September 10

Unit: From the Start

Session Title: God’s Plan for People

Life Point: God wants people to take care of His world.

Unit Verse: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

Weekly Bible Verse: “The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and watch over it.” Genesis 2:15

Bible Passage: Genesis 2:4-24

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Patterned Paper Self Portrait
Using different patterns of scrapbook paper in similar colors children will create a collage self-portrait. You are going to need to cut the pieces into smaller pieces before class for the young-er students but the older grades can do it themselves. I would also have maybe a template of a boy and girl for the younger students so they don’t get intimidated by drawing a picture of themselves.
Click here for more info

Craft: Adam, Eve, and Me Necklace
The instructions are explained in the PDF but this craft is creating a necklace that has a mirror on it (made of aluminum foil) and then on the back the saying “God created Adam, Eve, and Me.” The templates for the circle are also in the PDF.
Click here for more info
Adam Eve and Me Necklace PDF

Game: In God’s Image
I am adapting this game from the PDF. Basically, pick a token out of the bag, it will either say hands, mouth, feet, or ears. When you pull it out of the bag, the children will act out and tell you ways they can praise God using that body part. Example would be, you pull out hands and the children could say clap while singing, helping someone pick up something they dropped, making a card for someone who is sick, etc. It helps the children to think about how God made them and what they can do with what God has given them.
Click here for more info
Created In His Image PDF

Craft: God Made Me Special
This is a pretty easy craft. The details are on the website below. We have boy and girl die cuts in the Preschool Resource Room.
Click here for more info

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September 3 – Happy Labor Day!

Unit: From the Start

Session Title: God Created the World

Life Point: People can praise God for creating the World.

Unit Verse: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

Weekly Bible Verse: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

Bible Passage: Genesis 1:1-2:3

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click Here

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Craft: Creator Acrostic
Write the word CREATOR down the side of the paper; you can prepare this ahead of time if you have a younger class and the older kids they could do it themselves. Then have the children list something for each letter that God created. They could also draw a picture of that thing next to the word.

Craft: Creation Numbers (All Grades)
Using the template attached create numbers that look like what was created on each day. You can use the same materials they suggest or come up with your own idea. You may want to get a Ziploc bag for kids to keep their numbers in. This will require lots of copies and cutting.
Click here for more info

Craft: Creation Book (All Grades)
You will need the bigger pieces of construction paper and you may need to play with how to get 8 pages (7 days and a cover) from one piece. My suggestion would be to cut the paper in half lengthwise and glue them together then do an accordion fold to make 8 pages. You can either do the numbers and words for them (younger grades) or have them write them. I like the circle for the drawing on the pages but you don’t have to do that.
Click here for more info

Game: Creation Bean Bag Toss (All Grades)
You will need 7 things to throw bean bags into (hula hoops or buckets) and then many bean-bags. Attached is a bunch of pictures to tape to the bean bags and they are trying to throw the beanbag into the correctly numbered bucket. I don’t know how many beanbags we have but you may need to be creative with things you could put the pictures on and throw into the buckets. I think this would be a very fun and interactive game at the beginning as kids are coming in and something that is easy to join in on.
Click here for more info
Creation Bean Bag PDF

Game: Rhyme Matching Game (Best for 1st and 2nd Grades)
Watch the YouTube video from the website below and she explains the game and the rhyme. I am pretty sure you could find die cuts for all the different days if needed.
Click here for more info

Creation Snack Mix
You could do this as an in class snack or as a snack for the kids to take and share with someone after class. The labels are below and it has all the ingredients on it. If you choose to do this make sure you have the allergy alert sign up with all the ingredients. This is something I think children will really enjoy!
Click here for more info

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August 27

Unit: Following God’s Plan

Session Title: Peter taught about choices

Life Point: People are responsible for the choices they make.

Unit Verse: “Come and listen, all who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me.” Psalm 66:16

Weekly Bible Verse: “Be holy in all your conduct.” 1 Peter 1:15

Bible Passage: 1 and 2 Peter

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Object Lesson: Words are like toothpaste
Use a travel sized toothpaste to illustrate when we say or do something hurtful to others that there is no taking it back. The instructions are on the website below.
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Holy Water
Holiness means separation. Use this activity to demonstrate to the children what it means to be separated. You will need a drinking glass (must be clear glass), vegetable oil, water and food coloring. Take 1/2 cup of vegetable oil and pour into the glass. Next mix 1/2 cup of water with a few drops of food coloring (any color) in a separate glass or bowl. Keep them separated until ready to use.

