April 27, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. Lord, as a preschool teacher, I have never considered myself a Christian mentor, but I am. As a believer, may I be mindful to share with my speech of Your praiseworthy deeds. Help me to be aware of my actions outside the church building. I never know when at the grocery, movie theater, or restaurant, who may be watching my integrity, speech, and reverence. I want to be a model of Your Son, Jesus, as I mentor others.  (Read Titus 2:2-8.)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

April 20, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. As I pray for the preschoolers I will be with this week, I am thinking of their future as believers in Jesus Christ. I am thanking you for wooing them with Your Love to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. I pray in confidence for the day that the Holy Spirit will come upon them and help them be powerful witnesses. Help me demonstrate my zeal for You in the day-to-day moments of life. I desire for them to have a hope that is in Christ Jesus. Thank You for the passion you will give them to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

“You should be an example to the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”              (1 Timothy 4:12b, HCSB).

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry


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April 13, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation.

Father, temptation is a hard concept to explain to preschoolers. It’s easy to be tempted to slide that cool matchbox car in our pocket to take home, walk out with that pretend cell phone in our purse, or jump place in line because we want to be first or next to a friend. Temptation begins at a young age. Help me teach boys and girls about being pure in thought, resisting dishonesty, and ignoring peer pressure so that they can make godly choices. Every person needs a moral compass; help me be a positive influence beginning with preschoolers.

“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you for your benefit, who leads you in the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus.
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

April 6, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation.

Lord, use me to show and tell the preschoolers I will encounter that they can rely on you to meet all their needs. Sadly, we live in a world that values money, which is the root of all evil. Guard these children against the false perception that they never have enough. Help this generation view financial prosperity as a tool for Your Kingdom and themselves as responsible stewards. Show me my role in their development.

“And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
(Philippians 4:19, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

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