January 12

Unit: God’s People in Egypt

Session Titles: The Plagues and the Passover

Story Point: God delivered His people and proved that He is the one true God

Big Picture Question: Is there anything God cannot do? God can do all things according to His character

Unit Bible Verse: “I have been the Lord your God ever since the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and no Savior exists besides me.” Hosea 13:4

Bible Passage: Exodus 5-12

Act Out The Nine Plagues

God turned the water of the Nile to blood – Add red food coloring to a glass of water. (This won’t make it undrinkable, but it will give the class a picture of how it looked.)

God sent frogs – Ask someone to make a frog sound, or have the class hop like frogs.

God sent gnats – Explain that gnats are very tiny; let the children pretend to swat gnats. (Make sure you only swat the gnats that land on you… not on your neighbor! J)

God sent flies – Ask the children to make buzzing sounds like flies; try to “catch” a fly.

God sent a plague on the livestock – Talk about different kinds of livestock (cows, goats, sheep, etc.) Make sounds for different kinds of animals. Guess the animals.

God sent boils (that broke out on men and animals) – Explain that these are sores.

God sent hail – Explain that hail is ice that falls from the sky. These were BIG pieces. Pretend to walk around and “dodge” big pieces of falling ice. (Be careful!)

God sent locusts – Locusts buzz around and eat everything. Ask for volunteers to buzz around the room pretending to look for things to eat. (Don’t eat the chair legs! J)

God sent darkness (that covered the land for 3 days) – Have the children sit while you darken the room. (Consider covering windows earlier.) Discuss how you feel when it is dark. What if the sun didn’t shine at all for 3 days? That might be very scary.


Craft: Ten Plagues Necklace

So they are no instructions for this craft but you can look at the picture and get a pretty good idea of how it was done. This will take a lot of prep work. You could also probably use a paper plate cut into that shape like an Egyptian neckpiece. This would probably be suited better for 2nd grade and up


Craft: Plague Numbers

This is kind of like the creation numbers that have been on here in the past. Basically cut out the numbers 1-10 and have the kids decorate each number like the plague it represents.


Game: Plague Bowling

This will require you to have a bowling set at home. Set up the pins and have the numbers 1-10 on them. They could be in order or not. Have each child bowl and when they knock down the pins they have to tell you which plagues they knocked over (you could have a cheat sheet if needed). The picture also shows a cute bowling lane they made out of cardboard that says “Let My People Go!”


Snack: 10 Plagues Snack

Have a snack for each of the 10 plagues to enjoy

Cherry or Strawberry Gelatin – River into Blood

Frog Gummies – Frogs

Snow Caps – Lice

Black Jellybeans – Flies

Animal Crackers – Diseased Livestock

Burnt Peanuts/Boston Baked Beans – Boils

Red hots and Mini Marshmallows – Hail and Fire

Black Licorice – Darkness

Green Mike and Ikes – Locusts

Sour Patch Kids – Death of First Born


Campus(es): ,

January 5

Unit: God’s People in Egypt

Session Titles: Moses was Born and Called

Story Point: God called Moses to deliver His people from captivity

Big Picture Question: Is there anything God cannot do? God can do all things according to His character

Unit Bible Verse: “I have been the Lord your God ever since the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and no Savior exists besides me.” Hosea 13:4

Bible Passage: Exodus 1-4

Game: Baby Relay

Divide children into teams and run relays to a small tub of water with a small baby doll in it. Each team player will take the baby out of the water, dry off with a little washcloth or small towel, wrap baby in a blanket and place doll baby back in the water for the next player and run back to the team to tap the next classmate to run the same relay.


Craft: Basket Weaving

Give children thin strips of colored construction paper and let them weave the strips of paper over and under the other strips of paper to form a woven mat. Tape the edges to keep the strips in place and then curve the outside of the woven basket and tape or staple a small handle to the sides to keep the form of a basket. Children can cut out a round circle to be a baby’s head, and tape a small piece of material to the bottom of the circle as a blanket to be placed in their woven basket, to represent Moses.


Craft: Love and Protection Collage

Children will each have a large piece of paper, or a poster board if the class works on this together. The teacher or a child will write in very large and bright letters — GOD’S LOVE AND PROTECTION in the middle of a circle on the paper. Then children will draw or write words about God’s love and protection for us or for Moses — words that they will think about to describe or show God’s love and protection for us.


Game: Move Moses through the Bullrushes Review Game

They will attempt to move Moses down the river and through the “Bullrushes” by answering questions from the lesson on Baby Moses. Instructions for how to set up this game is on the website below.


