November 27

Unit: Following Directions

Session Title: God Gave Ten Commandments

Life Point: People honor God by obeying His commands.

Unit Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “We will do and obey everything that the Lord has commanded.” Exodus 24:7

Bible Passage: Exodus 20; 31:18

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Ten Commandment Sticks
The website below gives great directions for this craft. I would do this with 2nd grade and older. I believe we have lots and lots of crafts sticks if you are interested in doing this craft, so that should not be a problem.
Click here for more info

Game: Ten Commandments Bowling
This is a lot like the plague bowling idea I gave you all a couple weeks ago. This one you make the pins but the below link explains how to do. I think it would be fun for the children to play.
Click here for more info

Craft: Ten Commandments Lap Book
This would be great for the lower grades. We do have file folders in the resource room if you are interested in this craft. This will require some preparation on the front end.
Click here for more info

Song/Video: Ten Commandment Boogie
This video is a really cute song and dance for the Ten Commandments. I know we sometimes have issues with the internet in the classrooms so come talk to Jamie on Sunday morning and she can help you with this. This is geared more towards grades 1-3.
Click here for more info

Game: Ten Commandment Matching
The site below has the cards you can print out and either have each kid make a set or make a couple sets for them to play with in class. If they make their own set they can color them as well.
Click here for more info

Game: 10 Commandment Toss
All I have as a resource for this is the picture below. Basically it is cups with the numbers 1-10 in them and the children would throw a ping pong ball and try to get it in the cup. When they do they have to tell you the commandment that goes with that number.
Click here for more info
ten commandment toss

Campus(es): ,

November 20 – Happy Thanksgiving!!

Unit: Following Directions

Session Title: The Israelites Crossed the Red Sea

Life Point: People can trust in God’s power in all circumstances.

Unit Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own under-standing.” Proverbs 3:5

Bible Passage: Exodus 13:17-15:21

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Red Sea Construction Paper Parting
This is a simple craft that you could do to show the Red Sea parting. The picture and website will show how children could use Lego men to cross the Red Sea on their paper.
Click here for more info
red-sea-construction paper

Craft: Red Sea Folder
No instructions for this craft but looking at it I think you can see how it is done. Very similar to the craft above but a little bit more complicated so I would do this with the older kids.
Click here for more info
red sea folder

Snack: Part the Red Sea Cupcakes
This is a cute snack you could make for your kids. It is a cupcake then has icing (blue would be best) on both sides with a strip left plain the in middle. Then they took a gingerbread sprinkle and placed it in the center towards the back to look like Moses was about to cross. Remember to post an allergy alert.
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Water Pepper Trick
The video on the website shows how this is done. You need a bowl of water and then a good amount of black pepper in the bowl on top of the water. You stick your finger in just plain and show the kids it does nothing. Then you put a little drop of dish soap on the tip of your finger and put it in and all the pepper will split. I would try this at home just to make sure it works be-fore you do it with the children.
Click here for more info

Game: Red Sea Walk
Place a long line of chairs in 2 rows for the children to run through with the back of the chairs faced inside the area children will walk or run through. Children will line up and each child will put on a colored cloth on the head and take a “walking stick” and run through the “RED SEA” and then will bring the cloth and stick to the next child in the line and children will continue to RUN thru the “RED SEA” until everyone has had an opportunity to “walk” through.
Click here for more info

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November 13

Unit: Following Directions

Session Title: Joseph Forgave His Brothers

Life Point: God wants people to forgive one another like He has forgiven them.

Unit Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “Accepting one another and forgiving one another, if anyone has a com-plaint against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive.” Colossians 3:13

Bible Passage: Genesis 42-46

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Object: Heavy Box
When you think of a soul, it brings to mind images of light and uplifting thoughts. Over time, misdeeds and sins weigh down the soul and make it heavy. You can teach your youngster about the importance of forgiveness by demonstrating the heavy soul and how much easier it is to carry around when it forgives and is forgiven. Start with an empty shoe box and get your kiddo to hold the box. Ask her how it feels: “Is it light or heavy?” and “Would it be hard to carry this empty box around?” Of course it would be easy. Next, add two or three rocks to the box and hand it over to your youngster again. Ask the same questions. This time, there’s a little bit of weight in the box, but not enough to make it an impossible task. Continue on until the box is just too much to carry easily. Now you can explain the similarities between a heavy soul and the heavy box. Forgiveness is important because it keeps the soul uplifted and prevents it from being weighted down.
Click here for more info

