August 11

Session Titles: Paul Taught in Athens

Life Point: Jesus is our example for how to live

Unit Bible Verse: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “Be imitators of God, as dearly loved children, and walk in love, a Christ also loved us and gave himself for us.” Ephesians 5:1-2

Bible Passage: Acts 17:16-24

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Game: M and M Get to Know You
Fun game using M and M’s to get to know your new class. Sitting in a circle each child pulls an M&M out of the bag and shares about themselves according to the chart.

Game: Get to know You Bingo
Bingo game while getting to know people in the class.

Game: Would You Rather?
This classic get to know you game is fun for kids and you can make it more active by having them go to different sides of the room for the two different answers. Attached are some questions that you could ask

Craft/Game: Get to know you bracelets
Each child gets one pipe-cleaner filled with beads of one color(to give to others) and one empty pipecleaner (to hold beads they collect for themselves).To get a bead they have to go to another child and say “Hi, my name is ____. And something about themselves”.Afterwards they can make their bracelets.

Craft: Faithbook
Students create a “facebook” page about themselves to help you get to know them better. I did this with my first graders last year and they loved it. Any age would love to do this because they all know what facebook is. After everyone creates one you could hang them up in your room so others could look at them.

Way to Introduce the Story
Before class cut five small pieces of paper for each student. In class ask the students to use the papers to write down their five most favorite things in the whole world. After everyone has done this then ask them to put the cards in order with the most important thing first. Lead the discussion so that the children will see how that the most important things seem to take the most time, money, etc. Hopefully some of the children will have put “God” on one of their papers. I f they haven’t then give them an extra card so that they can do so now (without embarrassing them). “In today’s story we are going to learn about a city that thought that their idols were the most important things in the world. (Idol- anything that is worshiped above God -often a statue or carving)”

Craft: Thankful Cross
When you scroll to the bottom of the link below you will see this craft laid out. It is pretty simple but takes some prep work if you are going to do with younger kids.

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August 4

Session Titles: Lydia learned about Jesus

Life Point: Jesus was sent to be the Savior

Unit Bible Verse: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Bible Passage: Acts 16:11-15

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Paul and Lydia Pop Up
So the site below has the template and instructions to make a whole book about Paul but I was thinking you could print the elements just for the page about Lydia.

Prop for telling the lesson
Build a river in your classroom to tell the lesson next to and use as an object while telling the story. An example of an easy river to build is on the site below.

Craft: Spread the News Coffee Filter
This is a craft kids will really enjoy. It will be a little messy so be ready for that. I would recommend it for 2nd grade and up. All the instructions are on the site below.

Game: Simon Says Draw
This is a fun game where kids have to listen and follow directions. Instructions for the game are on the site. Relate this to how Jesus gave us directions to follow, and go and tell people about Jesus but the way each of us do it may look different because we are unique.

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July 28

Session Titles: Paul and Barnabas

Life Point: God creates opportunities for people to tell others about Him

Unit Bible Verse: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

Weekly Bible Verses: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

Bible Passage: Acts 14

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Door Hangers
Make a door hanger with the memory verse. You could keep it to put on your door or give it to someone to share with others.

Craft: Sharing Bracelets
Make bracelets for the students to wear and share the truth. Remind the kids to be bold and share the truths with others. You can do this with the letter beads. Some examples of acronyms are:

FROG – Fully Rely on Jesus

GAP – God Answers Prayers

LIFE – Living in Faith Everyday

WWJD – Walking with Jesus Daily

Game: Helium Stick
This game will help children to have to work together and teach them to trust each other. To lead children in Helium Stick, instruct them to stand in a circle, hold their arms parallel to the ground and stick out their pointer fingers. Place a light-weight but large object on their outstretched fingers, such as a hula hoop or stick. Tell them they must lower it to the ground without their fingers losing contact. You will find that children are usually surprised when the stick seems to float upwards although they are trying to will it down–hence the name “helium” stick. Help the children develop a sound strategy for moving the “stick” down, such as counting and moving it inch-by-inch or dropping one side at a time.

