September 25, 2014

Good morning, Father.

I desire to help others visually understand and learn to love the Bible. The Bible isn’t just another book–it has the potential to come alive and teach preschoolers lessons to guide them the rest of their lives. Many kids are visual learners whether pictures, illustrations, animation, or film. Enlighten me to be creative with puppets, flannel boards and books. May I remember that even Pinterest is a resource. I believe the more visual I am, the more many of my preschoolers will connect.

“It is the LORD who provides the sun to light the day and the moon and stars to light the night. It is he who stirs the sea into roaring waves. His name is the LORD Almighty.”  (Jeremiah 31:35)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor


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September 19, 2014

Good morning, Father.

I desire to help others understand and learn to love the Bible. The Bible isn’t just another book; it has the potential to come alive and teach preschoolers lessons to guide them the rest of their lives. Help me to first learn the stories myself–to sit down and dive deep into the meaning behind the stories, learn more about the history and the culture in Bible times. I believe the more I understand, the more my preschoolers will understand.

“You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am doing among the Egyptians to prove that I am the LORD.” (Exodus 10:2)

In the power of Jesus name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor

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September 11, 2014

Good morning, Father.

You are the author and creator of life. Help me to love with Your heart, see with Your eyes, and be the presence of Jesus to those He came to save. May I always praise You and then confess my sins so I can be filled with the fullness of You to overflow on to others. Thank You for making it possible for me to do what You have gifted me to do.

“I know, O LORD, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.” (Romans 4:4)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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September 12, 2014

I hope you all are enjoying the hint of fall. It’s coming! Personally, I enjoy living in an area where we get to experience all the seasons of the year. Each brings a different beauty!

Here are a few reminders for the coming weeks.


Preschool Ministry Teacher/Leader Training

We are offering training for our new teachers and leaders who have just begun teaching and for our more experienced leaders. On Sunday, September 21, at 5:00 p.m. you are invited to meet with other teachers like yourself to get some new ideas and learn more about how you can teach our preschoolers about God, Jesus, Church, and the Bible. I hope you will make it a priority. We certainly appreciate all that you do and all that you provide for our children at Brentwood Baptist Church. You will be hearing more about the training in the next week. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


New LIFE Group Opportunities for Preschool Teachers

The adult minister, Jay Fennell, has enlisted a couple who would like to offer a Bible study opportunity for teachers who do not currently attend a Life Group. Of course, you teach on a Sunday morning and may not be connected in Bible study with other adults. Here is your chance to “make new friends.” I think you might have used those words with preschoolers. Here is your invitation to engage with other adults in Bible study.

On Wednesday, October 1 in Room 2062 at 6:15 p.m. a LIFE Group is launching that will specifically target Sunday morning workers who are not currently connected to a group. The group leaders are Mardon and Richelle Day, relatively new to BBC, but passionate about leading and investing in people. As Jay and the Days talked about starting a new group, Jay brought up a need that we’ve been wrestling with for over a year now—a LIFE Group for preschool and children’s workers who can’t plug in on Sundays because of their responsibilities with children. Mardon lit up as I described that need because he and Richelle have served in that capacity and know what it feels like.

A few words from Mardon:

Richelle and I have been married for 23-years and have two daughters, Elizabeth (14), and Emily (10).  We are new to the Brentwood Baptist Church family.  In our previous church home, we had the joy of leading an adult Bible study for 7 years.  We are passionate about the importance of discipleship in each believer’s life.  Our goal is to live out Romans chapter 12 which emphasizes the importance of our lives being a living sacrifice to our Creator as we humbly serve in the body of Christ, putting His love and grace into action each and every day.  

See you Sunday!

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September 3, 2014

Good morning, Father.

I believe You have me where I am for a reason. Help me to lay good foundations as I teach about Your Creation, Community, and World to Your children. Give me new insights and appreciation of the message of the Bible as I study and prepare. As I serve in Preschool, may I first choose to apply Your truth to my daily life and experience. Thank You for helping me use my gift of teaching for Christ.

“. . . Try to excel in gifts that build up the church.”  (1 Corinthians 14:12)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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