Craft: Forgiveness Gift
Forgiveness isn’t something that can be taken; you may not be able to see it or touch it, but it’s a gift that you can give to someone and a wonderful gift to receive, too. Help your kiddo turn an ordinary gift box into the prettiest gift box he or she has ever seen. Wrap the lid and box separately in decorative wrapping paper, and then pull out the craft supplies and let your little artist take over. They can adorn the box with bows, ribbons, glitter and anything else they can find. When the gift box is complete, help the child think of something that has upset him or her recently and help them to forgive. Write the words “I forgive” and then the scenario on a piece of paper and place it in the gift box. The child can give the box to someone or place it in a special area in the home. They can always come back to the box every once in a while and add more forgiveness notes to the box.
Click here for more info

Craft: Grain-ola
You will just have to go off the picture for how this is made but it looks like granola and then M&Ms put in a bag with a tag on it that says “Grain-ola” and then the weekly verse on the back of the tag.
Click here for more info

Game: Try Try Again
A game that talks about forgiveness and how it is not as easy as anticipated.
Source: The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry
Try Try Again

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November 6

Unit: Following Directions

Session Title: Joseph’s Early Life

Life Point: God has a plan for each person’s life.

Unit Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

Weekly Bible Verse: “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Bible Passage: Genesis 37; 39

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Joseph and His Coat
Create Joseph’s coat to make the verse, Genesis 37:3.
Click here for more info

Game: Color Elimination
As the children arrive in class write down on small pieces of paper different things they are wearing and what color they are. For example, you can write white socks, blue pants, red dress, orange hair clip, red flowers on shirt, pink shirt with blue stripes, brown shoes, etc. You can also use the color of their hair and eyes. Put all the pieces of paper in a bag. Have all the children stand up. Give each child a turn to pick a piece of paper from the bag and then read what it says. If a child is wearing something that is picked from the bag, he or she has to sit down. Keep playing until only one child is standing up.
Click here for more info

Illustration: Box
God Has a Plan for You
Items Needed: An empty box
Scripture: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
Let me show you all what I have today. What is it? It’s an empty box! What can you do with an empty box?
Well, let’s give this box a job. We can stand it up on its side and pretend that it is a refrigerator! But wait…if we really use it for that, then all the food we put in will begin to spoil and stink up the place.
OK, we can lay it flat, climb in it and use it for a car! But wait….I’m too big to fit in the box. I’d crush it! Besides, it has no wheels…we wouldn’t get very far.
I know! I’ll use it for a hat! But wait…the box is too big for my head, and it really isn’t very stylish. Hmm…..maybe this box just doesn’t have a job, or purpose.
But this box has to have a purpose it was made for something. It is best used when it is used as it was designed! You can put things in the box and store things in it. That is what this box was made for. It is only really of value to me if I can use it for what I designed it for!
This box is a lot like you and me. God says in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” God has a plan for our lives. He has a job just for us! We might try to live our lives the way we want to, but we will only really be of great value to anyone when we are doing what God has planned for us. He has a very important plan for each of us, and God wants us to find it and fulfill it–all with His help, of course! When we discover what God’s plans are for us, we find great joy in being what God made us to be. As a matter of fact, we’ll find a lot of satisfaction in doing things we never dreamed of.
Click here for more info

Craft: God’s Plan Box
Kids will create a memory box to help them remember God’s plan for them.
Scripture: Psalm 33:11
You’ll Need: One box per child, wrapping paper, decorating supplies, and a Bible
Have kids cover their boxes with wrapping paper and decorate them with stickers, markers, or other supplies. Make sure kids leave their boxes so they can be opened. Encourage kids to use their boxes to store things that remind them of how God used challenging times to do great things in their lives. For example, they could put in a ribbon from a sports competition to re-mind them of the good that came from practicing hard.
After the boxes are made, read aloud the Scripture.

