By Paul Wilkinson

We had a great leader rally last night: getting to know one another better, syncing up our mission to be disciples of Jesus making disciples with Jesus, and partying!! Here’s a quick recap:

  • We want to help our group members be changed by Jesus.
    • How do you gauge the devotional life and spiritual growth of yourself and your group members? How does your group equip its members to engage the Scriptures daily?
    • DREAM: To see 75% of our group members engage the Scriptures daily.
    • HOW WE EQUIP: Current Foundations Curriculum, JourneyOn Today app, Focus Study on God’s Story by Roger Severino, blog, podcast.
    • Roger Severino discussed the Whole Life Stewardship Bible study and sermon series that will be a churchwide (all campuses) alignment for the months of October and November.  The lessons are already posted under the Curriculum tab at the JourneyOn Leadership page found above.
  • We want to help our group members live on mission with Jesus.
    • What service projects does your group engage and how do you invite along the lost and searching to serve with you? What mission journeys did you or those in your group take last year?
    • DREAM: Every Group is represented on a non-local mission trip each year.
    • HOW WE EQUIP: Mission Journeys, Local Missions

Check out this Facebook Live by with Mike Glenn and Eddie Mosley!
Here’s a link to the JourneyOn Today app:
Here’s a link to the curriculum for the Disciple Making Series and the Whole Life Stewardship Series:

Don’t forget to respond to the GROUP CONNECT SURVEY to let us know whether you want to be a part of Group Connect!!

We love you guys and what you do. Thank you for letting us partner with you.