Snack: Baby Moses in a basket

Cut a banana in half. Place it in a cupcake wrapper which will serve as your basket. Make eyes with little tube of gel frosting at the top of the rounded side of the banana. Then cut up a fruit roll-up to make a blanket to go over the baby. The website below has a picture. If you do this put up an allergy alert for parents.


Campus(es): ,

December 15

Unit: Christmas

Session Titles: Jesus was Born

Story Point: Jesus was born to bring peace between God and people

Big Picture Question: Is there anything God cannot do? God can do all things according to His character

Unit Bible Verse: “I have been the Lord your God ever since the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and no Savior exists besides me.” Hosea 13:4

Bible Passage: Isaiah 9; Luke 2

Craft: Paper Bag Manger

The website gives the instructions for this cute craft.


Craft: Jesus in a Manger Fingerprint Craft

The website gives a good description as well as picture for how to do this craft.


Craft: A present for Jesus

Instructions for a cute craft on what you would give baby Jesus on his birthday. This would be great for younger kids.


Game: Put the Baby in the Manger

A lot like pin the tail on the donkey. The website has all the printouts you need for this fun game that your kids will love to play.


Craft: Nativity Sun Catcher

This craft maybe better for 2nd and older. It is a little complicated and would need some prep work behind it but is very cool and something they can hang in their house for years to come.


Campus(es): ,

December 8

Unit: God’s People in Egypt

Session Titles: Joseph Saved His Family

Story Point: God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant

Big Picture Question: Is there anything God cannot do? God can do all things according to His character

Unit Bible Verse: “I have been the Lord your God ever since the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and no Savior exists besides me.” Hosea 13:4

Bible Passage: Genesis 42-46; 50

Object: Heavy Box

When you think of a soul, it brings to mind images of light and uplifting thoughts. Over time, misdeeds and sins weigh down the soul and make it heavy. You can teach your youngster about the importance of forgiveness by demonstrating the heavy soul and how much easier it is to carry around when it forgives and is forgiven. Start with an empty shoe box and get your kiddo to hold the box. Ask her how it feels: “Is it light or heavy?” and “Would it be hard to carry this empty box around?” Of course it would be easy. Next, add two or three rocks to the box and hand it over to your youngster again. Ask the same questions. This time, there’s a little bit of weight in the box, but not enough to make it an impossible task. Continue on until the box is just too much to carry easily. Now you can explain the similarities between a heavy soul and the heavy box. Forgiveness is important because it keeps the soul uplifted and prevents it from being weighted down.


Craft: Forgiveness Gift

Forgiveness isn’t something that can be taken; you may not be able to see it or touch it, but it’s a gift that you can give to someone and a wonderful gift to receive, too. Help your kiddo turn an ordinary gift box into the prettiest gift box she’s ever seen. Wrap the lid and box separately in decorative wrapping paper, and then pull out the craft supplies and let your little artist take over. She can adorn the box with bows, ribbons, glitter and anything else she can find. When the gift box is complete, help her think of something that has upset her recently and help her forgive. Write the words “I forgive” and then the scenario on a piece of paper and place it in the gift box. She can give the box to someone or place it in a special area in the home. Come back to the activity every once in a while and add more forgiveness notes to the box.


Craft: Grain-ola

You will just have to go off the picture for how this is made but it looks like granola and then M and M’s put in a bag with a tag on it that says “Grain-ola” and then the weekly verse on the back of the tag.


Game: Try Try Again

A game that talks about forgiveness and how it is not as easy as anticipated.

Source: The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry

Campus(es): ,

December 1

Unit: God’s People in Egypt

Session Titles: Joseph Sent to Egypt/Joseph Explained Dreams

Story Point: Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery/God gave Joseph power to understand dreams

Big Picture Question: Is there anything God cannot do? God can do all things according to His character

Unit Bible Verse: ““I have been the Lord your God ever since the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and no Savior exists besides me.” Hosea 13:4

Bible Passage: Genesis 37; 39-41

Craft: The Baker

Make a baker out of a paper bag to remind the children of the story this week. This craft would be better for younger kids but is a little involved so more like 2nd and 3rd grade.


Craft: Bubble Wrap Sheep

This is a cute craft to make a sheep to go with the memory verse. You could make the sheep like the website says and then either write the memory verse on the back or maybe put a magnet on the back.


Game: Out of the Pit (Jail)

The instructions are on the JPG below. I would suggest if you have a bigger class have two of this game going at the same time. Also be very careful with how high the pit/jail gets.