• What does this Scripture say about God’s plans for you?
• What are the amazing things God has already done for you?
Click here for more info

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October 30

Unit: We Are Family

Session Title: Jacob and Esau

Life Point: God wants people to treat family members with fairness and respect.

Unit Verse: “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18

Weekly Bible Verse: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God forgave you in Christ.” Ephesians 4:32

Bible Passage: Genesis 25:27-34; 27:1-45; 32:1-23; 33

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Game: Sweeper Relay
The PDF attached will explain how to play this game. You will need to look in the lower portion to see how to apply this to the story of Jacob and Esau.
Source: Super, Duper, Fun and Exciting, Absolutely Thought Provoking Bible Activities for Kids
Sweeper Relay PDF

Game: What’s Different
The PDF attached will explain how to play this game. You will need to look in the lower portion to see how to apply this to the story of Jacob and Esau.
Source: Super, Duper, Fun and Exciting, Absolutely Thought Provoking Bible Activities for Kids
What’s Different PDF

Craft: Sun Catcher
The PDF attached will explain how to make this craft. You will need to look in the lower portion to see how to apply this to the story of Jacob and Esau.
Source: Super, Duper, Fun and Exciting, Absolutely Thought Provoking Bible Activities for Kids
Sun Catcher PDF

Game: Oops
A great game to help students learn the memory verse for the week as well as teaching them about being kind and compassionate.
Source: Making Scripture Memory Fun

Campus(es): ,

October 23

Unit: We Are Family

Session Title: Isaac the Peacemaker

Life Point: God wants family members to get along with one another.

Unit Verse: “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18

Weekly Bible Verse: “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18

Bible Passage: Genesis 26:1-6, 12-33

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Love my Family License Plate
Children will make a license plate that will remind them to love their families. On the pdf they show the word “forgive” but you could something like “love” or “luv my fmly” so it is more applicable to this week’s lesson.
Click here for more info
License Plate PDF

Craft: Love One Another Stained Glass
This craft is more involved but a good craft to help children remember to love one another even when their family and friends make them upset. Detailed instructions on the website.
Click here for more info

Craft: Peaceful Target
Make a target out of red and white construction paper. You could prepare the circles for the children to cut or have the children make their own circles. In the center of the target write “Peaceful Home” and the memory verse. Tell them to put this target on their refrigerator at home and use a magnet to mark how close their home is to a peaceful home.
Click here for more info

Craft: Family Team Player Pennant
Make a pennant either out of paper, foam or felt. The pennant could say something along the lines of “The (Last Name of the Child) Family Are Team Players.” Then you could add the memory verse below it. The child could then decorate the pennant and hang it in their house somewhere as a reminder to their family.
** You could also make jerseys the same way with the last name where it would be on the jersey.**

Campus(es): ,

October 16

Unit: We Are Family

Session Title: The Sacrifice of Isaac

Life Point: God helps families to trust Him.

Unit Verse: “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18

Weekly Bible Verse: “’For I know the plans I have for you’ – this is the Lord’s declaration – ‘plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” Jeremiah 29:11

Bible Passage: Genesis 22:1-19

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Object Lesson: Box (maybe better for younger grades)
The website does a great job explaining how to do this object lesson and explaining how God has given us a purpose.
Click here for more info

Activity: Making Plans
This activity helps children think about the plans they already know about such as for the month or over the summer and then looks at the plans they don’t know about such as what they will be doing in high school or as an adult. I would say this is geared more for the older children but you could do it with the younger children as well. The attached PDF does a great job of laying the activity out.
Source: Making Scripture Memory Fun
Making Plans PDF

Game: God’s Loving Plans
In this game children will follow the leaders’ plans and find missing envelopes. It is a lot like a scavenger hunt and could be a lot of fun for the children. If you have a smaller class you could hide some of the envelopes in other places in Children’s Ministry Area but I would try to keep the majority of it in your room. The attached PDF will give you all the details of the game and how to set it up.
Source: The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry
God’s Loving Plans PDF

