Posts Tagged planning

2019 Sermon Series

I was blessed to be a part of the preaching retreat to plan the sermon series for this year. To see 7 pastors (plus whatever I am!), come together with prayer, Scripture, lament, and dreams for each of their congregations was humbling. Whatever I thought I had become in terms of leading others, I was reminded that I’ve still a lot to learn to reach their level. I’m so excited for what’s coming down the line that I wanted to share the broad categories with you in hope that you’ll prayerfully consider jumping in on some of these sermon series.

  • February 3 – Easter: Mark; a trip through Mark to walk in the dust of the Rabbi from the beginning of His earthly ministry to the Resurrection.
  • April 28 – May 26: Evangelism; a walk through Acts to see the spread of the early church, the preaching of Peter, and the witness of Paul.
  • June 2 – June 16: Disciplines; A look at the source of our disciple-making efforts with Jesus: prayer, Scripture, and Sabbath.
  • Summer Series yet to be determined
  • August 11 – September 29: Culture; Examinations of key aspects for Christians interfacing with contemporary culture, including topics such as technology, sexuality, and racial reconciliation.
  • October 6 – October 27: Vision series for the entire Brentwood Baptist Family
  • November 3 – November 17: Grieving; a short series dealing with how Christians are called to deal with loss from Ecclesiastes, Psalms, and Genesis.
  • November 24 – December 24: Apocalyptic Christmas; a Christmas series from Revelation to remind us that the little baby in the manger is also the victorious ruler of the universe.

I pray that you recognize the Spirit’s leading in these series, from the Scriptures chosen to the accompanying disciple-making opportunities that will come with each for equipping our people. And I pray you consider elevating these themes with your groups by partnering with our preachers to catalyze an unprecedented kingdom movement in Middle Tennessee and beyond.