Explain to the children that the oil in the glass represents the world and the water represents us. Sometimes the world would have us think that we can mix together with it (pour water into oil). They try to convince us to do the things that they do and join in with them (shake or mix together the ingredients). At first it might seem like it works (mixture blended together, let stand). But after a while we realize that we can never mix with the world (the two will separate again). Holiness means to be separate from the things and the attitudes of this world. We can-not be a Christian and mix in with the world. We are different and called to be a separate and holy people. Let’s always remember that.
Click here for more info

Craft: What’s Your Cup Filled With?
For this craft you will need a paper cup for each child, water, markers, glue and items to decorate their cup with. Pass out a cup to each child and pour some water in each cup. Ask the children if they would drink out of the cup if there were bugs in the cup? Would they drink out of the cup if there was mud in the cup? In the same way, we need to have clean lives in order to please the Lord.

What makes our cup (or our lives) dirty is what comes out of our hearts. Jesus talked about the things in our heart that come out of our lives are the things that defile us (or make us dirty). We need to guard our hearts and ask God every day to help us to have clean hearts and to live a holy life. When we do then God’s living water can flow out of our lives (like the water in the cup).

Have the children write their names on their cup and if you like, the memory verse as well. Next, allow the children to color and/or decorate their cups and take home.

**Modification** I would go to the dollar store or somewhere and find plastic cups the kids can reuse and use paint marker or sharpie to decorate the cups.
Click here for more info

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August 20

Unit: Following God’s Plan

Session Title: Paul Wrote a Letter to Timothy

Life Point: People can learn about Jesus all of their lives.

Unit Verse: “Come and listen, all who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me.” Psalm 66:16

Weekly Bible Verse: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18

Bible Passage: 2 Timothy 1:1-5; 3:14-17

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Game: Books of the Bible Basketball Toss
• Say: “We learned in our Bible story that Timothy’s mother and grandmother taught him about God. Who are some people who teach us about God?”
• Continue: “Our Bible verse, 2 Timothy 3:15 says, ‘Since you were a child, you have learned from the Bible.’ God likes it when we learn about Him. We can learn about God by reading the Bible. Let’s play a game using the names of the Bible books.”
• Say: “I will show you a book name. Tell me if the book is in the Old or New Testament. If you are correct, you may attempt a one, two, or three-point shot. If you make a basket, your team will receive the points.”
• Form two teams. Select a team to begin.
• Display a “Flash Card.”
• Taking turns allow each child to say whether they think the book is in the Old Testament or New Testament.
• If the child answers correctly, invite them to shoot the basketball into the goal. Award points.
• Continue playing as time permits, alternating teams.
• Say: “Our parents teach us many things. They teach us to play sports, to ride our bikes, and how to read and write. God wants our parents to teach us about Him. God wants families to worship together. We can worship with our families as we read and learn from the Bible.”
• Pray, thanking God for people, especially parents, who teach about God.
Click here for more info

Craft: Bible Scroll
Using brown construction paper and two crafts sticks, rods, or pencils make a scroll. Have children write 1 Timothy 3:16 and draw a picture of the story on the scroll. They could also draw the people they learn about God from on their scroll. Roll it up and tie with yarn. Talk about how the bible used to be on scrolls and how it was read to children on scrolls.
Click here for more info

Craft: Make Something for a Younger Class
This is a great idea for 3rd-5th grades to do for either the first grade or even kindergarten classes. They could make them cards, posters or something to tell the younger ones what they have learned about God. Explain that as they get older they become models for the younger kids and can teach them about God. If you did this at the beginning of the class you could take the cards to one of the younger classes towards the end of the class. You will want to coordinate with the younger class’ teacher or the wing coordinators to make sure you have enough for everyone in the class. For the first graders, this could also be their welcome into Children’s Ministry.
Click here for more info

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August 13

Unit: Following God’s Plan

Session Title: Paul Preached to an Angry Crowd

Life Point: Sometimes people have to hear a message from God they do not like.

Unit Verse: “Come and listen, all who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me.” Psalm 66:16

Weekly Bible Verse: “Speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into him who is the head – Christ.” Ephesians 4:15

Bible Passage: Acts 21:27-22:29

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Cards for Missionaries
Find out the names of some of the missionaries that our church supports and share facts about their work with the students. You might write notes or send a picture of your class to the missionaries.
Click here for more info

Craft: Mission Flags
This would be a good way to remind the students of the different places to pray for. You don’t have to do just countries but could use state flags as well.
Click here for more info

Game: Telephone
A classic game that is about how a story changes as it is retold over and over. This would be a great game to help drive the point about telling people about Jesus but also making sure your message is clear so it does not get messed up between people.

