they ate their M&Ms, I told a story from the Friend Magazine about a boy who spent all of his money before he paid his tithe and how he repented of it. After the story I told them that they now had to pay their “tithe.” I collected their last M&M – it was a hard thing for most of them to give up that last M&M (some had saved their favorite color for last). Some children even couldn’t help themselves and ate that 10th M&M. Then I told them I was going to do an experiment and that they had another chance. I gave them another bag of 10 M&Ms and col-lected their “tithe” first. It was much easier to give it first and this shows how tempting it would be to keep it for yourself if that is all you had left. We discussed how it would be easier for them in their own lives if they always paid their tithe first before spending the rest of their money. It turned out great and I have a feeling it is one of those lessons that will stick in their minds for a long time, even the younger children got it. (Don’t forget to put up an allergy alert!)
Click here for more info

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