Snack: Bundle of Sticks
This is a fun snack to go along with the story. Basically just pretzel sticks tied together with a Twizzlers Pull and Peel. You could make them ahead of time or in class. Please make an allergy sign if you do this.
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

October 9

Unit: We Are Family

Session Title: Abram and Lot

Life Point: God’s love helps people consider family members’ needs first

Unit Verse: “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18

Weekly Bible Verse: “Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

Bible Passage: Genesis 13

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Activity: Circle of Love
Give each child a piece of paper and have them draw a circle on it and write “My Circle of Love” around the edge. Challenge them to make their circles larger by including someone who may have been shut out of their circle. Encourage the children to talk to their families about their circles of love and together think of a person to whom they have not shown love. Suggest that they write the person’s name outside the circle. Challenge the children to treat that person with love no matter how he or she acts, as Abram did for Lot, and see if by next week they can put the person’s name inside their circle of love. (If you use this activity, be sure to follow up next week to see if the children accomplished their goal.)
Click here for more info

Memory Verse Game: OOPS
Write the verse on the board. Then line the students up shoulder to shoulder. If you have a bigger class you might want to get them into two groups. The point of the game is to be kind to each other and let one person speak at a time. Anyone in the line can start the verse then the idea is to get all the way to the end of the verse one word at a time, but no one can say two words in a row, and no two people can say a word at the same time. If two people speak at the same time, we’ll all say “Oops!” and say the whole verse together and then start again. Play until the group gets it.
Source: Making Scripture Memory Fun

Game: Kindness Toss
The PDF gives you all the instructions on how to play this game.
Source: Big Book of Bible Games #2
Kindness Toss PDF

Way to Introduce the Lesson
Have biscuits (or cookies) for the class. Make sure that there are some biscuits that are crushed or broken. They should be obviously worse than the rest of the biscuits. Pass the plate to each child and let him/her choose one. Then discuss why they chose the biscuit they chose. Why didn’t they choose the crushed ones? “In today’s lesson, Abram and Lot had to make a choice. One got to choose first and he chose the ‘best’ thing. Let’s see what happens.”
Click here for more info

Craft: Get Along Cups
• Remind children of ways Abram and Lot got along. • Say: “We will make ‘Get Along Cups’ to take home. When you get along with your brother, sister, parents, and other family members or friends, you can get a bean from your parents to place in the cup. Try to fill your cup to show you are getting along with people.”
• Give each child a plastic cup and label. • Instruct: “Glue the label to your cup. Decorate your cup with the foam shapes and construction paper. Do not cover the label. Cut or tear pieces of construction paper to glue to your cup.” • Set materials on the table and allow children to decorate the cups.
• Give each child a Ziploc bag as they finish decorating. • Say: “Scoop 1⁄2 cup of beans into the bag to take home.” • Help each child close his bag and place it in the cup.
• Review: “When can you put a bean in your cup? (A: When I get along with someone) Who got along in our Bible story? (A: Abram and Lot) With whom can you get along? (Answers will vary.) With whom does God want us to get along? (A: Everyone)
Click here for more info

Craft: Family Team Player Pennant
Make a pennant either out of paper, foam or felt. The pennant could say something along the lines of “The (Last Name of the Child) Family Are Team Players.” Then you could add the memory verse below it. The child could then decorate the pennant and hang it in their house somewhere as a reminder to their family.
** You could also make jerseys the same way with the last name where it would be on the jersey.**

Campus(es): ,

October 2

Unit: We Are Family

Session Title: Noah and His Family

Life Point: Family can obey what God tells them to do.

Unit Verse: “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18

Weekly Bible Verse: “We will worship the Lord our God and obey Him.” Joshua 24:24

Bible Passage: Genesis 6:9-8:22

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Science Experiment: Rainbow in A Jar
This looks like a fun thing to do with the children and something they would enjoy watching you do. You may need to do it with 2 groups if you have a larger class so everyone could see. All the instructions are on the website.
Click here for more info

Craft: God’s Promises Rainbow Craft
As your class reads and learns about Noah’s ark, you can make this simple craft to help your children make some of their own covenants. They can be promises between them and God, or between them and their parents.
Click here for more info