Game: Snake Game
This is another game where children will have to learn how to work together and trust each other. If you watch the video, it will show you how to play and they explain it as well.

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June 2

Session Titles: The Ascension

Life Point: Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would be a helper

Unit Bible Verse: “The Lord does whatever he pleases in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the depths.” Psalm 135:6

Weekly Bible Verses: “He poured out his Spirit on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.” Titus 3:6

Bible Passage: Acts 1:4-11

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Jesus Ascension Window Craft
The website has all the instructions for this craft. This craft is more suited for 1st-3rd grade.

Craft: Jesus Ascension Windsock
A fun and easy craft that kids will love to make. We have streamers in the resource room or you could use something different on the bottom.

thumbnail of Ascension-Windsock

Game: Back and Forth Ascension Game
This is a fun game but needs to be done with children 2nd and up. There is a little mess that could happen with this game : ) but if contained would be fun for the kids.

Science Experiment: Ascension
A fun experiment to do with kids about Ascension and what it means. Any age kids can do this.

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May 26

Session Titles: The Holy Spirit Helps Us Pray

Life Point: The Holy Spirit helps Christians pray

Unit Bible Verse: “Everything you pray and ask for – believe that you received it and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

Weekly Bible Verses: “The Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should.” Romans 8:26

Bible Passage: Romans 8:18-30

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Object Lesson: Holy Spirirt
This blog has a great illustration to help kids understand the Holy Spirit as well as the trinity.

Craft: Pinwheel
Make a pinwheel and talk about the wind to help the children understand how we cannot see the holy spirit but we know he moves and is among us. The website below goes into more detail about the craft and how to make the pinwheel.

Object Lesson: The Holy Spirit Gives Power
Glasses of water

Before class, fill two glasses with water. Mix a few teaspoons of into one of the glasses until the salt dissolves completely.

Before Jesus left earth for heaven, He promised to send the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit filled believers and empowered them.

Let me explain how the Holy Spirit helps us. Place one egg into plain water. If the egg is fresh, it will sink in plain water. Watch the egg sink. Use a spoon to remove the egg from plain water. What do you think will happen when I place the egg in this second glass of water? Place the egg into the salt water. It will float.

Would you like to know how I did that? In this experiment, the first and second glasses look pretty much identical, but there is an important difference. I added salt to the water in the second glass. Salt makes the water dense so the egg floats.

The experiment helps us imagine what it was like for the disciples before and after the Holy Spirit came to them. At first, they had no power to what Jesus commanded them. After the Spirit came the disciples probably looked about same, but they had power they did not have before  – The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps Christians follow Jesus.

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May 19

Session Titles: Jesus Prayed in the Garden

Life Point: God wants people to pray to Him daily

Unit Bible Verse: “Everything you pray and ask for – believe that you received it and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

Weekly Bible Verses: “Pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

Bible Passage: Luke 22:39-46

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Prayer Journal
Make a prayer journal using any of the templates below for the inside pages. You could have them decorate a cover as well and encourage them to use it daily.

Activity: Ask for Help (Younger Kids)
Ping Pong Balls (One per child)
Plastic Spoons (one per child)
Clean bucket

Tape a start line on the floor. Place the bucket across the room.

The majority of the children should stand at the start line. Enlist other children to stand along the race path, at the ready in case a player needs help.

In turn, each child will speed walk to the finish line with the ping pong ball balanced on a spoon. If the ball falls, the player should say: “Help, please!” Any one of the helpers standing along the path should pick up the ball and place it back on the spoon. The walker takes three giant steps backward and then continues toward the finish line. When the player arrives at the finish line he drops the ball in the bucket and returns the spoon to the next player.

When everyone has successfully dropped a ball in the bucket have the children talk about how when we pray for help, God hears our prayers and will help us.

Source: Bible Skills Activities for Kids

Game: Finger Frenzy
This finger play game involves simple math and can be played by two or more players. Pair off players with each person holding one finger out on each hand facing the opponent.