(Attach JPG) – Coming Soon

Source: The Humongous book of games for Children’s Ministry

Craft: Joseph and His Coat

Create Joseph’s coat to make the verse, Genesis 37:3


Game: Color Elimination

As the children arrive in class write down on small pieces of paper different things they are wearing and what color they are. For example, you can write white socks, blue pants, red dress, orange hair clip, red flowers on shirt, pink shirt with blue stripes, brown shoes, etc.  You can also use the color of their hair and eyes. Put all the pieces of paper in a bag.  Have all the children stand up. Give each child a turn to pick a piece of paper from the bag and then read what it says.  If a child is wearing something that is picked from the bag, he or she has to sit down. Keep playing until only one child is standing up.


Illustration: Box

God Has a Plan for You

Items Needed: An empty box

Scripture: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

Let me show you all what I have today. What is it? It’s an empty box!

What can you do with an empty box? Well, since it’s career night, lets give this box a job. We can stand it up on it’s side and pretend that it is a refrigerator! But wait……if we really use it for that, then all the food we put in will begin to spoil and stink up the place. OK, we can lay it flat, climb in it and use it for a car! But wait….I’m too big to fit in the box. I’d crush it! Besides, it has no wheels……we wouldn’t get very far. I know! I’ll use it for a hat! But wait…..the box is too big for my head, and it really isn’t very stylish. Hmmm…..maybe this box just doesn’t have a job, or purpose.

But this box has to have a purpose it was made for something! It is best used when it is used as it was designed! You can put things in the box and store things in it! That is what this box was made for! It is only really of value to me if I can use it for what I designed it for!

This box is a lot like you and me, kids. God says in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” God has a plan for our lives. He has a job just for us! We might try to live our lives the way we want to, but we will only really be of great value to anyone when we are doing what God has planned for us. He has a very important plan for each of us, and God wants us to find it and fulfill it–all with His help, of course! When we discover what God’s plans are for us, we find great joy in being what God made us to be. As a matter of fact, we’ll find a lot of satisfaction in doing things we never dreamed of.


Craft: Gods Plan Box

Kids will create a memory box to help them remember God’s plan for them.

Scripture: Psalm 33:11
You’ll Need: One box per child, wrapping paper, decorating supplies, and a Bible

Have kids cover their boxes with wrapping paper and decorate them with stickers, markers, or other supplies. Make sure kids leave their boxes so they can be opened. Encourage kids to use their boxes to store things that remind them of how God used challenging times to do great things in their lives. For example, they could put in a ribbon from a sports competition to remind them of the good that came from practicing hard.

After the boxes are made, read aloud the Scripture.

• What does this Scripture say about God’s plans for you?
• What are the amazing things God has already done for you?


Baby Jesus Ornaments








Campus(es): ,

November 24

Unit: The Nation Grew

Session Titles: Jacob’s New Name

Story Point: God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, the name of God’s covenant people

Big Picture Question: Does God keep His promises?  God always keeps His promises because He is faithful

Unit Bible Verse: “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land.” Genesis 28:15

Bible Passage: Genesis 32-33

Craft: Thankful Sunflower

I did this craft last year and it was a hit!!! Basically what I did was have the petals drawn on pieces of yellow paper, give each child two and have them write things or people they are thankful for. Then they will cut out the petals. They will glue them on to a paper plate. Then you can have circles for the middle and they can glue sunflower seeds down. And then last is the green Popsicle stick for the stem. You will want to do this at the beginning of class so they have time to dry before the end of class.


Game: Thankful Scattegories Game (3rd-5th)

Play a game of Thankful Scattegories.

Step #1 – Take a sheet of paper, list the alphabet in two rows as seen in the picture to the left of this. Make enough copies for each guest to have one

Step #2 – Ask each student to fill in the sheet using each  letter to describe something they are thankful for.

Step #3 – Go around the room or table and share what each person wrote for each letter. If anyone has the same answer as another person , cross it off, and the person with the highest number of NOT crossed off items WINS .  Add a little more fun with prizes for the winners.  We found this fun game idea  on


Game: Thanksgiving Minute to Win It Games

The website below has a lot of minute to win it games that are Thanksgiving themed. They are also low on the supply side of things as well.


Gratitude Project a Day

Come up with the students something they can do every day the week of Thanksgiving. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1- Today write a letter letting your teachers know how much you appreciate them.

2- Don’t take things for granted, find something today that you can give to someone who needs it more.

