December 30, 2015

Good morning, Father.

As we enter 2016, I pray this simple prayer on the behalf of the preschoolers I encounter at Brentwood Baptist Church. Thank you for the way You bless my heart through the lives of these precious children.

Jesus, lead me day by day
Ever in Your own good way.
Teach me to be kind and true;
Show me what I ought to do.
When I’m tempted to do wrong,
Make me steadfast, wise, and strong;
And when all alone I stand
Shield me with Your mighty hand.

In the name of Jesus,

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry
Campus(es): ,

December 23, 2015

Good morning, Father.

As we journey on towards the celebration of the birth of our Saviour, I pray:

May the awe and wonder of Christmas be revealed to your heart,
thru the birth of the Eternal Majesty who became a baby in a manger.

May you not be distracted from the holy mystery, from the season
of anticipation, and from the awestruck joy that the God of heaven
sent His Son to earth–not to remain a baby–but to grow up to be
a man who would die and rise from the dead and live forever so that
we can, too.

“Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of
David.” (Luke 2:11, HCSB).

In the name of Jesus–Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry
Campus(es): ,

December 16, 2015

Good morning, Father.

Life can get crazy, messy, and take unexpected turns. The concept of silence seems an almost alien  idea in a world of impetuous activity. Unfortunately, we are affirmed by the world when we have calendars of back-to-back obligations. That in reality eventually brings to us fatigue from frantic living.

From stories in Scripture, we know that Jesus was busy. What can we learn from His example of handling this busyness? Jesus chose silence. Why? So He could simply, quietly be with God, the Father.

Without silence, our lives are in danger. Without listening, our prayers are just one-way conversation. It is in the silence, we will be assured that Christ walks with us. It is in the listening, we will be strengthened to face the rhythms and realities of every day.

So, this day, let God take your hand and be silent for a while.

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

In the power of the name of Jesus, Prince of Peace.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
Campus(es): ,

December 9, 2015

Good morning, Father.

In the dictionary, Advent means “arrival.” As someone who works with preschoolers, it is important that you set aside time to prepare yourself for the most awe-inspiring thing that has happened in the whole of history. Grace has entered in. Temper your heart and remember Jesus divinely entered humanity at a specific time in history. Think about what it was like to wait for the Messiah.

Today you have the opportunity to set your life by a different watch, by holy time. During this season of Christmas preparation, reorient your focus to Jesus and the original, ancient holy day. Love and enjoy Christmas! Be merry and glad; for God sent His Son to walk among us and  bring forth a new era, where we can be fully free from our sin. It is after all the most important message we must convey to those God entrusted to our care, our precious preschoolers.

In the power of the name of Jesus, hope is born. (Matthew  1)

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
Campus(es): ,

December 2, 2015

Good morning, Father.

My brothers and sisters can be a lot of fun–and they can drive me crazy. One thing is for sure: God, You love them. So I am praying for them. Thank You, Lord, for watching over my brothers and sisters, and for promising to protect them and be with them in any kind of trouble. Please send Your angels to keep them safe and far away from anything that could hurt them.

“For He will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways.”
(Psalm 91:11, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
Campus(es): ,

November 25, 2015

Good morning, Father.

My brothers and sisters can be a lot of fun–and they can drive me crazy. One thing is for sure: God, You love them. So I am praying for them. Father God, when my brothers and sisters feel sad or afraid, fill their hearts with Your perfect peace. Show them how to be brave in everything they do. Help them see that You are always with them when they are scared.

“You will keep in perfect peace the mind [that is] dependent [on You], for it is trusting in You.” (Isaiah 26:3, HCSB)

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
Campus(es): ,

November 18, 2015

Good morning, Father.

My brothers and sisters can be a lot of fun–and they can drive me crazy. One thing is for sure: God, You love them. So, I am praying for them. Holy Spirit, give my brothers and sisters a love for the Bible. Make Your Word come alive and be real to them. Let it show them how to know You better. Help them want to learn the Bible so their faith will grow, and they will make You happy in all they do.

“So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Christ.” (Romans 10:17, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
Campus(es): ,

November 4, 2015

Good morning, Father.

My brothers and sisters can be a lot of fun–and they can drive me crazy. One thing is for sure: God, You love them. So, I am praying for them. God, show my brothers and sisters how to be kind, gentle, and patient with others (including me). Encourage them to say things that are helpful, not hurtful. Remind them to treat others the way they would want to be treated.

“Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them.” (Luke 6:31, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
Campus(es): ,

October 28, 2015

Good morning, Father.

My brothers and sisters can be a lot of fun–and they can drive me crazy. One thing is for sure: God, You love them. So I am praying for them. Fill my brothers and sisters with a desire to please You and do things Your way. Teach them how to love You with all their hearts, minds, and strength so they can be totally committed to You.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
Campus(es): ,

October 21, 2015

Good morning, Father.
What is the best prayer for me to pray for myself as well as the preschoolers I serve? Most important . . .  to love my neighbor as myself. God, help me to love other people with Your love. Help me be kind to others even when they are not kind to me. Teach me to look past what they are like on the outside and see what they are like on the inside. Show me how valuable they are to You. (1 John 4:7-8; 1 Samuel 16:7; Matthew 5:44)

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30, HCSB).

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
Campus(es): ,