Players move around the room with Player 1 trying to take Player 2. When player 1 taps Player 2’s hand with her finger, Player 2 “adds” an additional finger on that hand. Player 2 then becomes the tagger. When player 2 tags Player 1 with her 2 fingers, Player one will have to “add” two more fingers on her hand so that now she has three. Play continues. When one player has 5 fingers stretched out on one hand, that hand is “out”.

For a fun twist, players can also “divide” an even number of fingers across both hands, so if a player has four fingers on one hand and none on the other, she can split them into two and two. The last player to have a hand still in play wins.

Connecting the Game

This game is fun and challenging. There was simple math but you had to stay focused. Your fingers were doing a lot of work as well. Have you ever been taught how to pray using the finger method? Read and discuss 1 Thessalonians 5:17, then use the finger suggestions below to teach players how to pray.

Thumb – Say a prayer for those closest to you

Pointer – Say a prayer for those who teach you (school, church, dance, sports, etc.)

Middle – Say a prayer for the president and those in authority over you

Ring – Say a prayer for the lost and sick

Pinky – Say a prater for yourself

Source: Bible Games for Kids

Object Lesson: Prayers for Protection

Select a volunteer and give him or her an umbrella. Give paper to the other kids. Prompt them to make paper wads to toss at the volunteer. Direct the volunteer to use the closed umbrella as protection against the paper wads. Instruct the kids to collect the paper wads and prepare to throw them again. Give the kids the signal to toss their paper wads again but this time the volunteer will open their umbrella to block the paper wads. Guide kids to collect the paper wads and throw them in the trash.

Talk about how God is our protection, like the umbrella was the second time. He hears and answers our prayers. He is ready to help us all we need to do is ask.

Ask: How is God like a shield? When do you need God’s help the most?

Source: Object Lessons for Kids

Mother’s Day: Fingerprint Flower Pots
The instructions are on the site below. This would be an easy craft to do with any age. You will need to buy the flower pots for this.

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May 12

Session Titles: Jesus Gave Thanks for Food

Life Point: People can thank God for things that He gives them

Unit Bible Verse: “Everything you pray and ask for – believe that you received it and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

Weekly Bible Verses: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1

Bible Passage: John 6:1-13

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Thankful Sunflower
I did this craft last year and it was a hit!!! Basically what I did was have the petals drawn on pieces of yellow paper, give each child two and have them write things or people they are thankful for. Then they will cut out the petals. They will glue them on to a paper plate. Then you can have circles for the middle and they can glue sunflower seeds down. And then last is the green Popsicle stick for the stem. You will want to do this at the beginning of class so they have time to dry before the end of class.

Game: Thankful Scattergories Game (3rd-5th)
Play a game of Thankful Scattergories.

Step #1 – Take a sheet of paper, list the alphabet in two rows as seen in the picture to the left of this. Make enough copies for each guest to have one

Step #2 – Ask each student to fill in the sheet using each  letter to describe something they are thankful for.

Step #3 – Go around the room or table and share what each person wrote for each letter. If anyone has the same answer as another person , cross it off, and the person with the highest number of NOT crossed off items WINS .  Add a little more fun with prizes for the winners.  We found this fun game idea  on

Mother’s Day: Love you because flowers
This is a cute craft for kids to do for their mother. The site says to use foam flowers but you could definitely do this craft with construction paper as well and it may be easier because you can use regular markers.

Mother’s Day: I love you with a cherry on top
Cute craft that has the kids think of adjectives to describe their moms. Could be made into a card but the example on the site is more poster like.

Here is a site to a lot of mother’s day card ideas, which are very cute and easy to do as well.

Mother’s Day: Fingerprint Flower Pots
The instructions are on the site below. This would be an easy craft to do with any age. You will need to buy the flower pots for this.