3-Today, find a way to serve your neighbor.

4-Do something nice and totally unexpected for another member of your family

5-Write a letter to someone who has had a big influence in your life.

6- Say “thank you” at least 10 times today.

7- Write 5 Thank You notes today, and MAIL THEM (email does NOT count!)

8- Bake a special treat for someone in your life who you truly appreciate.

9- Give someone a HUG!

10- Do a chore today without being asked.

Craft: Jacob Peek-A-Boo Card


12×18 white construction paper

Star stickers



  1. Pass out a sheet of paper to each child.
  2. Fold paper in half, length-wise.
  3. NOTE:  For best results when performing steps 3 and 5 (below), write the letter “a” first in each word, so that they are exactly on top of each other.
  4. In large bubble letters, write “Jacob” on folded half of paper. Draw Jacob on left side of paper. (See picture on website.)
  5. Open paper.
  6. In large bubble letters, write “Israel” on folded half of paper. Draw Israel (same person) on right side of paper. (See picture on website.)
  7. Cut ‘a’ out of the word “Jacob” only.
  8. Color “Jacob” and “Israel” papers.
  9. Open paper.
  10. Stick (or draw) stickers around the word “Israel” and a star inside the ‘a.’ (See picture on website.)
  11. Write “Genesis 32:28” at the bottom of the “Jacob” paper. (See picture on website)


Game: New Name

For this game, each person should choose a new name. We’ll stand in a circle and take turns telling our new names. You’ll want to remember as many as you can!

Guide kids to tell their new names. Explain that you will start the game by saying, “Hi. I’m (new name). Next up is (another person’s new name.)” That child will do the same. She will say, “Hi. I’m (new name). Next up is (another person’s new name.)” Any person who doesn’t answer when her name is called, calls out a name that isn’t in the circle, or can’t think of a new name within three seconds must sit down. Play until one child remains. You may choose new names and play again if time remains.


Baby Jesus Ornaments








Campus(es): ,

November 17

Unit: The Nation Grew

Session Titles: Jacob and Rachel

Story Point: Laban tricked Jacob into marrying Leah and Rachel

Big Picture Question: Does God keep His promises?  God always keeps His promises because He is faithful

Unit Bible Verse: “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go and will bring you back to this land.” Genesis 28:15

Bible Passage: Genesis 29-31

Craft: Folded Rachel and Jacob Picture


White Typing Paper



  • The Bible teacher or the student can fold a paper lengthwise and cut along the folded edge to create papers for two students.
  • Folding carefully, make edges meet in the middle and fold.  (See picture above.)
  • Open the paper flat.
  • Draw Jacob on one side near the edge pointing outside.  Draw Rachel the same way. (See picture website.)
  • Draw the well in the middle and the sheep all around, completing with green hills. (See picture on website).
  • Turn paper over and draw “14 years” in the middle of the paper. (See picture on website)
  • Fold the paper so that Jacob and Rachel meet in the middle (See picture on website)


Game: Circle Trickery

Children can join in a large circle. Send one person out of the room and several children can put face veils (bandanas) over their faces and bring the child back into the room to try and be “tricked” with who is behind the veil. Let each child try to guess 3 people and then send another person out of the room and continue to play as time allows. Children can try to trick the one guessing by not speaking or speaking in a different voice, etc.


Game: Word Scrambling

Scramble words from today’s lesson, such as Laban, Jacob, Leah, Rachel, promises, faithful, trust, etc and let children put the letters in the correct order on a poster that is labeled PROMISES. This scrambling can either be done with letters for each word in an envelope to be glued in the correct order on the poster board, or written on a slip of paper for children to write the letters in the right order.


Craft: Promise Acrostics

The teacher can write PROMISES down the left side of a piece of paper for each student. Tell children to write a word next to each letter that starts with that letter, for ideas of how to keep promises.


Craft: Thankful Sunflower

I did this craft last year and it was a hit!!! Basically what I did was have the petals drawn on pieces of yellow paper, give each child two and have them write things or people they are thankful for. Then they will cut out the petals. They will glue them on to a paper plate. Then you can have circles for the middle and they can glue sunflower seeds down. And then last is the green Popsicle stick for the stem. You will want to do this at the beginning of class so they have time to dry before the end of class.


Game: Thankful Scattegories Game (3rd-5th)

Play a game of Thankful Scattegories.

Step #1 – Take a sheet of paper, list the alphabet in two rows as seen in the picture to the left of this. Make enough copies for each guest to have one

Step #2 – Ask each student to fill in the sheet using each  letter to describe something they are thankful for.