Craft: Jesus Loves You Doorknob Hanger
Children can share the messages of Jesus love with others by making them doorknob hangers. Cut a piece of card stock to be 2 feet long and 6 inches wide. Cut a hole out of the top big enough to fit over a doorknob. Color the words “Jesus Loves Me” on a piece of colored construction paper. Cut it out and staple, or glue it just under the hole for the doorknob. Next, cut four hearts out of construction paper and write one letter on each heart so that you spell out “LOVE.” Staple or glue the hearts single file from top to bottom on the doorknob hanger. Share the weekly verse John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” with the person you give the doorknob hanger to.

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August 6 – Advancement Sunday

Unit: Following God’s Plan

Session Title: Paul Taught in Athens

Life Point: God wants people to teach others about Jesus.

Unit Verse: “Come and listen, all who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me.” Psalm 66:16

Weekly Bible Verse: “Come and listen, all who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me.” Psalm 66:16

Bible Passage: Acts 17:16-34

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Game: M and M Get to Know You
Fun game using M&Ms to get to know your new class. Sitting in a circle each child pulls an M&M out of the bag and shares about themselves according to the chart.
Click here for more info

Game: Get to Know You Bingo
Bingo game to help you get to know the children in your class.
Click here for more info

Game: Would You Rather?
This classic “get to know you” game is fun for kids and you can make it more active by having them go to different sides of the room for the two different answers. Attached are some questions that you could ask or you can come up with your own.
Click here for more info

Craft/Game: Get to Know You Bracelets
Each child gets one pipe cleaner filled with beads of one color (to give to others) and one empty pipe cleaner (to hold beads they collect for themselves). To get a bead they have to introduce themselves to another child and say “Hi, my name is ____.” And tell their new friend something about themselves. Then that child gives them a bead from their full pipe cleaner. Afterwards they can make their bracelets with all the different colored beads that they have collected.
Click here for more info

Craft: Faithbook
Students create a “Facebook” page about themselves to help you get to know them better. Jamie did this with her first grade class a few years ago and they loved it. Any age would love to do this because they all know what Facebook is. After everyone creates one you could hang them up in your room so others could look at them.
Click here for more info
Faithbook PDF

Way to Introduce the Story
Before class cut five small pieces of paper for each student. In class ask the students to use the papers to write down their five most favorite things in the whole world. After everyone has done this then ask them to put the cards in order with the most important thing first. Lead the discussion so that the children will see how that the most important things seem to take the most time, money, etc. Hopefully some of the children will have put “God” on one of their papers. If they haven’t then give them an extra card so that they can do so now (without embarrassing them). “In today’s story, we are going to learn about a city that thought that their idols were the most important things in the world.” (Idol – anything that is worshiped above God – often a statue or carving.)
Click here for more info

Craft: Thankful Cross
When you scroll to the bottom of the link below you will see this craft laid out. It is pretty simple but takes some prep work if you are going to do with younger kids.
Click here for more info

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July 30

Unit: Being On Mission

Session Title: Paul and Silas in Prison

Life Point: God wants people to tell others about Him, even when it is difficult.

Unit Verse: “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Weekly Bible Verse: “I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Bible Passage: Acts 16:16-34

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Speak the Truth Megaphone (1st and 2nd)
Make a paper megaphone that helps kids to remember to always speak the truth. There is a die-cut for a megaphone in the Preschool Resource Room. You can have the students decorate the megaphone with stickers or rhinestones. You could also have them draw places that might be hard to talk about Jesus. Of course, it would be great to also have them write their memory verse, and “speak the truth” on the megaphone.

Craft: Can Do Can (3rd-5th)
Students will make a can that has the verse for the week, Philippians 4:13. They can decorate the can and make it look really good. In the picture it has the students making a can look like a person, this is not necessary in my opinion but also is a good idea. Then on places they will write where it is hard to talk about Jesus or people they might have a hard time talking about Jesus to and then put them in the can. Then they can remember to pray for these places and people daily.
Click here for more info

Game: Strength Test (3rd and 5th)
Have the kids do little activities like run from one end to the other 3 times, have them do 5 push-ups, carry a book from one end of the room to the other, how far they can throw a stuffed animal to show how strong they are, etc.. Then talk about and relate how God gives us physical strength and strength to talk to people about God.
Click here for more info

Craft: Actions Speak Louder than Words
Divide paper into 4 sections and have students come up with four different ways they can build a strong reputation that shows they are a Christ follower. Have them draw these different ways in each of the boxes. You can print off the memory verse and put it at the bottom.