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May 5

Session Titles: Jesus Taught About Prayer

Life Point: Jesus taught people that prayer is important

Unit Bible Verse: “Everything you pray and ask for – believe that you received it and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

Weekly Bible Verses: “Everything you pray and ask for – believe that you receive it and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

Bible Passage: Mark 5:1-2; 6:5-13

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here):

Craft: Lord’s Prayer Bracelet
Students will create a bracelet that will help them to remember the Lord’s Prayer as well as share it with others. The site below will walk you through how to explain the colors and the bracelet to the students

Craft: Praying Hands
This craft has the students trace their hands on the fold of a piece of paper to make them look like praying hands. Then inside they can paste the Lord’s prayer. You can use construction paper or decorative scrapbook paper

Snack: Prayer Pretzels
Make the Praying Pretzels ahead of time or at the beginning of class with the kids.  Or buy some pretzels and explain that pretzels were first made by monks who gave them as rewards to children who had learned their prayers. The special twisted shape looks like the folded arms of a child praying. The word pretzel means reward.

Prop Lesson to learn Lord’s Prayer
Using everyday ordinary household items as props can help us in understanding the Lord’s Prayer. You can use any props you like, but suggested examples are listed below. You may find that discussing what props to use before you pray is the most interesting part of the whole exercise!

Our Father in heaven: a picture of a parent and child.
Hallowed be your name: an honors board, a prize-giving program, or a picture of an Oscar or Nobel Peace Prize being presented.
Your kingdom come: a national flag, or a postage stamp.
Your will be done: a recent newspaper, a dog lead, or a map.
On earth as it is in heaven: a picture of earth from space, or a newspaper.
Give us today our daily bread: a loaf or pictures of food, clothing and houses.
Forgive us our debts: a toy gun, or toy handcuffs, or a jail.
As we also have forgiven our debtors: a cross.
And lead us not into temptation: adverts for expensive items.
But deliver us from evil: a bottle labelled ‘poison’ (note: don’t use a real poison bottle!).
For yours is the kingdom: a crown (which could be made of paper).
And the power: foreign money, a toy weapon, or a picture of Parliament.
And the glory: a palm branch, or a picture of fans at a concert or football match.
For ever. Amen: a stopped clock.

You can use this prayer activity in three ways:

  • You can project images of the items using an OHP or digital projector as you pray rather than using the real props, making sure you give space for reflection on each image. If each line of the prayer was printed alongside the image, people would know when to say the next line.
  • You could distribute the props amongst the people in the room. Discuss together which item belongs to which line of the prayer. Then attempt to put them in order! Pray the prayer slowly while each person holds their item up.
  • Gather all the props/items together and place them in the centre of your group. As you pray each line of the prayer, pass the appropriate item around your group, pausing long enough for it to make its journey around everyone. Finally, return the items to the middle of the room. Use the time to reflect on each items and the relevant line of the prayer.

Game: Prayer Hop
This game is good for learning the Lord’s prayer and the order it goes in.

Source: The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry

thumbnail of prayer-hop

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April 28

Session Title: Thomas Believed

Life Point: Jesus performed miracles through the power of God.

Unit Verse: “The Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

Weekly Bible Verse: “This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent – Jesus Christ. John 17:3

Bible Passage: John 20:19-31

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): Click here

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Activity: Trust Falls 
Can be done at all ages; but geared more for older kids (grades 4-5). Illustrates the idea of being able to trust someone else.
Click here for more info

Craft: Doubting Thomas/Bible Passage Craft 
A fun craft that really puts together the story and what you will be teaching the kids this week. It would make a good wrap up craft.
Click here for more info

Activity: Seeing and Believing 
This would be better for younger kids. It might be good to have a blanket or something to put in front of the chosen child to make it better.
Click here for more info

Activity: Object Lesson 
Put a small object in a paper bag. Ask one child to look in the paper bag and tell the class what he sees. Ask the class, “Do you believe him?” and let children respond. Secretly put a new item in the bag and ask five children to look inside and tell the class what they see. Ask, “Is it easier to believe five people rather than one when their answers are the same?” Most children will respond yes. Tell them that even though all 10 disciples told Thomas that Jesus arose, he still didn’t believe.
Click here for more info

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