Step #3 – Go around the room or table and share what each person wrote for each letter. If anyone has the same answer as another person , cross it off, and the person with the highest number of NOT crossed off items WINS .  Add a little more fun with prizes for the winners.  We found this fun game idea  on


Game: Thanksgiving Minute to Win It Games

The website below has a lot of minute to win it games that are Thanksgiving themed. They are also low on the supply side of things as well.


Gratitude Project a Day

Come up with the students something they can do every day the week of Thanksgiving. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1- Today write a letter letting your teachers know how much you appreciate them.

2- Don’t take things for granted, find something today that you can give to someone who needs it more.

3-Today, find a way to serve your neighbor.

4-Do something nice and totally unexpected for another member of your family

5-Write a letter to someone who has had a big influence in your life.

6- Say “thank you” at least 10 times today.

7- Write 5 Thank You notes today, and MAIL THEM (email does NOT count!)

8- Bake a special treat for someone in your life who you truly appreciate.

9- Give someone a HUG!

10- Do a chore today without being asked.

Campus(es): ,

November 10

Unit: The Nation Grew

Session Titles: Jacob and Esau

Story Point: Rebekah and Jacob tricked Isaac into blessing Jacob

Big Picture Question: Does God keep His promises?  God always keeps His promises because He is faithful

Unit Bible Verse: “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land.” Genesis 28:15

Bible Passage: Genesis 27-28

Game: Sweeper Relay

The PDF attached will explain how to play this game. You will need to look in the lower portion to see how to apply this to the story of Jacob and Esau.

Source: Super, Duper, Fun and Exciting, Absolutely Thought Provoking Bible Activities for Kids

Sweeper Relay PDF

Game: Whats Different

The PDF attached will explain how to play this game. You will need to look in the lower portion to see how to apply this to the story of Jacob and Esau.

Source: Super, Duper, Fun and Exciting, Absolutely Thought Provoking Bible Activities for Kids

What’s Different PDF

Craft: Sun Catcher

The PDF attached will explain how to make this craft. You will need to look in the lower portion to see how to apply this to the story of Jacob and Esau.

Source: Super, Duper, Fun and Exciting, Absolutely Thought Provoking Bible Activities for Kids

Sun Catcher PDF

Game: Oops

A great game to help students learn the memory verse for the week as well as teaching them about being kind and compassionate

Source: Making Scripture Memory Fun

Campus(es): ,

November 3

Unit: God Formed a Nation

Session Titles: God’s Promise to Isaac

Story Point: God’s covenant with Abraham continued with Isaac’s family

Big Picture Question: Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful and does everything for His glory and our good.

Unit Bible Verse: “And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:29

Bible Passage: Genesis 25-26

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Craft: Promise Mobile

All the instructions as well as the template for the mobile are in the link below.


Game: Well Relay

Divide the children into teams and play a relay, as children run to a table, drink a Dixie cup of juice or water and run back to the next player. Continue to play until all the children have had a chance to play.


Campus(es): ,

October 27

Unit: God Formed a Nation

Session Titles: Isaac and Rebekah

Story Point: God gave Isaac a wife to keep His covenant with Abraham

Big Picture Question: Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful and does everything for His glory and our good.

Unit Bible Verse: “And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:29

Bible Passage: Genesis 24

Extras from LifeWay (GREAT Ideas Here): http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/leaderextras/by-age-group/

Craft: Tent Building

Give children supplies to build a tent. Supplies will be craft sticks to tie together at the top in a teepee type of tent and cover with their choice of a piece of colorful cloth. Small mini twigs and be glued together and a little wadded up piece of yellow or orange tissue paper stuck in the twig pile to represent a little campfire outside their tent. Let children talk about today’s story and God’s provisions for us as well.


Game: Well Relay

Divide the children into teams and play a relay, as children run to a table, drink a dixie cup of juice or water and run back to the next player. Continue to play until all the children have had a chance to play.


Object Lesson: Camel

Show the children a picture of a camel (6-15, Rebekah at the Well, 62160; or The Wise Men, Gospel Art Picture Kit 203; 62120). Explain that though a camel can go for days without a drink of water, in the summer a camel may drink five gallons of water a day. Imagine how many trips Rebekah made to the well to fill her pitcher to draw water for ten camels to have enough to drink. Point out how willing Rebekah was to serve others. Have the children draw several pitchers on a piece of paper and write in each one something they would be willing to do to serve someone else.


Campus(es): ,