Game: Charades, Actions Speak Louder than Words
Play charades to drive home the point that our actions can tell people more about who we are and about our love for Jesus than sometimes our words can.

Craft: Praise Noise Maker
The website below has the instructions for this noisemaker. This is a good craft to show how they can praise God through music even in hard times.
Click here for more info

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July 23

Unit: Being On Mission

Session Title: Paul Taught Lydia about Jesus

Life Point: Jesus wants people to follow Him

Unit Verse: “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Weekly Bible Verse: “Now this is his command: that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another as he commands us.” 1 John 3:23

Bible Passage: Acts 16:11-15

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Paul and Lydia Pop Up
The site below has the template and instructions to make a whole book about Paul but I was thinking you could print the elements just for the page about Lydia.
Click here for more info

Prop for telling the lesson
Build a river in your classroom to tell the lesson next to and use as an object while telling the story. An example of an easy river to build is on the site below.
Click here for more info

Craft: Spread the News Coffee Filter
This is a craft kids will really enjoy. It will be a little messy so be ready for that. I would recommend it for 2nd grade and up. All the instructions are on the site below.
Click here for more info

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July 16

Unit: Being On Mission

Session Title: Paul and Barnabas Told About Jesus

Life Point: God wants people to cooperate with others willingly.

Unit Verse: “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Weekly Bible Verse: “We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do so.” Ephesians 2:10

Bible Passage: Acts 14

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Door Hangers
Make a door hanger with the memory verse. Children can keep it to put on their door or share it with someone else.
Click here for more info

Craft: Sharing Bracelets
Make bracelets for the students to wear and share the truth. Remind the kids to be bold and share the truths with others. You can do this with the letter beads. Some examples of acronyms are:
FROG – Fully Rely on Jesus
GAP – God Answers Prayers
LIFE – Living in Faith Everyday
WWJD – Walking with Jesus Daily
Click here for more info

Game: Helium Stick
This game will help children work together and teach them to trust each other. Have the children stand in a circle, hold their arms parallel to the ground and stick out their pointer fingers. Place a light weight but large object on their outstretched fingers, such as a hula hoop or stick. Tell them they must lower it to the ground without their fingers losing contact. You will find that children are usually surprised when the stick seems to float upwards although they are trying to will it down–hence the name “helium” stick. Help the children develop a sound strategy for moving the “stick” down, such as counting and moving it inch-by-inch or dropping one side at a time.
Click here for more info

Game: Snake Game
This is another game where children learn how to work together and trust each other. If you watch the video, it will show you how to play and they explain it as well.
Click here to watch the video

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July 9

Unit: Being On Mission

Session Title: Paul Became A Missionary

Life Point: Missionaries are Christians who share the message of God to others around the country and world.

Life Verse: “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Bible Passage: Acts 13

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Game: I Am Packing My Suitcase
This is a fun game for children of any age. Children will sit in a circle and say “I am packing my suitcase and I am bringing…” then will say something they want to bring if they were going on a mission trip. The next person will go and say the same thing but before they can say the thing they are bringing they have to say what the previous person said. This goes on until the last person that goes says everything the other people in the circle are bringing plus their thing. You could also pass around a suitcase so they know who to listen to.

Activity: God is Calling (Older Students)
A Bible search for children to identify people in the Bible who were called by God and their response. Create cards with ‘phone numbers’ (Bible Address of someone God called). Have blank cards for students to create the answers/response of the people receiving God’s call. (These cards can be used later as a memory/concentration game allowing students to match up the call with the response.)
Some examples: Moses (Exodus 3), Samuel (1 Samuel 3), Gideon (Judges 6:11-27), Isaiah (Isaiah 6), Disciples (Matthew 4:18-22), Jonah (Jonah 1), Rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-22), Felix (Acts 24:24-27), Agrippa (Acts 26:26-32)
Click here for more info

Activity: Where did they travel??
Track where Paul and Barnabas traveled on a map. Talk about how they got from place to place (boat, foot, etc.). You could do this by printing out a map or having one made larger at Kinko’s or somewhere then you could track where they went and use symbols to show how they go to each place.
Click here for more info

Craft: Time to Tell Clock
This craft is pretty simple. It would be just finding CDs to use whether it be blank ones or used ones. You could use the verse to write on them or a simplified part of the verse. You could also add a ribbon to be able to hang the clock.
Click here for more info

Craft: Missions Awareness Booklet
This is an awesome book that teaches kids more about missionaries as well as some great activities. You could put the book together in class and then do one or two of the activities with the class and they could finish the rest at home. The pdf for the booklet is attached below.
Click here for more info
Missions Awareness PDF

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