Craft: Ark Paper Plate Basket
Don’t miss the boat on this amazing idea for learning about an essential part of the Bible. The Noah’s Ark Paper Plate Craft is the perfect way to learn about Noah, his ark, the animals, and the lessons behind the story. Paper plate crafts are inexpensive ways to get creative, and this frugal find is beneficial in more than one way. Kids can design their ark as they listen to you tell the story. You can even fill your craft project with animal crackers to make this a deliciously educational experience.
Click here for more info

Craft: Rainbow Ribbon Dancer
A fun craft for kids and they will love playing with it. All the instructions are on the website. (Disclaimer: Ideas is from a catholic website)
Click here for more info

Campus(es): ,

September 25

Unit: God’s Amazing World

Session Title: Cain and Abel

Life Point: People should love others as they love themselves.

Unit Verse: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

Weekly Bible Verse: “Show family affection to one another with brotherly love.” Romans 12:10a

Bible Passage: Genesis 4:1-16

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Craft: Love One Another Stained Glass
This craft is more involved but a good craft to help children to remember to love one another even when their family and friends make them upset. Detailed instructions on the website.
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Sin Will Touch Others (Older Kids)
A good object lesson but pretty mature so I would do with 2nd grade and older. Easy instructions and materials.
Click here for more info

Bible Story: Genesis 4 – A Murder Mystery
Here is another way to tell the story that will pique the kids’ interest. This is an activity for telling the story of Cain and Abel. You could do this in small groups, or if your class is small you could do it in one group.

Explain to the children:
A terrible tragedy has happened. The world’s first murder has taken place. It is our job to find out who did it and work out a suitable punishment for the murderer.

Ask the children the following questions:
1. What do we know about Adam?
2. What do we know about Eve?
3. Read Genesis 4:1-4a. What do we learn about Cain from this Bible passage? What do we learn about Abel?
4. What words describe what God is like?
Here are the suspects: Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, God, A stranger

Give the children one clue each. They read out the clues in chronological order, but don’t show their clue to other children.
1. God was pleased with Abel’s offering.
2. God wasn’t pleased with Cain’s offering.
3. Eve loved Cain and Abel.
4. Adam and Eve had another son to replace the one who was murdered.
5. Cain said to his brother Abel, “let’s go for a walk.”
6. God asked Cain, “where’s Abel?” and Cain answered, “I don’t know, am I supposed to look after my brother?”
7. God said to the murderer, “You will never be able to farm your land again.”
8. The murder happened outside.

Children put all the clues together and work out the following:
o Who did it?
o Where did he or she do it?
o Why did he or she do it?

Ask children: What do you think the punishment should be?

Read Genesis 4:10-16:
o What was God’s punishment?
o What does this story tell us about God?
o How are we like Cain?
o How are we like Abel?
o Why do you think this story is in the Bible?
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Cain and Abel’s Hearts
Half fill one clear glass with water. Half fill an identical clear glass with white vinegar. Tell the children that these glasses represent Cain and Abel’s hearts. (Point to the glass of water) Abel’s heart was good and he wanted to give his best to God. (Put a drop or two of green food coloring in the vinegar glass and give it a stir.) The green glass represents Cain’s heart. He was jealous of his brother and he didn’t give his best to God. Let’s see what happens to their hearts when they gave gifts to God. Ask one child to put a teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of water (nothing will happen to the water). Abel gave his gift and God was pleased. Abel felt good in his heart because he knew he had given his best. Now let’s see what happened to Cain’s heart. (Have another child put a teaspoon of baking soda in the green vinegar glass). As the water bubbles and boils talk about how jealousy made Cain’s heart upset and angry.
Click here for more info

Object Lesson: Candy Fairness
Using M&Ms or Skittles (or anything like it), divide in cups in different amounts. Pass out to kids but don’t let them see they are different. After you have passed out all the cups and the kids start to figure out that they are not the same, ask them about how they feel about everyone getting different amounts, talk about if it is worth getting really mad about. After discussing fairness and how it applied to the story of Cain and Abel see if the kids can work it out to make it fair for everyone to have the same amount. (Remember to post an Allergy Alert sign.)

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