Posts Tagged neighbor

Friendship, part 1

Friends generally make life better. Our very own LIFE Group leader Ken Marler has learned in his LifeWay research that one of the primary indicators about whether someone remains in the church (and groups in particular) is whether or not they make a friend in the church. Such is the same for those yet to believe among our unchurched neighbors and co-workers: can we be Christian witnesses to them through authentic friendship? For this week, reflect on this list about biblical friendship from “What Does the Bible Say about Friendship”.

Who Is Eddie Mosley? Part 2

By Eddie Mosley

You’ve been here about 2 months now: what have you learned and what are you learning?
I’m excited to be at Brentwood Baptist. The people are far more loving than I even anticipated. I knew they’d be accepting, but the loving nature of the people at Brentwood Baptist has been overwhelming. Our community needs that love, the interaction of Brentwood Baptist people in their neighborhoods and communities whether that be sports, at the gym, kids, schools, whatever. We have so much opportunity for investment in our communities through our passions. This community needs the love of Brentwood Baptist.
I’ve learned that the church is very organized and detailed which translates into quality Bible study, quality care, quality ministry, and I’ve really come to appreciate that over the last few months as my father has battled pneumonia with 2 weeks hospitalization at Centennial. I’ve learned Brentwood Baptist from a different side: as a member, as a friend, not just as a staff person.
I’m spending these few months getting to know people in the community, as well. I’m excited about August 19 for Group Connect, launching new groups, and adding to our existing groups. The sermon series that we’re tying the Bible study to each week is about making disciples; perfect opportunity for us to begin to realize that God has put us on the street where we live intentionally, not by accident, not by getting a good deal, not because we’re good negotiators, but because that’s where God intended us to be as an influence for Him.
If we can engage our neighbors by being Jesus to the people on our street, it’s going to make a difference. Beginning in August, we’re going to learn more about that, incorporating it into Bible study and daily devotionals, and being His example where we’re already doing life.

Eddie Mosley is the Adult Minister–Groups, Brentwood Campus, Brentwood Baptist Church.