June 25, 2014

Good morning, Father.

Help me to have deep abiding faith in the One on whom Bible facts are based. I love teaching them to Your children in preschool. Give me age-appropriate, creative ideas that mesh with our curriculum. I desire for each child to receive Your richest blessings through Jesus. The greatest of these is salvation.

“Love one another deeply, from the heart.” (1 Peter 1:22)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Ministry Intercessor


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June 18, 2014

Good morning, Father.

Thank You for using me for Your special purpose–to shine Your light; to share Your love; to shape Your children; and to encourage, advise, and lovingly affirm their parents each week. Give me an ever-increasing ability to discern Your will and ask for Your wisdom and direction as I prepare for the job that I have been set out to do.

“…you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.”
(Philippians 2:15b-16)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Ministry Intercessor
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June 10, 2014

Prayer for you, God sees you as everything good you can be.

Praise God, He will always think you are amazing.

Amazing. A word I think of when I watch my girl hummingbird hover, drink, & get fat on sugar water. This bird just comes. I put out food. She drinks. I watch. Her needs are met. How simple can that be?

Are preschoolers any different? Kids are always hungry. Not only physically, but there is an inner need that can only be met by Jesus. You have been chosen by God to feed the little ones He loves–not called to fix them, but to love them. And sometimes that job is the more difficult job.

God will help you minister to the ones He has put before you. Be available, extend a hand, meet a need. How simple can that be?

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  Ephesians 2:10

In the name of Jesus, He always found time to meet the individual need.

–Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Ministry Intercessor


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June 5, 2014

Good Morning, Father

This is Your day! Let me be glad and rejoice in it. Show me things that I need to make right with You so that I can be Your vessel of honor. Thank You for the opportunity to serve You as a preschool teacher. It takes commitment, time, and effort. Help me to be faithful over the summer months. I want to meet the needs of every child I encounter with the heart and love of Jesus. They need to know You love them.
In the power of Jesus’ name,

–Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Ministry Intercessor
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May 30, 2014

Good morning, Father,
I am blessed beyond measure!  I am here to magnify Your name.  I love You, Lord. When I fall short, You react with lovingkindness and grace. Thank You, Jesus for praying for me.  Help me to depend on You.  Enable me to serve in Preschool in a most excellent, effective, and efficient way.  I desire to plant seeds for Your harvest.
In the power of Jesus name,

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May 23, 2014

Good morning Father,

I enter Your sanctuary with awe, amazement, and wonder. I begin this day in praise of You. Convict me of things that get me off course and out of Your will.  Lord, cultivate in me a thankful heart, so that I can thank You for those private miracles. Help me to live so that my service to You brings You glory. Inspire me to bless others as I teach preschoolers and interact with their families. I desire to walk in obedience to this precious work entrusted to me.
In the power of Jesus name, Amen.

–Janet Waters, Preschool Teacher and Prayer Ministry Team Member
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What Is On Your Prayer List?

I have been reading more recently on prayer. You might say, “I hope you are practicing it, too.” Well, I do and I am. I have become more intentional about what, when, and how I pray. Some of the books I have read lead me to consider the intentionality with which I pray, which brings me to my point. Prayer takes you on a journey with God and those for whom you pray and for what you are praying.

I am sure you have heard stories of how God has worked in the lives of families because of the prayers of past generations. That leads me to consider the prayers I offer on behalf of others. Continually, I want to ask God to show me how I need to pray so that I can be intentional.

For Parents
Do you pray for the future of your children? For their friends now and in the future? For their life choices and their relationship with God? I would venture to say you do! May God give you strength to pray consistently, continually, and intentionally for your children. What blessings will unfold because of your prayers!

For Teachers
Do you pray for the children in your class? For the children that visit your class? Do you pray as you prepare? Do you pray that God leads you to an activity that might allow you to share more about God, Jesus, the Bible and the Church?

Continue to build relationships with the families represented in your class. Perhaps the relationships you build now will allow you to minister more effectively when you are needed by the family.

For All
In a recent seminar, the speaker encouraged a way we can make our prayer time fresh, memorable, and meaningful. He encouraged us to pray through a psalm. The book of Psalms contains 150 songs and prayers of praise.
1.      Pray through a psalm a day.
2.      Incorporate those for whom you pray throughout the psalm.
3.      Use your own name as you pray through the psalm.

Try journaling prayers. Create opportunities to go back and see how God has answered your prayers. Perhaps you can share these with children later.

Find joy in the relationship you develop with God through prayer and thankfulness in His answers.

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